

Audionauts helmet
DIGIFI Marketing Campaign

source: mikekimindustrialdesign

The purpose of the Audionauts helmet is of two things: to grab attention to advertise the DIGIFI cause and then to deprive then overload the senses to prove a point:
High quality audio can take you anywhere.

DIGIFI is a high-fidelity audio symposium targeting 20 to 30 year olds, meant to revitalize interest and celebrate the future of spacial audio in home, vehicles, and at events. Those who attend DIGIFI and agree with its cause are called Audionauts. Audionauts are explorers of the mental deep-space who are on a life-long quest in search of a particular feeling they once knew. Each and every song that makes an impression on us also records a moment or vibe in our lives that was of a particular way. May it be meeting her for the first time, watching a beautiful movie you wish you could be a part of, or an incredible, live, performance you wished you’d gone to. The reason why we go back to these songs is so that we can feel within us that very same excitement we did or could have when the memory was recorded in the first place. The better the sound, the more vivid the memory thus begins the epic search for higher fidelity audio.
source: damngeeky

As a part of the DIGIFI promotion for high quality audio, this Audionauts helmet very capably portrays DIFI’s high-fidelity audio symposium for future of spatial audio in home, vehicles and other events. The helmet consists of a power acoustic PT-700MHR 7-inch widescreen headrest monitor, two Dayton audio shielded silk dome tweeters and 4 Dayton audio shielded woofers. While the exterior components of this helmet comprises of 2 custom crossovers and one HLLY 90 T-amplifier. The designer Mike Kim has made this helmet to portray the audio astronauts as explorers of deep-space of music, revisiting memories and feelings making an impression from the music records. DIGIFI is a high-fidelity audio symposium targeting 20 to 30 year olds, meaning it redefines the modern era of music and how audio is perceived by users.
source: techholiccokr

오디오너츠(Audionauts)는 마이크 김(Mike Kim)이라는 디자이너가 디지파이(DIGIFI) 홍보를 위해 만든 오디오 시스템이다. 내부에는 7인치 머리 받침 모니터와 고음 전용 트위터 2개, 저음을 위한 우퍼 4개를 달았다. 헬멧 같은 형태여서 주위 소음을 완전히 차단, 음악을 감상할 수 있다. 관련 기사 원문은 이곳에서 확인할 수 있다.
source: shejipi

音频宇航员头盔(Audionauts helmet)是一个专为DIGIFI爱好者设计的头盔。Mike Kim称设计该头盔的目的有两个:一是宣传DIGIFI,而是证明高品质音频可以带给人们更加真实的体验。DIGIFI是一个高保真音频研讨会,定位是二三十岁的年轻人,目的是重新点燃人们对音频的兴趣,不管是在家里、车里还是聚会上。所有与会者都被称为“音频宇航员(Audionauts)”,这些宇航员用一生的时间探索人们内心深处留下的美好回忆。或者是和心上人头次约会,或者是非常喜欢的一部电影,抑或是看过的精彩演出,你做所以能记住那首歌曲,肯定是因为我们听那首歌曲时所经历的事情给我们留下了深刻的印象,美好的回忆。音质越好,记忆越新鲜。 头盔内部零件:1个Power Acoustik PT-700MHR 7英寸宽屏头戴式显示器,2个 Dayton 高音扬声器,4个 Dayton 低音扬声器。外部零件:2个自制分频器,1个HLLY 90 T级扩音器。
source: petrolicious

Mike Kim studied transportation design at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, has interned in Japan for Toyota, and is now working as an automotive designer for Toyota in Newport Beach, California. We recently came across some of his great designs and are excited to feature them today.