אופיר מנחם
source: yankodesign
Jerusalem is known for its vertical communities that climb from hillside to hillside. This proposal for the area applies the modernist concept developed in the Bauhaus school in Germany in the 1930′s which is based on five principles, including separation of the walls from the building frame to create a free standing shell. Here the traditional constructive elements become a camouflage for the building frame rather than a part of the structural frame of the building.
source: morfae
In recent years, a building technology has developed in Jerusalem that separates the buildings’ structure from the buildings’ shell. The architectural and cultural significance lies in the modernist concept developed in the Bauhaus school in Germany in the 1930′s, which is based on five principles, including separation of the walls from the building frame to create a free standing shell. For example, traditional constructive elements became a camouflage for the building frame rather than a part of the structural frame of the building. From a cultural & Architectural standpoint, I want to examine the relationship between the building shell and the building frame in Jerusalem. Develop a typological prototype housing model which will be based on the structural frame and which will include further material aspects.
source: dsgnrcl
Jerusalén es conocida por sus comunidades verticales que suben desde las laderas de colinas. Esta propuesta creada por Ofir Menachem para la zona se aplica el concepto modernista desarrollado en la escuela Bauhaus en Alemania en la década de 1930 que se basa en cinco principios, entre ellos la separación de las paredes de la estructura del edificio para crear un cascara independiente. Aquí los elementos constructivos tradicionales se convierten en un camuflaje para la estructura del edificio en lugar de una parte del bastidor estructural del edificio.
source: ideafoundget
耶路撒冷地区一直以来都被称为垂直社区,这主要还是由于它特殊的地理结构所导致的,一个山坡紧连另一个山坡,从而房屋的设计也就变成梯状结构。Ofir Menachem将这种经典的梯状结构进行再设计,从而延续下去。从建筑框架创建一个自由站式的分离墙体结构,体现了现代主义的设计理念,看上去更具时尚感和科技感。