

Генри Бауманн

One Cut

Henry Baumann

source: highlike

Work: Giving new life to materials that others have discarded, designer henry baumann has transformed wooden cable drums, commonly found on building sites into the ‘one cut’ spiral. the sculptural installation is formed using only slice through the original material, ensuring that there are no unwanted leftovers. the project is based on the concept of creating something new without acquiring any additional waste, or needing many alterations or additions done to it. the re-appropriated drums were too big and heavy for one person to handle, they needed to be cut in order to be made manageable. by incorporating the wooden round plates with a spiral cut, baumann was able to make a new formation, yet still respect the integrity of the original object. the only element added to the original material to hold it altogether was a little bit of glue.
Photographer: Kristof Vrancken
source: henrybaumannde

Henry Baumann graduated 2012. Inspired by the process of his final project, he is now on further research changing materials and objects.
Within the context of Toegepast 18, Baumann will expand upon the idea that he developed for the 130 strawberry boxes project. And once again he will be giving new life to unwanted materials considered to be waste products. This time he will be creating products from giant spools used for electricity cables for public works. In his projects, Baumann reflects upon our patterns of consumption and the way we deal with waste. These ideas come from his fascination for nature, the way we interact with our world and with each other. Baumann believes that our human relationship, just like our attitude to waste, should be and must be more sustainable. It is not only in the creation of the latest new product that Baumann sees the challenge of doing something with everything there is, and to discover the hidden potential of materials.
source: youtube

Henry Baumann (°1977) is a man of the world: born in Germany, studied in the Netherlands, resident of Portugal and now taking part in Toegepast 18 in Belgium. Within the context of Toegepast 18, Baumann will expand upon the idea that he developed for the 130 strawberry boxes project. And once again he will be giving new life to unwanted materials considered to be waste products. This time he will be creating products from giant spools used for electricity cables for public works. In his projects, Baumann reflects upon our patterns of consumption and the way we deal with waste. These ideas come from his fascination for nature, the way we interact with our world and with each other. Baumann believes that our human relationship, just like our attitude to waste, should be and must be more sustainable. It is not only in the creation of the latest new product that Baumann sees the challenge of doing something with everything there is, and to discover the hidden potential of materials.
source: toegepast18

Henry Baumann (°1977) is een man van de wereld: hij werd geboren in Duitsland, studeerde in Nederland, woonde in Portugal en neemt nu in België deel aan Toegepast 18.Binnen het kader van Toegepast 18 bouwt Baumann verder op het ideeëngoed dat hij voor het project 130 strawberry boxes ontwikkelde. Ook nu weer geeft hij een materiaal dat als afval beschouwd wordt, en dus geen aandacht krijgt, een nieuw leven. Dit keer creëert hij producten uit de gigantische houten haspels, die bij openbare werken voor elektriciteitsdraden worden gebruikt. In zijn projecten reflecteert Baumann over onze consumptiepatronen, en de manier waarop we omgaan met afval. Deze ideeën vloeien voort uit zijn fascinatie voor de natuur, onze omgang met de aarde en met elkaar. Want volgens Baumann zouden ook onze menselijke relaties, net als onze omgang met producten, duurzamer kunnen en moeten zijn. Meer dan in het creëren van het zoveelste nieuwe product ziet Baumann er een uitdaging in om iets te doen met iets dat er al is, om het verborgen potentieel van materialen aan te boren.
source: designboom

giving new life to materials that others have discarded, designer henry baumann has transformed wooden cable drums, commonly found on building sites into the ‘one cut’ spiral. the sculptural installation is formed using only slice through the original material, ensuring that there are no unwanted leftovers. the project is based on the concept of creating something new without acquiring any additional waste, or needing many alterations or additions done to it. the re-appropriated drums were too big and heavy for one person to handle, they needed to be cut in order to be made manageable. by incorporating the wooden round plates with a spiral cut, baumann was able to make a new formation, yet still respect the integrity of the original object. the only element added to the original material to hold it altogether was a little bit of glue.
source: albertobossard

Henry Baumann es un diseñador inspirado en el proceso de sus proyectos, y ahora está en la investigación de nuevas materias y objetos cambiantes.

En sus proyectos, Baumann reflexiona sobre nuestros patrones de consumo y la manera de tratar con los residuos. Estas ideas provienen de su fascinación por la naturaleza, la forma en que interactuamos con nuestro mundo y con los demás.

Dando nueva vida a los materiales que otros han desechado, el diseñador Henry Baumann ha transformado tambores para cable de madera, que se encuentran comúnmente en las obras de construcción, en una espiral de ‘un corte’. La instalación escultural se forma utilizando sólo una rebanada a través del material original, asegurándose de que no haya restos no deseados. El proyecto se basa en el concepto de crear algo nuevo sin necesidad de adquirir cualquier desecho adicional, o que necesiten muchas alteraciones o adiciones hechas al mismo. Los tambores de re-apropiación eran demasiado grandes y pesados para una sola persona, y tenían que ser cortados con el fin de hacerse manejable. Mediante la incorporación de las placas redondas de madera con un corte en espiral, Baumann fue capaz de hacer una nueva formación, y aún así respetar la integridad del objeto original. El único elemento añadido al material original, para mantener la estructura, fue un poco de pegamento.
source: uwofo

有人说,所谓垃圾就是放错地方的财富。照这样讲,喜欢勾心斗角的人都应该去当官吧。闲话少说,很多地方都有用过的绕线缆的木盘子,一般来说它们用完后就被拆解废弃了。不过设计师 henry baumann选择给这些东西赋予新的生命。他先使用螺旋切割的办法将木盘切割,然后再从新组装粘贴,这样就形成了下面图片中的奇特的像牛角的椅子和吊灯。
