
Kai Linke

Mirror Chair

Kai Linke

source: highlike

Work: 2009 Mirrored monoblock plastic chair No. 1 62 x 73 x h89cm.
Photographer: Dolores Esteve
source: yatzer

It’s not a matter of Photoshop’s mirror tool, but a matter of an inspired industrial designer! The mirrored monoblock plastic chairs are the latest creations of Kai Linke and they are without words, four pieces of art which obviously follow the great rule of symmetry.
source: dornob

There is something relentlessly generic about the universally-recognized shape of monoblock plastic chairs seen on porches seemingly everywhere. Taking the molding technique of these conventional objects and tweaking it, Kai Linke makes the ordinary seem strange and unfamiliar. The effect is reminiscent of mirrored-face photographs and art – used to seeking a certain kind of symmetry, these alternate views are suddenly alien. The results range from functional stools and chairs, to unusable remnants like industrial mistakes gone far wrong or a mindless machine attempting to figure out from scratch what a seat should be. Who knows, though, maybe enough iterations would generate something new and useful after all.
source: casase

Come rinnovare in modo originale e stravagante le vostre semplicissime sedie di plastica da esterni. Il designer tedesco Kai Linke ha creato la linea Mirror Chairs, ispirata dichiaratamente agli effetti deformanti di manipolazione dell’immagine fotografica. Il risultato è sicuramente intrigante, ma non assicurando la comodità vi consigliamo di tenere almeno una delle vostre vecchie ma affidabili sedie: per non dimenticare l’esperienza ineguagliabile di abbandonarsi su una sedia durante le prime ore calde della primavera e starci comodamente per un’ora.