
Imme Van der Haak


Siamese socks and Elastic Minds

Imme Van der Haak Siamese socks and Elastic Minds

source: devblogartsthread

Elastic Minds, a project by Imme van der Haak, questions the definition of ‘normal’. With photographs, video and products such as Siamese socks, this designer makes transformations to the human body a reality and comments on the existing idea of beauty.
source: immevanderhaaknl

Imme van der Haak is born and raised in Arnhem, the Netherlands. Imme went on to graduate in 2010 from Artez, the academy of arts in the same city. Following this, she moved to London to begin studying a master in Product Design at London’s reputable Royal College of Art where she graduated in 2012.

Imme’s work is playfull, yet subtle in its approach. She constantly strives to question and challenge our perception of what is ‘normal’, focusing on the everyday, which we might take for granted.

Imme is currently available for freelance, full time and collaborative work.