让 – 保罗·布迪厄
source: designboom
california-based photographer jean-paul bourdier has sent designboom images of his collection of photographs entitled ‘bodyscapes’,
of which he is gathering funding for a book of 240 works titled ‘leap into the blue’ in a kickstarter campaign you can find here.
bourdier concentrates on the beauty and geometry of the human body, combining landscape and flesh as a canvas to create a visual union,
with all of the images having been shot on site in analog photography, without the use of digital manipulation.
he explains his understanding, motivation and expression of the human form behind his compositions:
‘arising in each visual event conceived are the geometries generated by the body as a determinant of ‘negative space’—
not the background of the figure and the field surrounding it, but the space that makes composition and framing possible in photography.
as an organizer of space, the body also serves as a primary measuring unit, by which one perceives and constructs one’s environment.
such an approach can be linked to the practices of literally using the body as a first unit of measurement, which were not only common
to the building of vernacular architecture around the world but were also at work in the temples of India, Egypt and Greece, for example.’
intersecting many disciplines – photography, sculpture, performance, dance, land art, body art, design and acrobatics – the artist creates and
choreographs each vibrant piece with a strong philosophy directing each scene, using the medium of photography, known to capture the ‘real’,
to achieve the seemingly impossible, with thoughtful and surreal outcomes:
‘in working with the bare and painted body, I am also working with the demands and challenges of a body-mind state that I call ‘not two—many twos’.
for example, without clothes the body regains its undivided primary nature, being intricately part of the forces of the universe.
one and many. the visual works I come up with are thus a continual experiment of how we physically, rhythmically relate to this universe from the specific,
intimate bodyhouse.’
‘rather than being a mere recording of an encounter between event and photographer, the photograph is an event of its own: long prepared,
and yet full of unexpected moments; a still manifestation of an encounter between desert light, body light and camera eye.’
the ‘bodyscapes’ project, to now be documented in a publication, establishes a clear and unadulterated reverence to something shared by all,
creating corporeal experiences that extend beyond to that of the natural cosmos and defining the sometimes forgotten innate relationship with the two.
source: pix-geeks
Jean-Paul Bourdier est un photographe et architecte français qui a parcouru pas mal de chemin de l’Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Versailles à l’Université de Californie en passant par l’Université d’Illinois et le Sénégal.
Il a ramené de son périple une superbe série de photos intitulée Bodyscapes qui mélange photographies de paysages et bodypainting pour créer d’étonnantes illusions d’optiques. Une invitation au voyage et à la rêverie…
source: apenantioxthi
Ο Ζαν-Πωλ Bourdier, γεννημένος στην Γαλλία και καθηγητής αρχιτεκτονικής στο Κέντρο Μεσανατολικών Σπουδών στο Πανεπιστήμιο της Καλιφόρνια στο Μπέρκλεϊ, δημιούργησε την συλλογή φωτογραφιών ‘Bodyscapes’. Η συλλογή επικεντρώνεται στην ομορφιά και τη γεωμετρία του ανθρώπινου σώματος και χρησιμοποιεί σαν καμβά το τοπίο και τα γυμνά σώματα για να δημιουργήσει οπτική ένωση μεταξύ τους.
source: catherinelaroseblogspot
Jean-Paul Bourdier est un photographe français qui vit à Los Angeles, en Californie. Il est également architecte et peintre. Son terrain privilégié, la nature. Sa matière de prédilection, le corps. Son support, la photographie.
source: hipernovasdihitt
O fotógrafo francês Jean-Paul Bourdieu acredita que não há uma separação clara entre nós e o universo. Então ele faz questão de fazer com que as outras pessoas também tenham esta visão.
source: jeffersonkulig
Bodyscapes é um projeto incrível desenvolvido pelo fotografo Jean-Paul Bourdier utilizando sua habilidade com pintura e perspectivas de fotografia, e corpos humanos para criar imagens que resultam na integração perfeita entre corpos e paisagens naturais.
O artista já ganhou mais de 15 concursos em nível nacional e internacional com suas pinturas e fotografias. Além da fotografia, Bourdier já participou como designer de produção de sete filmes e co-direção de outros dois.
source: memobee
Jean Paul Bourdier merupakan fotografer Perancis yang telah memulai karirnya sejak 12 Tahun lalu ini mengabungkan keindahan alam dan keindahan tubuh manusia.
Foto-oto hasil Jean Paul Bourdier terkadang penuh dengan kontroversi karena di pandang terlalu bebas memperlihatkan bagian-bangian tubuh wanita yang menjadi modelnya.
Namun Jean Paul Bourdier beranggapan jika hasil karyanya ini merupakan karya seni tinggi yang dapat membawa pengalaman hidup puitis dan perspektif bebas.
source: confidencialcolombia
Arte, poesía y belleza son algunas palabras para referirse a las coloridas imágenes del artista francés Jean Paul Bourdier. “Bodyscapes” es el nombre del trabajo que entre cuerpos, pintura y paisajes revela las manías del fotógrafo.
Doscientas cuarenta fotografías componen el libro fotográfico “Bodyscapes”, del artista Jean Paul Bourdier, donde las pasiones y gustos del autor se convierten en placer para los ojos que las ven. Danza, plástica y arquitectura se mezclan en este trabajo para manifestar la libertad interior de cada ser.
source: risunoc
Калифорнийский фото-художник Жан-Поль Бурдье создает сюрреалистические изображения, позволяющие зрителям увидеть окружающую среду изнутри. Он разрисовывает моделей с ног до головы, что позволяет им сливаться с пустынным ландшафтом. Бурдье избегает любых цифровых изменений, его главная цель: объединение первичных форм и материалов с различающимися текстурами, чтобы показать захватывающие кадры нерушимой связи вневременной природы и бренного тела.
source: photohuanqiu
来自美国加州的摄影师Jean-Paul Bourdier把人体融入风景里,衬托出美国土地辽阔飘渺之感。会有《Bodyscape》人体风景作品的产生,是因为Jean-Paul Bourdier 觉得人体彩绘在自然环境中,有着“超现实”的感觉,那何不将这两者做结合呢?在过去12年间,他一直在美国西部的沙漠里找寻合适的摄影题材。这些照片主要是利用底片与鲜艳的色彩做为基调,并非使用数字后制出来的。
Jean-Paul Bourdier认为人体所展现出来的几何线条,就好比风景里头想透露的讯息。在没有任何背景可言的区域,用人体就能自成框架,或是利用身体的曲线来展现“空间感”,搭配摄影技术突显主题。
Jean-Paul Bourdier目前任职于美国加州大学UC Berkeley分校里建筑、绘画及摄影的设计教授。多才多艺的Jean-Paul Bourdier除了会绘画、摄影之外,还曾拍摄影片。