
Joel Holmberg

Earlier Today

Joel Holmberg  Earlier Today

source: complex

Joel Holmberg is an all-purpose artist, who’s formally trained as a sculptor and works in a variety of analog and digital media. His Internet work includes “Legendary Account” (2011), a long-term project in which the artist posted deep, personal, or otherwise unanswerable questions like “what does it feel like to be in love?”, “what will happen to earth?” or “are you feeling lucky?” on the Yahoo! Answers forum. He also dabbles in the less profound, like “Pups & Order” (2009), a collection of YouTube videos of dogs howling to the “Law & Order” theme music. In his sculptural practice, he sometimes incorporates computer references through source imagery, materials like ink jet pigment, or processes like three-dimensional printing.
source: stadiumnyc

Joel Holmberg’s work spans sculpture, websites, and digital images. Imagery and forms seemingly come from any source imaginable, spanning production from all points in history, from Chinese Qing dynasty cabinets to contemporary flat panel screens. His work incorporates a variety of contemporary means of production, from 3D printing to the the very tactile process of layering inkjet cartridge ink over moulded forms. Tellingly, a past statement on Holmberg’s website read that he “creates art with computers and his bare hands.”
Holmberg is currently an MFA candidate in sculpture at Yale University. Recent group exhibitions include Rhododendron curated by Harm van den Dorpel at W139 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and At This Writing at PM Galerie in both Brooklyn and Berlin.