
James Yuxi Cao

A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains


source: caoyuxi
I am a Sound-Visual Artist&Coder based in NewYorkCity.I Graduated from the Department of Space design, China Central Academy of Fine Art in 2013. I love to design/collaborate/consult on interesting projects across the spectrum of sound-visualisation, programming&computing, Interactive and space design and most especially where those areas meet. I have freelanced on numerous design projects including space design, new media art installation and public art.In 2013 I founded the AXIStudio a new media interdisciplinary design studio in CHINA. I am currently working on the master fine art degree over computer art department in School of Visual Art based in New York City.
source: levfestival
Cao Yuxi es un joven artista chino, afincado en Nueva York, vinculado a la nueva ola de creadores audiovisuales de la escena new media, interesados por la visualización del sonido, la computación, la interactividad, el diseño, y todas sus confluencias.

James Yuxi aterriza en Gijón para presentar su performance audiovisual Macrocosm. Sincronismo, estética de ciencia ficción, sinestesia e imagen abstracta mezclados en un viaje desde lo infinitesimal a lo cósmico, donde las galaxias explotan y los agujeros negros se expanden y donde el sonido y la imagen de alta resolución se funden en un solo ser.
source: levfestival
Cao Yuxi is a young Chinese artist based in New York and with connections to a group of audiovisual creators belonging to the “New Media” scene. These artists are interested in the visualization of sound, computation, interactivity, design and all their confluence points.

James Yuxi will arrive in Gijón to present his audiovisual performance Macrocosm. Synchronism, science-fiction aesthetics, synesthesy and abstract images, all mixed up in a trip from the infinitesimal to the cosmic, full of exploding galaxies and expanding black holes, where high-resolution image and sound blend into one.