Cybertecture Egg
source: jameslawcybertecture
Cybertecture is the revolutionary concept that provides a symbiotic relationship between the urban fabric and technology. Pioneered in 2001, Cybertecture forges both the hardware of the built environment and software systems and technologies from the micro to macro scales of development.
The genesis of Cybertecture is in response to man’s progress into the 21st century, where working and living environments need to adapt and evolve to cope with the demands of modern working life. It plays an integral part in this evolution by providing awareness and connectivity via seamless integration of technology into the fabric of space.
Cybertecture designs, from technology, products and interiors to systems, buildings and masterplans, allow flexibility and accessibility to inform, adapt, react, communicate, manipulate and control environments, whilst being sustainable and environmentally considered in application and context.
Cybertecture embraces the future through continuous innovation and evolution of design and technology. It provides a myriad of solutions, all of which are diverse in individual application but holistic to the overall user environment, and always being integrated with innovation being pursued.
Cybertecture is the logical progression in the evolution of design and technology. Innovating locally and affecting globally, it addresses the fundamentals of sustainable and balanced designs, with every step taken in consideration to local and global impact.
In a world fast growing and developing with limited resources, Cybertecture aims to create more awareness with healthier environments to live, work and play in.
source: arthitectural
In the 21st Century, what we will build will not be the same what we were building in the 20th Century. Buildings are no longer about concrete, steel and glass, but also the new intangible materials of technology, multimedia, intelligence and interactivity. Only be recognizing this will bring a new form of architecture to light – namely a “Cybertecture”. This project is a “Cybertecture” building and winner of the CNBC Asia Pacific Commercial Property Awards 2009 – The Architecture Award India. It brings together Iconic Architecture, Environmental Design, Intelligent Systems, New Engineering together to create the most innovative building for the city of Mumbai and for India in the 21st Century. This project is conceived together by the combined teams of James Law Cybertecture International and Ove Arup for Wadhwa Developers of India. The concept was inspired by looking at the world in terms of the planet being an ecosystem that allows life to evolve. The concept for this building is rather like planet earth, where a sustainable ecosystem is derived from an integrated and seamless Cybertecture that is evolving to give the building’s inhabitants the very best space to work in. The analogy to the form of the building is for the beautiful planet form to “land” on our site C70 in Mumbai, and creates a new Cybertecture ecosystem for people who will use this building. The form of the architecture is one that symbolizes with optimism about the future and of the 21st Century. The symbolic “planet” form is further stretched to cater for 10 levels of office accommodation, deriving a “Egg” shaped building. This “Egg” is further orientated and skewed at an angle to create both a strong visual language as well as to alleviate the solar gain of the building. By using this “Egg” shape, compared to a conventional building, this building has approximately 10-20% less surface area. The architecture is sleek and computer designed, with engineering that creates a building of extremely high quality and geometric sophistication. This building will act like a “jewel” for the new Central Business District of Mumbai, and a worthy neighbor to the esteemed neighboring buildings of the district.
source: animalworld
Гонконгская архитектурная компания James Law Cybertecture International ввела в обиход оригинальный термин – cybertecture, определяющий новый уровень современной архитектуры. По словам специалистов компании, в 21-м веке здания нужно строить не только из бетона, стали и стекла – эти традиционные материалы нужно органично соединить с мультимедийными интерактивными технологиями. Примером такого сверхсовременного здания стал проект Cybertecture Egg для индийского города Мумбаи. Постройка, возведенная по технологиям cybertecture, будет иметь вид гигантского яйца и станет символом нового этапа развития Индии в 21 веке.
Архитектурная концепция Cybertecture Egg основана на восприятии здания как отдельной самостоятельной планеты. Точно так же, как и Земля, здание будет иметь свои эко-системы в виде зеленых садов и свое население. Административно-офисное здание площадью 33 000 м² будет состоять из 13 надземных уровней со служебными помещениями и трех подземных, обеспечивающих 400 парковочных автомобильных мест. Кроме системы солнечных батарей и ветряных установок для использования природных ресурсов, Cybertecture Egg предусматривает большую площадь внутренних садов для дополнительного охлаждения здания и систему вторичной переработки воды для полива растений.
Каркас здания нетрадиционной формы будет выполнен по технологии diagrid exo, которая позволяет создавать гибкие пространства без внутренних перегородок. Кроме того, такая система сокращает использование строительных материалов примерно на 15 % по сравнению с традиционными ортогональными постройками.
Главным достоинством проекта Cybertecture Egg, помимо оригинальной формы и зеленых технологий, станет компьютерная система «умный дом». В частности, технология здоровья Cybertecture позволит обитателям здания контролировать свое кровяное давление и вес при помощи встроенных датчиков, расположенных во внутренних помещениях.
source: antiguopasalavida
Asombroso este edificio de oficinas con forma ovoide, tendrá trece pisos y estará situado en la ciudad de Mumbay (Bombay). Es un encargo que ha hecho la constructora india Vijay Associates al estudio de arquitectura James Law Cybertecture. El edificio estará construido en 2010 en el nuevo distrito de negocios de la ciudad india.