마티아스 벵슨
Матиас Бенгтссон
source: industrygallerydc
Born in Copenhagen in 1971, Mathias Bengtsson studied furniture design at the Danish College of Design and the Art Centre College in Switzerland before returning to Copenhagen to form the design collective known as ‘Panic’, with a mission to give young designers a voice within the Danish furniture industry and create new opportunities. Bengtsson relocated to London in 1996 to study under Ron Arad and earned a degree at the Royal College of Art in 1999 before collaborating with fellow graduates to create design studio ‘At the Third Stroke’. A year later, Bengtsson co-founded ‘Design Laboratory’ in partnership with Sam Buxton before eventually establishing his own studio in 2002.
Bengtsson’s work began gaining acclaim internationally in 1998, when his Slice and Homage to Panton chairs were exhibited at Galleria Post Design in Milan. In 2002, his work was shown in the ‘Design by Aluminium’ exhibition at the Design Museum in London. Sotheby’s Contemporary Art department presented Bengtsson’s work in 2003 and 2004, and also in 2003 the British Council featured Bengtsson’s furniture in the ‘Great Brits’ exhibition held in Milan during the Salone del Mobile, which later travelled to Tokyo and Sao Paulo.
Recently Bengtsson was personally presented with the Finn Juhl prize in Japan. His pieces have been acquired by the Museum of Modern Art in New York, Carnegie Museum of Art, Milwaukee Art Museum, Indianapolis Museum of Art, High Museum of Art in Atlanta and Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.
source: gizmodo
Baseado em um design menor feito alguns anos atrás, o gigantesco assento Spun de Mathias Bengtsson está em exibição em uma galeria de arte em Washington D.C. Mas como esse emaranhado enorme pesa apenas cinco quilos? Ele é feito daquele super material conhecido como fibra de carbono.
Normalmente, a fibra de carbono é feita em grandes painéis usados na construção de carrões e aviões militares super leves e de alto desempenho. Mas neste caso, a técnica de fabricação industrial faz com que os fios de carbono girem em um formato 3D. Depois de ser aquecida em um forno, o tubo de fibra de carbono continua incrivelmente forte, mas usa menos material, o que o torna não só mais leve, mas também mais barato. Na realidade, a estrutura inteira pesa o mesmo que cerca de quatro listas telefônicas, mas mesmo sendo uma obra de arte, ainda assim é infinitamente mais útil.
source: jandannet
艺术家 Mathias Bengtsson 基于几年前创作的一个3D小模型,使用碳纤维材料制作出了这个只有11磅(不到5公斤)重的螺旋状3维构架巨型旋转长凳。该作品正在美国华盛顿特区的一家艺术展览馆展出。
source: vk
В одной из галерей Вашингтона отведено место под необычную инсталляцию: толстая плетеная труба, опоясывающая целый зал, весит менее 6 кг, но при этом запросто выдерживает вес взрослого человека. Согласно замыслу дизайнера Матиаса Бенгтсона (Mathias Bengtsson), это своеобразная плетеная мебель, созданная из углеволокна и призванная заменить привычные скамейки и кресла.
source: gizmodo
En art, la sculpture offre énormément de libertés. Que ce soit dans les matériaux, les tailles, les formes, tout est permis. Le “Spun Bench” est une sculpture d’un nouveau genre, très moderne, entièrement configurable…
Conçue par Mathias Bengtsson, ce banc ultra-design est fait du même matériau que celui utilisé par la NASA dans les réservoirs de carburant des fusées, la fibre de carbone filé. Ce banc impressionne par bien des aspects. Sa taille tout d’abord, vous pourriez remplir votre salon avec. Et son poids, moins de 6kg, facilement transportable avec vous en vacances, et pourtant capable de supporter votre poids.
Mais il est surtout modulable, chaque section peut prendre n’importe quelle forme le tout en conservant une résistance à toute épreuve, la fibre de carbone filé est un des matériaux les plus résistants.