
Ila Bêka & Louise Lemoine

Koolhaas Houselife


source: highlike

Work: Koolhaas Houselife, a film by Ila Bêka & Louise Lemoine.
Koolhaas Houselife portrays one of the masterpieces of contemporary architecture: the Maison à Bordeaux built by Rem Koolhaas/OMA. The film lets the viewer enter into the house’s daily intimacy through the stories and daily chores of Guadalupe Acedo, the housekeeper, and the other people who look after the building. Pungent, funny and touching.
source: blogscotemaisonfr

L’architecte et artiste Ila Bêka ainsi que la cinéaste Louise Lemoine, ont décidé en 2008 de réaliser une série de film, « Living Architectures ». « Living Architectures » cherche à développer une façon différente de regarder l’architecture, plus vivante, plus « habitée »

« Koolhass House Life » est le premier des films de cette série, et nous fait visiter un des chefs d’œuvres d’architecture contemporaine, une maison à Bordeaux conçue par Rem Koolhaas…

Son propriétaire est en fauteuil roulant depuis un accident de voiture dans lequel il a failli perdre la vie.
Cette maison, qui est une merveille d’ingénierie, fut donc conçue avec des murs qui bougent, des lits qui se lèvent, des plateformes automatisées pour lui offrir une liberté de mouvement complète.

Ila Bêka et Louise Lemoine laissent le téléspectateur entrer dans l’intimité de cette maison en suivant les tâches ménagères de Guadalupe Acedo, la gouvernante. Un regard inhabituel et imprévisible des espaces et de la structure du bâtiment.
source: cineartcokr

콜하스 하우스라이프 Koolhaas Houselife (2008)
감독 일랴 베카, 루이즈 르무안 | 다큐멘터리 | digibeta | 60분 | 프랑스 | 컬러

렘 콜하스의 1998년 작품인 프랑스 보르도 주택을 배경으로 한 다큐멘터리다. 그러나 이 영화의 주인공은 세계적인 스타 건축사인 렘 콜하스나, 또는 비평가들의 찬사를 받았던 보르도 주택이 아니다. 이 영화는 보르도 주택을 답사하는 단체 관광객들의 모습에서 시작해, 주택 구석구석을 관리하는 뚱뚱한 중년의 가정부 과달루페 아세도를 중심으로 펼쳐진다. ‘신발’ ‘커튼’ ‘계단’ 등의 제목이 달린 작은 에세이의 모음과도 같은 구성은 과달루페가 집안 일을 하면서 부딪힐 수밖에 없는 여러 요소들을 보여준다. 즉 이 영화는 하나의 건축물이 그것을 사용하는 사람과 평상시에 어떤 식으로 관계를 맺는지, 그리고 일상적인 차원에서 건축물이 어떻게 인간에게 친밀성을 구현하게 되는지에 관심을 갖는다. 나선형의 좁은 계단은 과달루페가 자유롭고 자연스럽게 움직이기에는 불편하며, 거대한 공간에서 사용자의 동선을 돕기 위해 설치된 전동 장치들은 자주 고장을 일으킨다. 창문과 경사로, 조이스틱과 자동장치 등 이 주택을 구성하고 있는 모든 작은 하나하나의 요소들이 과달루페의 발걸음에따라 집중적으로 조명된다. 아무리 세계적인 스타 건축사가 설계한 공간이라 하더라도, 그래서 주택의 내부와 외관 모두 파격적인 디자인과 공간 구성을 갖추고 있다 하더라도 결점은 발견된다. 빗물이 새는 벽면의 구멍들과 녹이 슬 위험이 있는 재료들은 변화와 정비를 필요로 한다. 경쾌한 음악과 담백한 영상, 유머러스한 편집이 돋보이는 편안한 작품이다.

연출 | 일랴 베카 & 루이즈 르무안 Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine

이탈리아 출신의 일랴 베카는 파리에서 살고 있는 건축사이자 영화감독, 비디오 아티스트이다. 루이즈 르무안은 파리 소르본에서 영화와 철학을 공부했다. 이들은 ‘살아있는 건축(Living Architecture)’이라는 제목으로 일련의 건축 다큐멘터리 작업을 진행해오고 있다. 이들은 대다수 건축 영화와는 달리 주로 프리츠커 상을 수상한 스타 건축사들이 설계한 건물들이 인간과 맺는 관계에 초점을 맞춘 작품들을 만들어왔다. 2010년
source: architekturapl

Dom w Bordeaux (Villa Floriac) zaprojektowany przez Rema Koolhaasa stał się ikoną nowoczesnego stylu – jak zresztą prawie wszystko, co wychodzi spod jego ręki. Ukończony w 1998 roku został zaprojektowany z myślą o poruszającym się na wózku inwalidzkim właścicielu, któremu nowe miejsce miało na nowo „zdefiniować świat“, a w zasadzie – przestrzeń życiową, bo tak należy chyba rozumieć słowa, którymi określił zadanie dla architekta.

W efekcie tego specyficznego zamówienia powstał obiekt szczególny, pełen zaskakujących rozwiązań zarowno formalnych jak i technologicznych. I o tym wszystkim opowiada film dwojga dokumentalistów – Ila Beka oraz Louise Lemoine.

Para filmowców, mająca już na koncie dwa inne filmy o architekturze współczesnej (o Richardzie Meierze oraz Herzogu & de Meuronie) przyjrzała się nie tyle oryginalnej konstrukcji budowli, co jego równie interesującej koncepcji funkcjonowania.

Przewodnikiem po codziennym życiu stała się gosposia właścicieli, za którą twórcy filmu podążali z kamerą przez kolejne dni, odkrywając uroki „życia w ikonie“.
source: architonic

“For example up there, what’s holding it up? Okay, it’s a wall, but that’s not supporting anything…. I hope it all doesn’t come tumbling down one day. It just hangs there, you see”. Shaking her head in incomprehension Guadalupe Acedo, housekeeper at the Maison à Bordeaux, sops up the water which trickles down through the open roof of this architectural masterwork. She is the protagonist of this highly unusual architectural documentary film by Ila Bêka and Louise Lemôine.

Guadalupe Acedo is the housekeeper of the Koolhaas house
In 1998 the owner of the Maison à Bordeaux, who is wheelchair-bound as the result of an accident, commissioned Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas to build him a dwelling of a very special kind – one that would be suited to the requirements of its disabled owner and yet at the same time represent the aesthetic standards of contemporary architecture. The result was a series of architectural and technical curiosities such as, for example, the elevating platform via which each of the three floors can be accessed, or the ‘joystick’, an illuminated, slightly phallic plastic lever which serves as a door opener but unfortunately gave up the ghost at the time the film was made. On her way past Guadalupe shakes her head in disapproval. And from time to time we hear her mutter: “If I had a lot of money I wouldn´t buy a house like this one.”

Maison á Bordeaux
This time we are not dealing with the stylised, tidy photos which are intended to introduce the observer in a refined aesthetic manner to apparently unoccupied houses. Instead it is the charming Guadalupe who squeezes through the narrow stairways with her vacuum cleaner and through whose eyes we get to know this architectural icon with all its fascinations and peculiarities.

“Two systems are colliding”
However, in spite of many amusing moments the Koolhaas Houselife documentary isn’t a parody – the film derives its humorous scenes more from the impact which results when two worlds collide with each other, a conflict which is displayed without comment.

Rem Koolhaas was clearly surprised by Guadalupe’s view of the house: ‘You can observe the collision here between two systems: the system of the platonic conception of house cleaning and the system of the platonic conception of architecture.’
source: we-make-money-not-art

The blockbuster of the Venice Biennale of Architecture is a quirky 58 minute film by Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine.

Koolhaas Houselife visits one of the masterpieces of contemporary architecture: the Maison à Bordeaux designed in 1998 by Rem Koolhaas / OMA.

The Dutch architect designed this house on three levels with moving walls and sliding floors. The lower level is carved from the hillside as a series of caverns, and serves for communal family life. The middle level of glass is designed to accommodate the husband, who is confined to a wheelchair. The third level is divided into sections for the husband, wife, and children. At the center of each level is an elevator platform that moves up and down between levels.

The movie engages with the Biennale’s theme ‘Out there – architecture beyond buildings’ by trying to uncover what happens after a house that has been plastered all over the glossy magazines is left in the hands of the owners.

The peculiarity of the movie is that it presents this icon of contemporary architecture through the eyes of Guadalupe Acedo, the cleaning lady, and the other people who look after the building. The charming and devoted cleaning lady struggles with the heavy curtains, the narrow staircase, the either oddly shaped or gigantic glass panels, etc. Clearly this house has not been designed for the people who have the bad idea to live outside of architecture magazines. Once in a while you can hear Guadalupe whisper gems such as: ‘If I had money, I would not build a house like this.’

One of the highlights of the video is this snippet of interview which shows a Koolhaas surprised by Guadalupe’s take and treatment of his building: ‘You see here two systems colliding: the system of the platonic conception of cleaning with the platonic conception of architecture.’

I’m with you Guadalupe! i lived 3 years in an ‘architectural masterpiece’, waking up to the sound of tourists ringing my doorbell to get a sneak peek at the inside of the house, trying to figure out where to buy furniture that would fit the stupidly curvy walls and being burgled every single year because the alarm system was so delicate that we had to turn it off most of the time for fear that it would drill holes through the heads of the whole neighbourhood when we got up at night to visit the bathroom.

Guadalupe’s experience also reminded me of the Vitra Fire Station in Weil am Rhein. I visited the place a few years ago with a local guide who explained us that it had been designed by Zaha Hadid as a working firehouse within the Vitra furniture design and manufacturing complex. However, the firemen found the building impossible to live and work in. Now the edifice is used by Vitra as a showplace for part of its permanent collection of chairs. Looks great on images though!
source: coolboomnet

Koolhaas HouseLife is a film of one of the masterpieces of contemporary architecture of recent years: the Maison Bordeaux designed by Rem Koolhaas.

Unlike most movies about architecture, this documentary focuses less on explaining the building, its structure and its virtuosity than on letting the viewer enter into the invisible bubble of the daily chores of Guadalupe Acedo, the home´s caretaker and housekeeper, and the other people who look after the building.
source: neo2es

Una película de Ila Bêka y Louise Lemoine, Francia (2008)
Koolhaas HouseLife se trata de un documental sobre una de las obras arquitectónicas de referencia en la arquitectura contemporánea de los últimos años. La Maison à Bordeaux diseñada por Rem Koolhaas /OMA en 1998. A diferencia de la mayoría de películas sobre arquitectura, este documental se concentra menos en la explicación del edificio, en su estructura y su virtuosidad, y más en permitir al espectador entrar en la burbuja invisible de la vida diaria e íntima de un icono de la arquitectura. Como en cualquier casa, la Maison à Bordeaux es un lugar de pluralidad con su componente de caos, mantenimiento, desgaste y de cambios diversos a los que está constantemente sujeta.
El trabajo de Ila Bêka y Louise Lemoine nos ofrece un retrato de lo real y la vitalidad cambiante de uno de esos monumentos que creemos inmortal. Esto se realiza a través de las historias diarias de Guadalupe Acedo, el ama de llaves, y otra gente que llevan el mantenimiento del edificio. A través de la interacción con Guadalupe, se genera una mirada inusual e impredicible a los espacios y estructuras del edificio.
source: blogdaumnet

최근 LA의 Hammer Museum은 1998년 이래 House of Bordeaux를 유지관리 하여온 청소 아주머니 Guadalupe Acedo를 따라 제작한 Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoîne의 위트 넘치는 다큐멘터리 “Koolhaas Houselife”를 상영하였다. 이 집의 멋진 캔틸레버도 인상적이나, 중심적 생각은 지체부자유 상태인 고객을 위한 중앙의 엘리베이터와 크기와 위치다 다양한 원형 창문이다. 이 영화는 휠체어 엘리베이터의 집에서의 중심적 요소를 보여주고 있다.