

pedal powered un-knitting machine

source: tuttogreenit

La prima macchina a pedali per letteralmente “disfare la maglia”, adatta cioè a riportare al gomitolo originale vecchi maglioni di lana che non usate più e che molto probabilmente verrebbero gettati (nei contenitori dei raccogli abiti , ci raccomandiamo) quando invece potrebbero essere riutilizzati ex novo come materia prima per nuovi maglioni.

Vediamo insieme come funziona questa macchina…

L’idea ed il prototipo che vedete nel video sotto è venuta alla Imogen Hedges, una casa di creativi londinesi che ha notato che i charity shop locali spendono ore per disfare a mano i maglioni e per rivendere poi la lana ricavata e quindi ha pensato ad un modo di rendere più facile il tutto, un vero e proprio riciclo creativo

Che ne dite? la utilizzereste? Probabilmente il singolo no, ma chi fa charity davvero in maniera seria un pensierino potrebbe farcelo.
source: fashionfuturebyanikablogspot

Meet the un-knitting machine. Imogen Hedges, a London based furniture-product designer, created this pedal-powered un-knitter to recycle unwanted knitwear. After a discovery that charity shops spend countless hours unraveling knitwear by hand, an idea was born. Imogen says “they can make more money out of selling the wool than they can from the sweater”.

This contraption is built around an old bicycle, has a seat and allows for wool and other continuous fibre yarns to be un-spun along the circumference of a wheel. The yarn passes through the steam of an electric kettle to remove kinks and winds up on a hand-cranked spindle. Clever. Ugly sweaters no more, a quick stint on the un-knitter yields balls of yarn ready for re-knitting.

This machine does so much more than just unravel yarn. It restores a sense of value and meaning to consumer products by reconnecting the mode of production with the individual. It promotes the type of behaviour change needed to develop more sustainable consumption practices.

Thank you Imogen Hedges.
source: trendhunter

The Un-Knitting Machine is eco-friendly on a number of levels. It is a unique device that utilizes parts of a bicycle to unravel old, unused woollen clothes in order for the yarn to be fashioned into something else. The Un-Knitting Machine not only upcycles both bikes and clothing, it uses pedal power to complete its task.

The creator behind the unusual invention, Kingston University design student Imogen Hedges, was inspired to build the Un-Knitting Machine after discovering that some charity shops devote hours to unravelling home-knitted jumpers. Essentially, to use the Un-Knitting Machine, the un-knitter simply pushes the pedals to unravel the wool that simultaneously passes through steam coming out of a kettle before being collected on a spindle. The yarn can then be sold in piles.
source: jandannet

机器的发明者是一位来自伦敦金斯顿大学工业设计的学生—— Imogen Hedges. 设计的灵感来自于她发现很多慈善机构将大量的时间花费在将旧毛衣拆成毛线的工作上。毛线之后能够出售或是再利用。通过她的机器,这道工具变得简单而又迅速。


最后等所有线都拆出来了,一个类似鱼竿的曲柄就能把线缠成更小的线团。然后就可以拿出去卖了。 为什么我的脑子里会出现这个画面:屌丝给女神织毛衣,女神穿着毛衣找高帅富,高帅富丢掉毛衣给女神买大衣,拾荒阿姨捡到毛衣拆成毛线拿去卖,屌丝买了毛线给女神织毛衣。。。

source: vau-portalru

Любые вещи со временем выходят из моды и утрачивают красоту, поэтому заканчивают свой век в дальних углах шкафов или на мусорных свалках. Лондонский дизайнер Imogen Hedges, бабушка которой очень любила вязать свитера, для бакалаврской работы в Kingston University создала оригинальный аппарат Un-knitting Machine, возвращающий трикотажные изделия в их исходное состояние и помогающий размять ноги и руки долгими зимними вечерами.