

מאיקו טאקדה
마이코 다케다
مايكو تاكيدا

Atmospheric Reentry

source: highlike
Work: The Atmospheric Reentry Collection explores the conditions and forms of the ethereal. Starting from the simple question of what it would feel like to wear a cloud, Maiko Takeda has created a series of sculptural head/ body pieces that blur the boundaries of surrounding space for the wearer and seek to transcend the traditional expectations of headwear. The aesthetic of the collection is inspired by the futuristic mood of sound and imagery taken from Robert Wilson’s 1976 production of Philip Glass’ opera Einstein on the Beach. Maiko favours the use of unconventional materials, with each piece a careful assembly of hundreds of spiky feather- like units constructed from clear acrylic discs, colour- gradient tinted film and silver jump rings, which fan out to achieve a density and lightness to form that surround the wearer in an brightly- coloured, luminescent haze.

Royal College of Art MA Millinery graduate collection (2013).
Photographer: Bryan Huynh
source: maikotakeda

Logic + geometry + space form the common denominator in all Maiko Takeda pieces. It’s a world in which the simple will seem complicated and order turns to chaos. But do not be afraid to indulge, as at the end you will always find that the common denominator stands (right there at the bottom where it belongs).

Maiko Takeda grew up in a post boom Tokyo where she quickly was faced with the challenge of wanting to create products of individual and timeless quality in a country slowly coming to a grinding halt. This meant that she more and more looked to areas outside of fashion and pop culture for impulses, exploring the city by foot, finding inspiration in the smallest and most random of things.

Within the pieces, there is the juxtaposition of various elements. Environmental influences such as shadow, wind and gravity, create an experience of wonder and bewilderment for the adorned. The form of her work itself can never be its sole feature as the extra element is always seeking to transcend the expectations of the wearer as part of the work.

After having moved to London she studied Jewellery Design BA(Hons) at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design and is currently doing a Masters in Millinery at the Royal College of Art. Her work experience includes Issey Miyake, Stephen Jones, Philip Treacy and Erickson Beamon.
source: ignantde

Maiko Takeda’s creations seem like a surreal creatures from fantastic dream world. The headpieces of her latest creation, ‘Atmospheric Reentry’, are excitingly different, delicate and futuristic. The Tokyo born graduate of Central Saint Martins and the Royal College of Art, seeks to ‘create surreal, subtle dramas around the person wearing a piece and the people near them’. She imagines to give the people wearing her pieces the opportunity to ‘experience or share surreal moments in their daily lives, at a party or in the privacy of their own home’. ‘I want my pieces to give people those magical experiences’
source: hifructose

Tokyo-born artist Maiko Takeda works with shape, shadow, pattern, and light to create unique art pieces that are a mix of high fashion and art installations. Her series entitled Cinematography showcase the artist ability to use shadow in a completely unexpected way. This body of work is a collection of art that adorne her female models and cast detailed shadows onto the figures. To create the shadows Takeda incorporates silk screen and pierced metal which she has hand drilled thousands of holes into. The resulting shadows depicing cat faces, eyes, lips, and other symboles are worn as jewelry. Takeda is currently living in London where she created her latest work entitled Atmospheric Reentry. The porcupine quill inspired garments in this series are a collaborative effort with fashion designers Louise Bennetts and Nicola Jones. Photography of the work featured in this article is by photographer Byran Huynh.
source: quintoconsultoria

Maiko Takeda é uma artista de Tóquio, baseada em Londres, com passagem pela famosa Central Saint Martins e mestranda em chapelaria pela Royal College of Art. Como vocês podem notar, o trabalho dela é matemático, geométrico e cheio de extremos.
source: nonsolokawaii

In questo articolo vi mostreremo le suggestive creazioni di Maiko Takeda della collezione “Cinematography“, realizzata come progetto di laurea di questa artista giapponese, originaria di Tokyo, al Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design. Maiko Takeda è stata l’assistente di Stephen Jones, famoso per i suoi cappelli originali, che l’ha ispirata moltissimo nello sviluppo di uno stile estremo e innovativo, ma dove l’estetica non è mai fine a se stessa poichè è sempre giustificata da una storia, da un progetto e da un’emozione. La collezione “Cinematography” non è composta semplicemente da accessori moda, ma delle opere d’arte in continuo mutamento, nella luce e nello spazio. Le protagoniste sono le ombre, effimere e sfuggenti, la cui bellezza risiede appunto nel loro essere immateriale. Maiko Takeda è affascinata dal nuovo, dalla mutevolezza, dalla luce e dalle ombre, da tutto ciò che non è definito ma in continua evoluzione, in un’intervista ha dichiarato di essere affascinata dal fumo e che forse lo inserirà nei suoi prossimi progetti. Non vediamo l’ora di vedere le prossime collezioni, nel frattempo ci godiamo i bellissimi pezzi traforati di “Cinematography”.
source: damancool3c

在夏天撐洋傘是台灣才能看見的特殊景象,有人是因為怕晒黑,有人是因為怕晒傷,不管你要穿防 UV 防紫外線,戴帽子一直都是很好的選擇,躲在陰影下面氣溫變得稍微低了一點女孩子們似乎也安心的一點。東京的藝術家 Maiko Takeda 利用的正是陰影變化,不用人體彩繪也不用繁瑣的化妝,只要一盞大燈照下來就成了藝術。

這些象徵藝術媒介也象徵裝飾品的帽子、領子、手環、圍巾或面具,都是由金屬切割而成,藉由光的照射讓點連點連成面,變成可愛的眨眼圖案、貓咪臉或是性感嘴唇,沒有光的時候還看不出端倪,到了太陽底下藝術感立刻出現,驚奇度百分百。藝術家兼設計師 Maiko Takeda 早先才因為空靈天后 Bjork 最近在巡迴演唱會上戴上他所設計的羽毛全罩頭飾,讓他知名度瞬間大增,能讓搞怪天后 Bjork 看上還在演唱會戴上的設計實在不多見,這些輕柔的晶圓聚合物纖維,就像是羽毛一樣輕巧,猛一看卻又像是細針一樣銳利,就像高級訂製品珍貴又稀少,不難想像以後在各大紅地毯頒獎典禮上可能會常常見到 Maiko Takeda 的作品囉!(女神卡卡近期專屬造型師剛辭職不幹,應該會想很收編這位設計師吧)
source: zeberkapl

Młoda artystka mini kolekcją specyficznej biżuterii próbuje odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy cień sam w sobie posiada właściwości, dzięki którym ozdobi nasze ciało. Po zapoznaniu się z pracami Maiko Takeda odpowiedź jest twierdząca. Każda z prac została precyzyjnie przygotowana, do tego by na ciele pojawił się określony wzór. W materiale, z którym pracuje artystka, wyżłobione zostały wgłębienia i otwory w takich miejscach, by po przejściu przez nie światła słonecznego na ciele pojawiły się, niczym fotografie, określone motywy.
source: papagnet

Тени как украшения>Тень на протяжении веков казалась людям явлением таинственным. Тени, ложащиеся на кожу человека – на лицо, руки, шею, область декольте и плечи, создают эффект легкого прикосновения волшебства. В тени «не все кошки серы», но все они загадочны и непонятны. Дизайнер Маико Такеда (Maiko Takeda) сумела превратить тень в естественное украшение человека. Маски, манжеты-браслеты и воротники-ожерелья серии “Cinematography” окутывают моделей тонким дымчатым кружевом, а изделие, напоминающее поля большой шляпы, опускает на плечи невесомую шаль с узорами из роз. Работы Маико Такеда выполнены из тонких гибких листьев металла, а эффект сложных и замысловатых теней создается благодаря множеству дырочек и разрезов различного размера и формы. Проходя через них, лучи света создают удивительные по красоте теневые украшения на коже. Конечно же, увидеть их можно далеко не всегда, а лишь при ярком свете, падающем под определенным углом. По словам Маико Такеда, это лишь усиливает атмосферу таинственного секрета. Маико Такеда родилась в Токио, а в 2005 году переехала в Лондон, где в Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design занялась изучением ювелирного дизайна. Основой для вдохновения в коллекции “Cinematography” стали не сны и не природные узоры, отбрасываемые на землю ветвями деревьев, а математические и научные факты. Подход к творчеству у дизайнера необыкновенно серьезен, формулу своих работ она описывает как сумму чисел, логики и пространства. В будущем Маико Такеда видит развитие и преображение своих работ в коллекциях, созданных специально для модных показов и необычных театральных постановок.
source: mvemale

Seorang desainer muda dari Tokyo memberikan warna dan sentuhan yang unik di ranah mode internasional. Sosok desainer ini adalah Maiko Takeda.

Maiko Takeda kali ini tampil dengan sesuatu yang membuat semua orang tercengang. Koleksinya kali ini merambah aksesoris rambut. Sebuah koleksi baru yang berjudul Atmospheric Reentry memang sangat sesuai dengan karakter Maiko yang idealis dan total.

Maiko memberikan tema ruang angkasa pada arsitektural hiasan kepala dan rambut wanita. Ketika pertama kali dilihat, memang aksesoris rambut ini terlihat menyerupai barisan duri landak yang runcing.

Keunikan yang lain adalah hiasan rambut ini tak hanya berfungsi sebagai penutup kepala, tapi menyatu dengan keseluruhan busana. Inilah yang membuat kreasi Maiko menjadi sorotan khalayak. Banyak orang tercengang dan heran dengan fashion style yang nyentrik ini. Tetapi banyak juga yang mengacungi jempol dan salut atas totalitas yang dilakukan Maiko.

Maiko Takeda adalah seorang desainer kelahiran Tokyo dan kini bermukim di London. Karya-karya Maiko cenderung bertema futuristik dan terlihat tidak biasa. Namun hal ini mampu menjadi magnet tersendiri bagi orang lain. Beberapa penyanyi terkenal bahkan terbukti tergila-gila pada hasil rancangan Maiko. Salah satunya adalah penyanyi dari Swedia bersuara unik, Björk.

Maiko mengatakan bahwa dia memang benar-benar menggunakan duri landak, bulu burung unta dan sisik ikan warna-warni pada rancangannya. Karyanya ini diinspirasi ketika dia menonton opera Einstein on the Beach tahun 1976 di Barbican. Sejak itu dia bermimpi berkarya yang membuat seseorang seolah sedang mengenakan awan di kepala. Karyanya kali ini memang sangat futuristik dan juga minimalis.