Jeremy Deller
ג’רמי דלר
Joy in People
source: josephburrin
Joseph Burrin is a graphic designer and art director based in Amsterdam.
He specializes in brand identity, print advertising and editorial design across art, culture and commerce.
Joseph is driven by a desire to create clear, crafted and relevant solutions
for clients realised through a process of investigation and analysis. He has adapted his skills to fit different project scales and scopes from small independent briefs to global brand projects. He has a passion for Typography and strives to challenge the boundaries of how brands can manifest,
act and develop.
Depending on the specific needs of each project, he is able to call upon the resources of artists, editors, photographers, programmers and designers from a network of talented professionals.
Currently Joseph works both as a Creative Director and as the Design Director at Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam, as well as regularly collaborating on projects in fashion, music and publishing. Previously he worked in London at Marque Creative, Spin and BCD (alias British Creative Decay).
source: 195226116135
Jeremy Deller wurde 1966 in London geboren und wuchs in einer südenglischen Mittelklassefamilie auf.Nach dem Studium arbeitete D. in vielen Jobs, um sich als Künstler, Kurator und Produzent kreativ mit gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Beziehungen auseinander setzen zu können. Seine erste Ausstellung inszenierte er im Haus seiner Eltern in Dulwich, wo er bis zu seinem 31. Lebensjahr wohnte. In deren Abwesenheit hängte er deren Bilder ab und präsentierte an deren Stelle seinen eigenen Projekte, obwohl ihm im Kunstunterricht bescheinigt worden war, dass er nicht zeichnen und malen könne. Dieses Event dokumentierte er später auf Fotos in seinem Buch “Life is to Blame for Everything”. Seine erste kommerziell erfolgreiche Arbeit waren T-Shirts, auf denen er Botschaften wie “My Drug Shame” oder “My Booze Hell”, Lektüre-Empfehlungen oder Text-Foto-Collagen unter die Leute brachte.
source: theguardian
It is a portrait of Britain that its creator describes as “wistfully aggressive” – a kind of dark companion piece to last year’s Olympics opening ceremony, but with anger and satire mingling with the fondness and celebration.
This is Jeremy Deller’s British pavilion for the 55th Venice Biennale, the art world’s most important international event. It includes drawings by inmates of a high-security prison; a vast mural of William Morris sinking oligarch Roman Abramovich’s yacht in the Venetian lagoon; and another in which a giant hen harrier crushes a Land Rover. The last is a reference to the incident in 2007 when two of the endangered birds were shot over the Sandringham estate when Prince Harry and a friend were out shooting. The exhibition reflects, said the artist, his “love-hate relationship” with Britain.
source: blogdafal
O Pavilhão da Inglaterra trouxe uma grande instalação de Jeremy Deller. O artista mostra um olhar histórico e irônico da sociedade britânica. De quebra, belas fotos de shows de rock dos anos 70.
source: klatmagazine
English Magic è il nome della personale di Jeremy Deller al padiglione inglese ai Giardini. La magia cui allude il titolo ha ben poco di esoterico o paranormale: si tratta, piuttosto, di una “magia” realistica, ragionevole, profondamente radicata nel presente e nel passato recente di una nazione, la Gran Bretagna. “Magia” è un modo per indicare un insieme di suggestioni visive, in bilico tra verità e finzione, realtà e possibilità. Il padiglione ospita un allegro (almeno all’apparenza) ritratto corale di un paese; offre una sintesi esilarante di quella che si è soliti definire Britishness – l’essenza di ciò che è, o si ritiene essere, specificatamente inglese.
source: camilayelarteblogspot
Jeremy Deller ofrece un auténtico espectáculo en el pabellón británico que no os podéis perder. Deller repasa la historia de Gran Bretaña desde lugares comunes como las piedras del neolítico, el gusto de la monarquía por la caza o una de las giras de David Bowie. El pabellón es una obra de arte total: visualmente atractiva, con banda sonora (Bowie se encarga de ello) y con una taza de té al más estilo “british” para mejor condimento.
source: rollsohu
杰里米·戴勒(Jeremy Deller)几乎从来没对学术规则感兴趣过,并且总是偏爱于处理关于习惯、符号以及社会仪式的问题。他的艺术实践给当代艺术的主题、形式与公共功能带来了彻底的改变,由此产生的作品则完全受到了杰里米·戴勒(Jeremy Deller)对西方社会尤其是对英国社会的人类学与民族学这两方面的关注的影响。民间或者说是“流行”的文化之所以能够吸引他的注意力是因为它以一种能够明显区别于大众文化的方式结合了智慧、创造性与创造力。杰里米·戴勒(Jeremy Deller)充当了各种组件的装配工以及集体行动的“导演”的角色;他组织过一些重现了历史事件的游行,制作过电影,策划过展览,并且介入过公共空间。通过与胆量魄力的结合以及对当前事件的关注,杰里米·戴勒(Jeremy Deller)发现了新的方式来探索社会景观。
source: artguide
Выставка в павильоне Великобритании, придуманная Джереми Деллером, напротив, без обиняков, но с присущей англичанам иронией, бьет по больным точкам. Здесь и «портрет» редкой птицы луня во всю стену, и документальные фотографии из турне Дэвида Боуи 1970-х годов, и рисунки солдат, служивших в Афганистане и Ираке, и печатные платы дизайнера конца XIX века Уильяма Морриса, наконец, неолитические топорики, найденные в разных частях Великобритании.
Джереми Деллер. Английская магия. Фрагмент экспозиции. Павильон Великобритании на 55-й Венецианской биеннале.