Canadian Spirit
source: cccaconcordiaca
Manuela was born in France in 1969. She currently lives and works in Montréal, Quebec.
source: cafka
Manuela Lalic pays particular attention to the functionalist aspects of our system of social organization as a model of society. To create a tension between what is individual and collective, she uses objects, furniture and functional materials as signifiers of our sense of life. Through installation and performance, she critiques mass transportation (eg, the metro) to reveal our how we prefabricate and standardize our desires and needs. Through accumulation, material becomes a place from which she stages disturbing and joyful ironies that may question our collective moments.
Manuela Lalic has exhibited her work in numerous solo and group exhibitions (Québec, Canada, France, Germany, England, Belgium, Serbia, Japan, China and Lebanon). In 2009, she was awarded the Pratt & Whitney and the Canada Council for the Arts, New York Residency (International Studio and Curatorial Program).
source: querelles
Manuela Lalic, artiste visuelle d’origine française dont la démarche s’articule surtout autour de la sculpture par accumulation, s’inscrit dans la lignée de ces jeunes artistes étrangers venus s’établir à Montréal pour nourrir sa scène artistique et s’en faisant ambassadeur à l’international. Du Japon jusqu’en Serbie, et bientôt à NY où se déroulera sa prochaine intervention hors les murs, sa signature sensible et comique donne un souffle frais à la sculpture contemporaine.
source: thecoast
The French artist Manuela Lalic uses found objects from her daily life to create installations and structures—apparatuses—that comment on modern society’s production and consumption excesses. , Lalic’s work is somewhat surprisingly playful, winking at the viewer with its wit. “I think humour and cynicism are not just frivolous,” she writes, “but a way of talking about the serious problems, and can indicate a political point of view as well.”
source: centresagamie
Manuela Lalic porte une attention particulière à l’aspect fonctionnaliste de notre système d’organisation sociale en tant que modèle de société. Pour créer l’effet d’une tension entre ce qui est individuel et collectif, elle utilise des objets, du mobilier et des matériaux fonctionnels comme porteurs d’indices de notre logique de vie. Elle questionne des mouvements de masse (ex : prendre le métro) pour montrer du doigt notre société qui préfabrique et standardise nos désirs et nos besoins. Par l’accumulation, il se trame une matière première, un territoire à partir duquel elle élabore des mises en scène inquiétantes et joyeuses qui questionnent avec ironie nos moments collectifs (réunion, salle d’attente, pique-nique). Parfois exubérantes ou plus minimalistes, ses installations et ses performances s’ancrent dans une volonté d’apporter différents niveaux de lecture entre des indices individuels et collectifs tout en indiquant des préoccupations d’ordre écologique.
Manuela Lalic possède à son actif de nombreuses expositions individuelles et collectives (Québec, Canada, France, Allemagne, Angleterre, Belgique, Serbie, Japon, Chine et Liban). En 2009, elle a obtenu le Prix Pratt et Withney ainsi que la résidence du Conseil des Arts du Canada (International Studio and Curatorial Program) à New York. Elle prépare actuellement une exposition qui aura lieu chez Optica en janvier 2013.
source: centresagamie
Manuela Lalic displays a particular interest in the examination of the functionalist aspect of our mode of social organization, as a representation of a certain model of society. To produce the effect of tension between the individual and the collective, she employs objects, furniture and diverse functional materials which serve as indicators of the underlying logic of our lifestyle. She analyses the movements of crowds (eg., riding the subway), pointing her finger at the way our society manufactures and normalizes our wants and desires. Through a process of ongoing accumulation, a new terrain is created, furnishing a raw material out of which she fashions disquieting and joyous scenarios, questioning, with undisguised irony, the occasions of our collective gatherings (meetings, antechambers, picnics). At times exuberant, at other times understated, her installations and performances are an attempt to bring different levels of interpretation to bear on both individual and collective signifiers, tempered with a constant concern for ecological balance.
Manuela Lalic has presented her work in numerous solo and group exhibitions (Quebec, Canada, France, Germany, England, Belgium, Serbia, Japan, China and Lebanon). In 2009, she was the recipient of the Pratt and Whitney Award and was awarded the Canada Council for The Arts Residency (International Studio and Curatorial Program) in New York. She is presently preparing an exhibition to be presented at Optica in January 2013.