

Homemade Record Player


source: blogcincocincozero

Um gramofone assim dá pra fazer em casa, né? O princípio é simples, uma agulha atrelada a um cone de papel que, pela vibração provocada no contato com o vinil, emite sons. Nada muito alto ou potente, mas extremamente interessante. Fora o clima artesanal da coisa.

E outra, se acabar a força ou se você estiver em um lugar em que não haja um toca-discos disponível, rola dar essa improvisada. A desvantagem dessa, digamos, vitrola minimalista é que girar o disco é um trabalho que ficará por sua conta.
source: velodyne

Some people have an amazing surplus of imagination and ingenuity concerning science, technology and gadgets. But sometimes their passion lies in some other field, and that techie ingenuity is suppressed. At some point, it comes bursting up to the forefront when some technical problem needs solving, or when that person comes across a really cool record and doesn’t have a record player (or the money for one). When that happens, the person comes up with a brilliant idea for a homemade record player. In this case, that person is Livia Ritthaler.

Ritthaler’s record player is made of a piece of rolled paper, a few pieces of metal, and a wooden board. The only downside is that it runs only by hand, not by electricity, so you have to crank it yourself. But for the relative ease and minimal expense with which the record player is created, having to crank it by hand is not too much to ask. The key is to turn the record at a constant rate.

It works just like any “traditional” record player. The sound is comparable, as long as you have a steady hand. And it’s a whole heck of a lot cheaper. When it costs less than a dollar to make this record player, what’s not to like?

Of course, this record player is wonderful as a novelty, but if you really want to hear some great, all-encompassing sound, the best thing is good speakers and one of Velodyne’s quality subwoofers. For travelling? The vPulse headphones. But at home with some vinyl you found? The homemade phonograph is without a doubt the perfect thing for the job.
source: fastcodesign

When graphic designer Livia Ritthaler moved to London to complete her bachelor’s degree, she found herself with “neither the money nor the space for a record player.” So she built one.

Her ultra-minimalist gramophone is made of just paper, wood, and metal and it’s operated by hand. Meaning: You twirl the record with your fingers. It is, of course, completely impractical. But it works! Here it is in action:

What I find amazing about this is how robust the playback is. Where I come from, record players are these high-precision weighted machines, carefully tuned for perfect sound. Yet, here’s a classic song being played with a technique not far off from emergency fire-making. The whole contraption wobbles as it spins and still it’s completely audible. It’s kind of nice to know that even if civilization completely collapses, we’ll be able to listen to tunes.

“I tried a lot of weird things to get it work,” says Ritthaler, “but now everyone can use it very easily.” She recommends 78rpm records, “because they are easier to spin consistently.”
source: kyweek

I tempi in cui fonografo e grammofono andavano di moda ed erano considerati strumenti innovativi, sono superati. Ascoltare la musica, oggi, è molto più semplice, non servono più né dischi né musicassette né tanto meno i CD, che pur essendo ancora strumenti molto utilizzati e recenti sono già stati superati dai lettori mp3 portatili, molto più pratici.

La designer tedesca Livia Ritthaler ha inventato il Gramophone minimalista, un grammofono costruito con l’ausilio di un cono di carta, una piastra rotante con un perno centrale e ovviamente un ago. Il dispositivo oltre che innovativo ci riporta con la memoria ai vecchi film in bianco e nero dove nelle sale da ballo bastava azionare il giradischi per divertirsi, inoltre, Livia Ritthaler è riuscita a trasformare il suo speciale grammofono in uno strumento elegante e moderno senza rendere necessario l’utilizzo di meccanismi elettrici, l’oggetto ne è, infatti, privo, e gli utenti devono perciò attivarlo manualmente.

La realizzazione dell’oggetto è molto semplice sia per la sua struttura sia per i materiali che lo costituiscono, ma nonostante questo non è ancora in commercio, senza dubbio è stato considerato un oggetto innovativo e molto elegante che potrebbe arredare le case di molte di persone andando magari a occupare il posto dell’ormai superato e obsoleto classico grammofono che molti tengono in salotto come una reliquia.
source: onemangr

Μιας και τα συμβατικά γραμμόφωνα ήταν η επιτομή της τεχνολογίας, μια Γερμανίδα -με πολύ ελεύθερο χρόνο- αποφάσισε να σχεδιάσει τη μινιμαλιστική τους εκδοχή. Για τους δύσκολους καιρούς που ζούμε ένα πράμα! Μια σανίδα (κυριολεκτικά), ένα ρολό χαρτί (κυριολεκτικά), μια βελόνα (επίσης κυριολετικά) και ένα μεταλλικό μπράτσο είναι αρκετά. Γιατί, όταν θα σου κόψει η Μέρκελ το ρεύμα και το πετρέλαιο θα το γυρνάς στη σωστή ταχύτητα μόνος σου!
source: hvghu

A minimalista bútordarab a nagyszülők díszes lejátszójára már egyáltalán nem hasonlít, viszont elfér bármilyen modern környezetben. Az egész néhány darab egyszerű elemből készült, és ha zenét akarunk rajta hallgatni, kézzel kell hajtani a lemezt.
source: furdancsbloghu

Körülbelül tíz évvel ezelőtt belecsöppentem pár gramofonbuliba. Ezek a barátságosnak indult, majd ittasságba torkollt összejövetelek általában arról szóltak, hogy elővettük a padláson talált régi, valóban bakelitből készült lemezeket, és az ecserin vásárolt gramofonon lejátszottuk őket. Ha megengedtek ennyi szubjektivitást, az alábbi habkönnyű dolgozattal ezekre az időkre emlékszem. Él Londonban egy Livia Ritthaler nevű hölgy, aki mikor Angliába költözött, egy ilyen fából, fémből, és némi papírból készült gramofon elkészítésével ütötte el az időt. Nagy csodát ne várjatok tőle, digitalizálni nyilván nem lehet ezzel a szerkezettel, de a dédi lemezeit szépen le lehet vele játszani. Amíg a kezünk el nem fárad.
source: ixiqi

这算得上是世界上结构最简单的留声机了,来自设计师Livia Ritthaler的创意,一张白纸卷成的喇叭,尾端固定了一根唱针,而黑胶唱片,被固定在了一个陀螺般的结构上,需要的时候,将唱针搭在唱片上,然后用手转动陀螺,声音,便经过纸喇叭的放大而嘹亮了起来