

Лизера архитектуры

Helix Hotel


source: leeser

Since 1989, as principal of his own firm—LEESER Architecture—German-born architect Thomas Leeser has achieved worldwide recognition for his influential, innovative designs. His interest in challenging the conventional notions of architecture with the use of new technologies and radical design, integrated with the contemporary cultural, social, and technological context produces rich architectural spaces, new programmatic relationships and beautifully simple organizations.

As the winner of numerous awards including the internationally acclaimed Red Dot Design Award 2013 and New York City’s 2011 and 2010 Public Design Commission Award, LEESER Architecture is internationally sought after for its reputation of creating innovative, cutting-edge architectural design solutions.

Current projects that showcase our design capabilities are Brooklyn’s new arts and education center, BAM (Brooklyn Academy of Music) Cultural District, a 2.7 million square foot mixed use neighborhood positioned to be Asia’s leading retail and entertainment hub in Thailand and a 100,000+ square foot tri-climatic biosphere for the Royal Family in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Named “the finest recent American example of radical design” by the Wall Street Journal, LEESER Architecture’s recent design for the Museum of Moving Image is yet another example of our ability to produce iconic architectural designs.

The success of LEESER’s projects is the result of a positive and well structured collaboration between client, design team and consultant team. We collaborate closely with our clients to identify the unique opportunities of their project, enabling us to develop a deep understanding of their design and programmatic challenges and to propose solutions that are specific to their needs. We bring to each project our extensive experience in the integration of technology within cultural and educational spaces.

Thomas Leeser

Project Directors
Simon Arnold
Joseph Haberl
Business Development Director
Scott Miller
Office Management
Carolyn Calder
Kate Burke
Sofia Castricone
Hiroe Fujimoto
Zachary Goldstein
CJ Anderson
Christian Lehmkuhl
Helen Levin
Jon Siani
Anja Pavlin
source: contemporist

New York based Leeser Architecture has won a competition for the design of the Helix Hotel that is to be built in Zayed Bay in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Called the Helix Hotel for its staggered floor plates, it rests in the bay, partially floating in the water and adjacent to the serpentine Sheik Zayed Bridge currently under construction by designer Zaha Hadid. With the Helix, Leeser Architecture has devised a new way to consider hotel culture in the Emirates, highlighting elements that are usually unseen, and playfully enlivening those parts that traditionally remain static and mundane.

Zayed Bay will be a comprehensive development built along a new road, and the site will include office buildings as well as condominiums and retail along the water. The Helix is the centerpiece of this new development.
source: designboom

american firm leeser architecture has won first prize in a competition for a five-star luxury hotel in the zayed bay in abu dhabi, UAE. called the helix hotel for its staggered floor plates, it rests in the bay, partially floating in the water and adjacent to the serpentine sheik zayed bridge currently under construction by zaha hadid.

with 208 guest rooms and suites arranged around a helical floor, the hotel immediately dispenses with the idea that visitors must engage in the stale paradigms of rigid hallways and atria that characterize a typical hotel stay. the floor constantly shifts in width and pitch as it rises to the top floor, keeping public spaces always in flux. no two rooms positioned across from each other have exact views to the other side. as the helix winds upward, programmatic elements change from lounges and restaurants on the bay, to meeting rooms and conference facilities, to lounges and cafes, to the luxury indoor-outdoor health spa on the fifth floor, to, finally, the upper pool deck on the roof. the running track on the fifth floor represents the only moment when the ramping ceases and a flat surface prevails.

the indoor waterfall allows for the accumulation of heat inside the hotel to be minimal by filtering cool water back up into the system as it falls through the void. in the sub-lobby, a dynamic glass wall is built from the base of the second floor down into the water. the wall acts as a curtain, opening when the weather is cool enough and closing when it is too hot for exposure to the desert air. Portions of the outside surface are clad in panels made of a new material called grow, which has both photovoltaic and wind harnessing capabilities.
source: proliteru

Американская фирма Leeser Architecture выиграла первый приз на соревновании по постройке пятизвездочной гостиницы в заливе Абу-Даби (ОАЭ). Спиральная гостиница будет насчитывать 208 комнат, кафе, конференц-залы, отделения СПА, беговые дорожки и на самой крыше огромный бассейн. Внутренний водопад учитывает накопление высокой температуры в нутрии гостиницы, и чтобы минимизировать этот фактор, холодная вода будет постоянно подаваться наверх. Динамическая стеклянная стена работает как заслонка, когда погода достаточно прохладная она отрыта, и когда слишком жарко закрывается.
source: desarqwordpress

A Leeser Architecture recentemente foi convidada para projetar o hotel 5 estrelas em Zayed, na baia de Abu Dhabi. Chamado de Helix Hotel por causa dos formatos de pratos, ele se encontra na baia, parcialmente boiando sobre as águas.

Com 208 apartamentos e suítes nos andares em formato hélico, os andares constantemente mudan-se conforme mais alto fica. A curva dos andares representa os ventos nas ruas de uma cidade conturbada..Do jeito que foi projetado,existe a sensação de estar livre de qualquer capricho, sem ter que nem mesmo reservar com antecedência uma diária. In this way it develops a feeling of being free to whimsically experience all aspects of the hotel without having to decide on an agenda in advance. O Hotel ainda conta com lounges, cafes, salas de conferência, spa, academia e uma fonte interna.

O hotel ainda maximiza o uso de luz natural, ventos e água do mar. A fachada em poliuretano foi 100% reciclada, e captará energia do sol e dos ventos. A temperatura interna será regulada com a água da cascata interna, usando água dos oceanos, mantendo assim uma clima de umidade desejado, enquanto os vidros retráteis podem abrir-se deixando a breza constante de ar entrar e circular o ar fresco.
source: duurzaamgebouwd

Een zo op het oog mooi hotelproject in Abu Dhabi.

Het Amerikaanse architectenbureau Leeser Architecture heeft een vijf sterrenhotel ontworpen voor ontwikkelaar UAE in Abu Dhabi. Het Helix hotel drijft gedeeltelijk in het water en ligt gedeeltelijk op het land.

Eenmaal ontwikkeld, kan het hotel 208 gasten herbergen. Binnen zorgen watervallen voor de juiste temperatuur. De buitenkant van het hotel wordt bekleed met het materiaal ‘Grow’ wat photovoltaische eigenschappen heeft.

We zijn benieuwd of en hoe het hotel een fikse storm doorstaat.
source: jmmag

Leeser Architecture gano la competicion para diseñar el hotel cinco estrellas en Zayed Bay, Abu Dhabi
Leeser Architecture, un reconocido internacional estudio de diseño ha ganado el concurso en la UEA. Llamado Helix Hotel formado por platos superpuestos de forma excéntrica. Esta parcialmente flotando en una bahía junto al serpentín puente de Zaha Hadid.