

Каролина Собечка


Karolina Sobecka

source: highlike

Work: At night a projection from a moving car is shone on the buildings. The car projects a video of a tiger whose movements are programmed to correspond to the speed of the car: as the car moves, the tiger runs along it speeding up and slowing down with the car, as the car stops, the tiger stops also. The framerate of the movie corresponds to the speed of the wheel rotation, picked up by a sensor. The viewers are elevated from the everyday reality through this element of fantasy into a world with more dimensions, possibilities and perhaps beauty.
Photographer: Frank Pichel
source: flightphase


At night projections from moving cars are shone on the buildings downtown. Each car projects a video of a wild animal. The animal’s movements are programmed to correspond to the speed of the car: as the car moves, the animal runs along it speeding up and slowing down with the car, as the car stops, the animal stops also. The framerate of the movie corresponds to the speed of the wheel rotation, picked up by a sensor. If the presence of a moving object (such as another car or pedestrian) is detected with proximity sensors, its animal “avatar” appears in the projection.
For the ZeroOne ISEA2006 I will be using one vehicle with a projection of a tiger (additional animals will appear in the projection as reflections of passing vehicles and pedestrians).
Projection disappears and flickers as it is supported by the architecture. The city itself is an active partner in creating this alter ego.
We are elevated from the everyday reality through this element of fantasy into a world with more dimensions, possibilities and perhaps beauty.
source: inspir3dnet

Wildlife by Polish artist Karolina Sobecka is a projection from a moving car onto buildings in the city. The tiger’s movements are programmed to correspond to the speed of the car: as the car moves, the tiger runs along it speeding up and slowing down with the car, as the car stops, the tiger stops also. The frame rate of the movie corresponds to the speed of the wheel rotation, picked up by a sensor.
source: cuartoderecha

Wildlife es un proyecto de Karolina Sobecka. Un coche, un proyector y las paredes de la ciudad nocturna. El tigre camina, corre o descansa dependiendo de la velocidad del coche. Algo parecido a Moving Canvas. Y acabo de descubrir que no sólo hay tigres.
source: dv-reclamaru

Первый заезд арт-проекта Wildlife американской художницы Каролины Собеска (Karolina Sobecka) поверг в ужас ночных прохожих и водителей: не каждый день увидишь посреди мегаполиса бегущего тигра. Преодолевая стены и машины, отражаясь в стеклах автомобилей и витрин, дикий зверь, словно дух утраченной свободы и единения с природой, промчался по ночному городу, пробуждая в душах людей давно забытые первобытный страх и восторг.

По признанию самой художницы, проект Wildlife был вдохновлен образами знаменитого стихотворения Уильяма Блейка “Тигр”.
source: designrowblogspot

Karolia Sobecka é uma artista multimídia que reproduz animais selvagens pelas paredes das cidades. Ela coloca um projetor conectado a um computador, e conforme o carro se desloca a imagem em movimento de um animal é projetada nas paredes da cidade por onde o carro passa. O computador se encarrega de sincronizar os movimentos dos animais com os movimentos do carro. Se o carro corre, o animal corre, se o carro para, o animal também param. O framerate também é calculado com base na velocidade.
source: vjnewsde

Laufende Tiere werden aus einem fahrenden Auto heraus projeziert. Die Laufgeschwindigkeit der Tiere passt sich der Geschwindigkeit des Autos an.
source: dhatenanejp
