

김 준 예술가
Ким Джун


source: paperblogfr

Kim Joon est un artiste de Corée du Sud adepte du body painting (peinture corporelle) où les corps semblent flotter dans un espace virtuel aux couleurs vives.
Kim Joon is a brilliant South Korean body paint artist.
Although his works appear photographic, they are in fact digital manipulations of a single figure, often his own body, which is rotated and repeated within the frame. The tattoos are added digitally.
source: emptykingdom

Kim Joon is an artist hailing from Korea who uses contorted/distorted compositions of the human body as his canvas; He adorns skin with complex patterns, recognizable symbols and textures to create his pieces. Kim was featured in 2010 by Bunnyman so i had to see more.

Whether his work is a reflection the human body’s fragility, the grace of the human shape or purely fun and intricate designs he continues to develop his unique style and elaborate pieces.
source: coolmaterial

When it comes to “art,” there’s a different style, period, painter, illustrator, and medium for everyone. Maybe your favorite artist is Duchamp, maybe it’s Van Gogh. The point is, getting dudes to agree on something they couldn’t normally care less about used to be difficult – and then there was bodypainting.
Take a naked girl (and sometimes guy in certain cases). Add paint. Instant masterpiece. The formula really is that simple so it’s a wonder it took us so long to learn about Kim Joon. Joon takes something we already find beautiful (naked women) and adds paint to creative continuous patterns that sometimes stretch multiple individuals. Occasionally he’ll go so far as to turn the Kama Sutra into paint by numbers and paint over sex scenes safe for Showtime, but definitely not for work.
source: gazetalv

корейского художника Кима Джуна (Kim Joon) их Сеула — человеческие тела

Так и в своей серии Birdland Ким Джун (Kim Joon) использует вместо полотен нагромождение обнаженных тел.
source: gatasdebotaswordpress

Kim Joon é um artista especializado em Body Art. E ele tem desenvolvidos novos conceitos para esta hum “prática” seguem algumas amostras disso. Para Kim as tatuagem ilustram desejos ocultos, compulsividades. Gente hahaha que coisa doida…e esteticamente agradável!
source: lapalitroche

Obra de pintura corporal creada por Kim Joon, cuya galería tienen que ver.
El body art o arte corporal es otra de las manifestaciones artísticas contemporáneas, con este nombre se denominan los procesos artísticos en los que el artista utiliza su propio cuerpo como soporte material de la obra.
Es relativamente joven comparado con otras corrientes, ya que surgió a finales de los años sesenta y se desarrolla en la década siguiente. La obra de estos artistas trata temas como la violencia, la autoagresión, la sexualidad, el exhibicionismo o la resistencia corporal a fenómenos físicos.
Las manipulaciones de la superficie del cuerpo se llevan a tal extremo que incluso pueden provocar lesiones, como ocurre con quemaduras y tirones de cabellos.
Se ha contemplado dentro del body art además del body painting, creaciones como el piercing, los tatuajes, las cicatrices ornamentales y el shaping o alteración de la estructura corporal.
El body painting, es una pintura artística aplicada a la piel y es considerada como una de las primeras formas de expresión plástica utilizadas por nuestros antepasados.
source: blognaver

한국 현대미술가 김준(43)은 국내보다 유럽에서 더 유명하다.
네델란드의 한 피자업체가 김준의 작품 이미지를 상자와 홍보물에 사용하면서 대중적 인지도를 확보했기 때문이다.
반 고흐, 르느와르 등 우리나라 사람들이 서양 작가들의 작품에 친근함을 느끼는 것 것과 비슷하다.
각종 초대전과 아트페어 출품으로 애호가들 사이에 퍼진 인기를 넘어 상업적인 작가로도 성공했다고 평가받는다.