Matthieu Bourel | highlike

Matthieu Bourel

Matthieu Bourel

source: thereartro
The handmade, digital and animated collages of French artist Matthieu Bourel, currently living and working in Berlin, are based on the power of images and the diversions resulting from various visual combinations. He defines his work as ‘data-ism’, and when mixing elements, he often seeks to evoke a story that, although absent from the known reality, is powerfully present before the viewer and inspires ‘nostalgia for a period in time that never truly existed’.
The artist intervenes in the mind and memory of the mesmerized audience, distorting realities, enriching or irreversibly eliminating worlds that we find ourselves comfortable living inside them. Thus, an ordinary portrait of a woman can easily refresh its meaning when duplicated. The apparently infinite repetition of certain elements is sometimes a commentary on social systems and structures, regarding human behavior and beliefs, revealing hidden intentions and unfolding mask after mask until there is nothing left but a possible truth or at least a more sincere approach to reality, usually filled with irony and tension. Another theme that seems to interest Matthieu Bourel is identity, marked by its lack (the absence of the head, for example) or multiplicity.
‘A piece often becomes about the search and desire to combine those emergent narrative symbols that seem charged with a familiar yet distant emotion’. Indeed, we tend to decode the images according to our personal connections, as if the story suddenly speaks about what we fear and the avoidance to confront and understand ourselves, the ego, the other, time and space, now and then.
source: boo-boxlink
Power of images and their combinations. Therefore all kinds of diversions. As well in music, sounds or films. Playing with elements, to make it mine.
In Collage, I like to watch every picture as the point of departure for a story. Various durations, gathered in one. to evoke a fake history or inspire nostalgia for a period in time that never truly existed. Sometimes further to a decision. Mostly random.
the obsession of collecting disparate images from books, old magazines and other found material becomes as much a part of the emerging image as the mark-making. A piece often becomes about the search and desire to combine those emergent narrative symbols that seem charged with a familiar yet distant emotion.
When successful, all the elements fall together with irony and tension while all other realities are obliterated, leaving the viewer as participant inside the picture, with his own codes and connections. The image then carries the weight of a personal reality. Most important, the final image actually gains a significant evocative quality I could not have expressed in any other way.
source: alternopolis
¿De qué manera los sueños inciden en la realidad? Esa interrogante surge después de ver los collages de Matthieu Bourel que logra llevarnos a ese reino de Morfeo de una manera sutil, esto tras ver algunos de sus collages y gifs que utilizan una estética de lo viejo con elementos surrealistas.
Lo cercano a la realidad está presente por el hecho de las fotografías en blanco y negro que utiliza, además de que otras imágenes tienen el aspecto de los 60s y posteriores décadas, así que existe una especie de fantasma del pasado dotando de misticismo su obra.
Sus collages nos hacen pensar en alguna serie o un cuento, vaya un elemento salido de la ficción, que formarán parte de nuestro cotidianidad, que es algo que buscaba Bourel, pus acerca de su obra comenta:
Cuando tiene éxito, todos los elementos caen junto con la ironía y la tensión, mientras que todas las demás realidades se borran, dejando al espectador como participante dentro de la imagen, con sus propios códigos y conexiones.
Lo más destacable de su trabajo es que deja al espectador crear una realidad personal, que es un proceso lento e íntimo que cada uno imaginará o vivirá, que reflejará parte de nuestro ser, así que en esta búsqueda de sueños el autor deja que todos creen uno personal, pues dice que sus collages “evocan una historia falsa o inspiran nostalgia por un período de tiempo que en realidad nunca existió”.
source: tutoriaisphotoshopnet
Matthieu Bourel é um ilustrador francês que mora na Alemanha e cria gifs incrivelmente criativos, confira abaixo uma amostra de seu trabalho e visite seu site para conhecer mais trabalhos, vale a pena.
source: freshspacecz
Ve Francii narozený a v Berlíně tvořící ilustrátor Matthieu Bourel vytvořil sérii opravdu hypnotizujících animovaných gifů.
source: theessentialmagfr
MATTHIEU BOUREL est un illustrateur français vivant à Berlin, il crée des GIF absolument disturbant et hypnotiques.
source: theessentialmagfr
MATTHIEU BOUREL is a Berlin-based, french illustrator who creates some disturbingly hypnotic GIFs.