

Ольга Земска

Stillness in motion
The Matka Series


source: highlike

Work: Locally reclaimed willow branches and wire 69″ x 155″ Accumulate vision… Build bridges… Breathe… solo exhibition Chapel Gallery, Centre of Polish Sculpture, Oronsko, Poland Stillness in motion: The Matka Series is a body of work that explores the concept of place. In this ongoing series I use locally harvested trees that grow native to an area to create a female figure in different countries all around the world. The word “matka” in Polish means mother, a person that is significant to the idea of place, origin and our first physical environment—the womb. Through the repetition of the human form, the subtle characteristics of each environment will emerge naturally and visually. This body of work is ultimately a celebration of the diversity of place and a homage to the similarities that underlie all things at their core.

About work: Center of Polish Sculpture in Oronsko Tightly stacked and rolled together, Olga Ziemska’s cleanly sliced twigs are gathered and organized to create a human form. Flowing behind the arresting structure is a complex mass of the remaining 12 to 15 feet of twig ends. The massive tangle of tendril ends stretched into the expanse of the Chapel Gallery at the Center of Polish Sculpture in Oronsko. Central to an experience of the piece is its location within the chapel. The dark marble floors and mantle, high vaulted ceilings, large Palladian windows, and teardrop chandelier create a small intimate place intended to embrace the paradox of life and death. Stillness in motion energizes the space by its transformative potential. Ziemska’s form stands with arms at its side; however, the branches and twigs flare behind like a giant mane waving in the wind off the neck of a wild horse. At the same time, an inherent vulnerability is present: seen from the side or from behind, the sculpture is a pile of twigs reminiscent of a funeral pyre waiting to be burned. The twigs as human form are life, and as twigs separated from the tree they represent death. Although Ziemska restricted herself to collecting branches already fallen to the ground, the crisp clean ends speak so strongly of the knife it hardly matters. The sliced sharp ends impact our experience of the piece by creating a dramatic interface. The tendrils streaming behind these points in space anticipate a time-lapse photograph of how the piece would look as it took off into the flight from life to death. The sliced, compacted, compressed twigs are, up close, magnifiers of the molecular structure that forms all living things. All structures, biological, natural, or constructed, depend on each part supporting the weight of its function. Cells from our bodies, trestles on a bridge, and cytoplast in the nucleus are meaningless outside of each prescribed order. From the front, Stillness in Motion represents our dependence on order, while the mass of twigs extending behind the ordered frontal plane are random and unruly. This chaos expresses how life is often experienced emotionally and psychologically. Ziemska’s ability to build paradox and multiple meanings through her material and its manipulation becomes the hallmark of a profound work. Stillness in motion is a tangible example of our fragile presence, always moving and preparing to exchange a known form for the unknown. Ziemska’s residency at the Center of Polish Sculpture in Oronsko was supported by a Fulbright Award in 2002–2003. —Stephanie Bowman. SCULPTURE Magazine, December 2003 Oronsko. Poland Olga Ziemska Chapel Gallery (Galeria Kaplica).
Photographer: Olga Ziemska
source: olgaziemska

Olga Ziemska is a sculptor and public artist that lives & works in Cleveland, Ohio in a studio by Lake Erie. She is a recipient of many prestigious grants and awards including a Fulbright Fellowship in 2002 and a Creative Workforce Fellowship in 2009 and 2013, which is generously funded by Cuyahoga Arts & Culture. In 2007, Ziemska was selected as a Wendy L. Moore Emerging Artist by the Museum of Contemporary Art in Cleveland. She has participated in several residencies nationally and abroad, including Centre of Polish Sculpture in Poland, YATOO International Artist Residency in Korea and I-Park in Connecticut. Her work is exhibited both nationally and internationally, with work reviewed in Sculpture magazine. Ziemska recently completed a large-scale outdoor public sculpture titled Indra for Columbus State Community College’s library building.
source: olgaziemska

Stillness in motion: The Matka Series is a new body of work that explores the concept of place. In this ongoing series I will be using locally harvested trees that grow native to an area to create a female figure in different countries all around the world. The word “matka” in Polish means mother, a person that is significant to the idea of place, origin and our first physical environment—the womb. This work will be a sculptural documentation and visual research of the significance of place through examining the distinctive visual characteristics of an areas native plant life and of its’ natural environment. Through the repetition of the human form, the subtle characteristics of each environment will emerge naturally and visually. This body of work is ultimately a celebration of the diversity of place and also a homage to the similarities that underlie all things at their core.
source: nomadaq

Stillness in Motion (Quietud en movimiento), es una escultura orgánica y perecedera realizada por la artista con sede en Cleveland en Ohio Olga Ziemska. Empleando ramas de sauce y de cable recicladas crea figuras complejas que encarnan los espíritus del bosque. Su obra contiene aspectos de la escultura, la filosofía y la ciencia hace referencia a su interés en las bases místicas de la existencia. Olga trata de hacer visibles los conceptos o propiedades que son imperceptibles a simple vista, tales como formaciones de celulares o campos magnéticos. Al hacer asociaciones visuales entre lo visible y lo invisible o microscópico que poéticamente pone de relieve la interrelación de todas las cosas. Stillness in Motion se instaló en 2003 en el Centro de Escultura de Polonia en Oronsko, Polonia.
source: curiosidadesnanet

Stillness in Motion é uma escultura de da artista Olga Ziemska que foi exposta em 2003 no Centro de Escultura polonesa em Oronsko, na Polônia. A peça é feita inteiramente a partir de ramos de salgueiro que foram cortadas e empilhadas para criar uma figura humana.
source: dadatart

Heykel sanatçısı Olga Ziemska Cleveland, Ohio’da, Lake Erie kenarındaki stüdyosunda yaşıyor. Fulbright Fellowship (2002), Creative Workforce Fellowship (2009) gibi birçok prestijli ödül ve yardımın da sahibi olan Olga Ziemska, Cleveland Güncel Sanatlar Müzesi (Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland) tarafından 2007 yılında Wendy L. Moore Emerging Artist olarak seçildi. Sculpture dergisi tarafından hakkında yazılar yazıldı, eserleri ulusal ve uluslararası alanda sergilendi.

Ziemska‘nın kendini ait hissettiği şehirlerden bir tanesi de ailesinin de yaşadığı Varşova. Sanatçı şuanda Columbus State Community College‘de büyük ölçekli bir heykel üzerinde çalışıyor. Olga Ziemska‘nın yaptığı heykeller ve yerleştirmelerde doğa ögesinin önplana çıkıyor olması çevrecilik, sürdürülebilirlik ve doğayı ilgilendiren daha birçok konuda bize ipuçları ve farklı bakışaçıları sağlıyor.
source: office-postru

Ольга Земская (Olga Ziemska) – скульптор-имажинист со своим проектом «Матка» гастролирует по всему миру и всюду оставляет после себя женщину из кустов, ветвями прорастающую в прошлое. Как бы родом из детства, из советского союза – назад к архетипам.

При всех богатстве и разнообразии кустарников в разных уголках земного шара, ивовые ветки продолжают оставаться ивовыми ветками. А матка, мать, богородица (при всей непорочности) – есть начало начал и ядро сущего.

В переводе с языка художественного на потребительский – Ольга Земская изобразила матку в движении, как сущность всего живого, которая ищет новую жертву для продолжения рода.
source: ruiii

Olga Ziemska是一位雕塑家和公共艺术家, 她的作品与科学,生物,神秘的存在有关, 她经常试图发现肉眼不可见的属性比如蜂窝组织或者磁力。 她诗意的强调事物间宏观微观,有形无形的一切关联。 运动中的静,这个雕塑安装在波兰雕塑中心,是从一堆柳枝中削切出人的形状。 万势汇聚于一个平静的面。 让人惊叹的人体雕塑。