Никола Верлато
source: nicolaverlato
Nicola Verlato was born in Verona, Italy on the 19th of February 1965. He started to paint about the age of 7, and to sell his paintings about 9. His artistic education has been quite unorthodox, he consider himself almost self thought, however, from 9 to 14 ,he spent every summer at the studio of a monk-painter ( Fra’ Terenzio) in the monastery nearby his village in northeast Italy, he consider that the place where he learned how to drawing in the academic style.
His first serious show was at the age of 15 in the town hall of Lonigo, a 3 person show in collaboration with other 2 artists of the area. Nicola has been also trained in classical music from the age of 9 ( classic guitar, Lute, piano and composition) at the conservatory in Verona, later, he drove his attention toward rock music playing electric guitar, bass, sinths, composing song, jingles and soundtracks for documentaries. He also studied architecture at the university of Venice where he lived for almost 13 years painting portraits and allegorical scenes for the local aristocracy and the affluent foreigners living in that city. During this period in Venice he worked on almost everything that was connected with drawing: stage design, temporary decorations, illustrations, comics, storyboard etc. Around 28 he started to be interested in contemporary art, and, consequentially, to show in numerous gallery in Italy and abroad in solo and group shows.
After spending 7 years in Milan, where he created his well grounded notoriety in Italy, in 2004 decided to move to NY city. In these last years he showed principally in NY city and in various galleries and museum around the States, Italy and Norway, but also in India as well as Germany, Holland and other Europen countries. His major achievement has been his participation with an installation of paintings and sculptures as a representative of the Italian Pavillion at the 2009 Venice Biennale. Since 2011 Nicola Verlato lives and works in Los Angeles.
source: artattacksonline
Born in Italy in 1965, artist Nicola Verlato was raised with a creative background in painting and classical music. From 1984 to 1990 Verlato was a student of the University of Venice where he studied architecture, and in 2004 he relocated from Milan, Italy to New York City. In New York City Verlato gained exposure as a fine artist with his intense rock and roll inspired paintings, drawings, and sculptures, and eventually gained representation from the Jonathan LeVine Gallery. Verlato will return to the Jonathan LeVine Gallery this Saturday, April 7th to open his newest solo exhibit entitled “How the West Was Won.” The work will be on display until May 5th.
source: taringanet
Nicola Verlato (nacido el 19 de febrero 1965) es un artista visual italo-americano
en la actualidad reside en Brooklyn, Nueva York. El artista pertenece a la corriente pop surreal.
Breve biografía :
Nacido en Verona, Nicola Verlato comenzó a pintar a muy temprana edad aprendiendo de Terenzio Frey un pintor en el convento de los frailes franciscanos de Lonigo, de la música clásica, estudió composición en los conservatorios de Verona y Padua, su interés por el rock ,llevo a Verlato a componer también música para películas documentales.
source: fanzinarte
Le opere del veronese Nicola Verlato generano un turbinio di emozioni. Scene violente, colorate, confuse, in cui la realtà si mischia al fantasy e al fumetto e dove i protagonisti lottano disperati per non soccombere ad una non- natura malevole ed ostile, oppure muoiono soli, abbandonati e dimenticati da tutti. Nel vortice di forze delle opere di Verlato si concentrano le influenze di Caravaggio e di Dalì, rivisitati però attraverso un profondo studio sulla costruzione dell’immagine in 3D.
Nicola Verlato, classe 1965, trasferitosi a Brooklyn, nel cuore di New York, nel 2003, vanta una serie di personali a Berlino, Milano, Venezia e Brescia, oltre alla partecipazione ad esposizioni collettive in Italia, in Europa e negli Usa. Attualmente alcune delle sue opere sono esposte alla 53ma Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte di Venezia, intitolata ‘Fare Mondi’ (7 giugno – 22 novembre 2009) all’interno del nuovo Padiglione Italia alle Tese delle Vergini dell’Arsenale. “I quadri che ho realizzato per la Biennale – ha spiegato Verlato al mensile XL – hanno per protagonista James Dean e si basano su un modello del suo viso che ho realizzato con i software 3D. Posso animarlo ed illuminarlo come voglio. A me interessa il campo del mito che si incarna in fisionomie specifiche, mi interessa la nostra capacità di creare continuamente nuovi miti”.
Opere che fondono la grande tradizione pittorica italiana e le nuove tendenze, dal 3D ai toys fino al Pop-surrealismo. Per crearle Verlato usa un metodo che prevede modelli viventi, sculture in plastilina e scene in 3D dove ricostruisce la composizione del quadro. Come spiega lo stesso artista “è lo stesso metodo dei maestri del Rinascimento con in più tecnologie e metodi mutuati dal cinema e dai cartoons”.
source: art-assortyru
Итальянский художник Nicola Verlato родился в Вероне (кстати, городе Ромео и Джульетты) в 1965 году. Может быть, поэтому Шекспировские страсти так преобладают в его живописи. В настоящее время уехал из Италии и обосновался в Нью-Йорке. Многие его работы похожи на предвестник конца света. Искорёженные люди, вставшие на тропу последней войны, злобные оскалы, гнев и агрессия.
Поражает реализм его работ и экспрессия, которая прямо-таки сочиться из каждой картины. В каждом образе полно чувств и переживаний. Через яркие, аллегорические формы, Nicola Verlato пытается передать нам своё настроение и бурные эмоции, которые так присущи каждому итальянцу. Это, своего рода, уникальная смесь новейшего искусства – гиперреализма и старой школы живописи.
source: aktuelmynet
İtalyan ressam Nicola Verlato’nun, pop sürreal akımdan etkilenerek yaptığı eserler görenleri büyülüyor. Özellikle seksüel derinlikler, mistisizm ve güç, resimlerini vurgulayan başlıca soyut ögeler. Sinematik örgülerle hazırladığı tabloların her birinin bir hikayesi, belli bir konsepti var. Sanatçının etkileyen çalışmaları…