
Noell Oszvald

Noell Oszvald 55

source: mymodernmet
Though Budapest, Hungary-based photographer Noell S. Oszvald currently has only 22 total photos on her Flickr page, they’re all so incredibly powerful, you could spend hours looking at each one. The 22-year-old started taking photos a little over a year ago, though you wouldn’t know that she was so new to photography by looking at her stunning portfolio.
Oszvald only shoots in black and white because she finds colors to be distracting. “I feel the same way about clothes and other matters of appearance, which why I like to reduce my images to forms, composition and content.”
When asked what the story is behind Prejudice, the first photo in this post, Oszald shared this, “I had the idea of Prejudice in my mind for a long time before I finally made it. I was very unsure about it, because I wanted the picture to look absolutely the way it does now, but to achieve this composition I had to paint the bird in, in not exactly the right position. I feared people would pick on me and call me ignorant, because the image is not precise. I was afraid of being judged while working on a picture about prejudice. How ironic.”
As you look through Oszvald’s beautiful and sometimes haunting images, you can’t help but feel a mix of emotions. They all fall in the conceptual photography field, meaning, they illustrate an idea but one that Oszald believes should be personal to the viewer. “I don’t want to tell people what to see in my images,” explains Oszland, “this is the reason why I never really write any descriptions other than titles. It shows what I wish to express but everyone is free to figure out what the picture says to them. It’s very interesting to read so many different thoughts about the same piece of work.”
source: boredpanda
Hungarian-based photographer Noell S. Oszvald presents such a powerful self-portrait portfolio that you wouldn’t believe she’s been taking pictures for just over one year now.
The 22-year-old makes black and white pictures only, as she says she finds colors distracting. “I feel the same way about clothes and other matters of appearance, which why I like to reduce my images to forms, composition and content,” she says.
Noell also refuses to write any descriptions below her photos, and sticks to captions only in order to leave the room for interpretation for the viewers. “I don’t want to tell people what to see in my images,” she says, “It shows what I wish to express but everyone is free to figure out what the picture says to them. It’s very interesting to read so many different thoughts about the same piece of work.”
Maybe because her self-portraits are so emotional and touching, Noell sometimes even struggles to decide if it’s worthwhile publishing them. This is what happened to Prejudice, which she took down from her flickr profile with a fear that people would judge accuracy of composition. This just shows how much thought and emotions Noell puts into her work – and that makes it all the more special.
source: mlzphotobloghu
Csupán egy éve kezdett el fotografálni a 22 éves Noell, aki nagyon kifejező, mélyérzelmekről árulkodó fotósorozatot készített. Flickr oldalán összesen 22 fénykép tekinthető meg egy névtelen fotósorozatban, melynek minden egyes darabja fekete-fehér – nem véletlenül. Noell zavarónak, figyelemelterelőnek tartja a színeket; fotóin a lényegre törekszik: formákra, tartalomra és kompozícióra. A művész általában nem kommentálja képeit, ugyanis nem akarja senkinek sem előírni, hogy mit lásson, mit gondoljon egy adott remekműről. „Nem akarom senkinek sem megmondani, hogy mit lásson fényképeimben, ezért sem írok soha leírást, nem fűzök kommentárt, csupán címet adok nekik” – mondta.