

Very Large Structure/ARCHITECTURE

source: archdaily

In a world where people live more mobile lifestyles than they have for centuries, cities are facing a problem they rarely planned for: their citizens move away. When jobs and resources start to decline, modern cities, such as Detroit, suffer difficult and often wasteful processes of urban contraction. In contrast to this, Manuel Dominguez’s “Very Large Structure,” the result of his thesis project at ETSA Madrid, proposes a nomadic city that can move on caterpillar tracks to locations where work and resources are abundant.

Of course this is not the first time that the idea of a nomadic city has been proposed. Ron Herron’s Walking City is one of the more recognizable Archigram designs from the 1960s, and has been influential to architectural theory ever since. However, the design for the “Very Large Structure” expands on the Walking City by including strong proposals for energy generation on board the city.

Dominguez admits that the impulse to design the “Very Large Structure” came from his desire to stand out from his peers: “knowing that all final thesis are ‘Utopical’, I decided to do a self-consciously utopical one, utopic for real.”

However, Dominguez also felt it was important that his design be theoretically feasible, which is why he looked to the world of heavy engineering to inspire the structure’s colossal steel frame and caterpillar tracks. With all these additions, Dominguez’s design seems less of a fantasy than Herron’s giant shell on stilts.

Moreover, the Very Large Structure, despite its enormous size, has much less of an impact on its surrounding ecosystem. Its mobility is proposed as a way to encourage reforestation of the static cities which it replaces, and part of its day-to-day function is the management of this environment. The specific social conditions of the Spanish territory it is designed for also add to its relevance: it provides work for the high number of unemployed citizens in Spain.

Although almost 50 years have passed since a moving city was first proposed, when one considers how many western cities are currently experiencing devastating slowdowns, both economically and in terms of their population, Manuel Dominguez’s intriguing, fantastical proposal begins to seem far less absurd – and far more relevant – than it may at first seem.
source: technoccultnet

In a world where people live more mobile lifestyles than they have for centuries, cities are facing a problem they rarely planned for: their citizens move away. When jobs and resources start to decline, modern cities, such as Detroit , suffer difficult and often wasteful processes of urban contraction . In contrast to this, Manuel Dominguez’s “Very Large Structure,” the result of his thesis project at ETSA Madrid, proposes a nomadic city that can move on caterpillar tracks to locations where work and resources are abundant.

Of course this is not the first time that the idea of a nomadic city has been proposed. Ron Herron’s Walking City is one of the more recognizable Archigram designs from the 1960s, and has been influential to architectural theory ever since. However, the design for the “Very Large Structure” expands on the Walking City by including strong proposals for energy generation on board the city. […]

Dominguez also felt it was important that his design be theoretically feasible, which is why he looked to the world of heavy engineering to inspire the structure’s colossal steel frame and caterpillar tracks. With all these additions, Dominguez’s design seems less of a fantasy than Herron’s giant shell on stilts.
source: dhatenanejp


スペインの若手建築家・マニュエル・ドミンゲスが学位研究として提案した’A Large Structure’=「巨大な構造物」は、住宅、工場、発電所、空港、娯楽施設など、街の機能のすべてが巨大な構造物の上に実現される。構造物を支えるのは、巨大なキャタピラー。つまり、ハウルの動く城や、ひょっこりひょうたん島のように、街全体が移動することができるのだ。


source: gizmodode

Seit den 1960ern Ron Herron seine Walking City Idee formulierte, hat sich die Menschheit immer wieder bewegliche Städte ausgemalt. Mit Very Large Structure hat Manuel Domínguez ein äußerst ausgereiftes Konzept ausgearbeitet, das tatsächlich funktionieren könnte – wenn es denn jemand baut.

Domínguez setzt sich in seiner Abschlussarbeit für die ETSA Madrid mit Fragestellungen in Bezug auf Struktur und Energieversorgung, aber auch soziale Aspekte eines Lebens auf einer mobilen Stadt auseinander. Besonders interessant sind die vielen verschiedenen Präsentationspläne, die Behausung, Industrieanlagen, Energieerzeugung, Flughäfen und Entertainment aufzeigen.

Obwohl Domínguez sein Projekt selbst als utopisch bezeichnet, würde die Very Large Structure in Anbetracht vieler aktueller Probleme wie Schrumpfungsprozessen von Städten auch auf gewisse Weise Sinn machen. Unten schon mal ein Ausschnitt der zugehörigen Illustrationen, in voller Auflösung kann man diese hier betrachten.
source: academicamx

El proyecto de Manuel Domínguez, titulado “Very Large Stucture”, es el resultado de su proyecto de tesis en ETSA Madrid, la cual propone una ciudad nómada, vagabunda, que pueda moverse en ruedas de tanque a locaciones donde haya abundancia de trabajo y recursos.

Los visionarios de la ciencia ficción a menudo se preguntan qué sucederá con la ciudad moderna en el futuro: en concreto, un futuro en el que los recursos son cada vez más escasos, y en el que estar en un lugar concreto no tendrá demasiado sentido. Su solución es a menudo la misma: colocarla sobre ruedas.

Esta no es la primera vez que se propone una ciudad sobre ruedas, pero la diferencia del proyecto de Domínguez es que es viable e incluye propuestas fuertes para la generación de energía. La “Very Large Structure”, más allá de su tamaño colosal, tiene mucho menos impacto en el medio ambiente que una ciudad sedentaria.

Domínguez asegura que su diseño es conscientemente utópico, pero señala también que la construcción es más realista que nunca. La escala de la estructura no es muy distinta a la de nuestras actuales estructuras más grandes, y está diseñada para, por ejemplo, desplazarse hacia climas templados en invierno.

No es difícil imaginar este tipo de ciudades en un futuro cercano, llenas de trabajadores, recursos y métodos sostenibles.
source: buzzerie

Les architectes aiment se lancer les défis les plus fous quand il s’agit d’imaginer un bâtiment ou même une ville dans son ensemble.

Et l’Espagnol Manuel Dominguez ne déroge pas à la règle, loin de là. Si des villes souterraines, aériennes, ou sous-marines à la Atlantis, ont déjà été pensées, il s’agit sûrement du premier projet de ville mobile !

L’architecte a dessiné les plans d’une ville entière, reposant sur une plate-forme roulante. Il reprend en fait le principe du mobile-home, mais appliqué à une cité.

Cette VLS (Very Large Structure) est donc designée de manière à proposer des bureaux, logements, commerces et bâtiments industriels, ainsi que des structures de production d’énergie et d’eau douce. Tout en étant nomade !

Si ce projet fou se réalise (les probabilités sont quasiment nulles), on peut se demander comment les habitants vont décider des destinations à prendre. Par un vote populaire ? Par décision du conseil municipal ? S’agirait-il d’une ville-état ou d’une ville rattachée à un pays ? Des questions qui ne devraient trouver réponses que dans des œuvres de science-fiction.
source: mobbitinfo

Выпускник Высшей школы архитектуры при Политехническом университете в Мадриде (Испания) Manuel Domínguez предложил концепт странствующего города. В самом деле, зачем людям сниматься с насиженного места в поисках лучшей доли, если можно путешествовать не только вместе со своим жильем, но и вместе со всем родным городом? Проект с простым названием «Very Large Structure» представляет собой внушительную мобильную конструкцию, на которой располагаются дома, заводы, транспортные сети и т.д. Конструкция имеет длину 560 метров, высоту 182 метра и поделена на 3 уровня: верхний – жилой, средний – «фабричный» (для разнообразных производств и систем жизнеобеспечения), нижний – склад. Благодаря солнечным панелям и ветровым генераторам город сам обеспечивает себя энергией. Very Large Structure стоит на огромных гусеницах и при необходимости не спеша переползает на новое место. Автор, кстати, утверждает, что проект основывается на реально существующих технологиях, а следовательно, он вполне осуществим.