


source: agonistica
During his work Pawel Fabjanski gained a broad know-how in the preparation of visuals for reputable clients – this brought him to belief that by describing and uncovering his creative-methods he can put his small merit to the development of global creativity.
On a daily basis Paweł Fabjański is an advertising photographer, represented by two photo agencies: SHOOTME (Poland) and TAKE (Italy). No matter if he works with big advertising agency or a small individual client he always serves with detailed creative supervision and the supports of creation process on each stage of project development. All the pictures presented on this website are mostly his personal series, as well as projects that have been undertaken simultaneously to commercial works.
Parallelly to being an active commercial photographer Paweł Fabjański runs a Work-Room for Professional Commercial Photography at National Film School in Łódź. His classes are a place where the idea of a commercial photography is being re-defined. Together with his students he creates a lab of a new creative photography, where the latest trends are as important as knowledge on photography’s roots and origins.
source: fabjanski
a daily basis Paweł Fabjański is an acknowledged advertising photographer, represented by 
3 photo agencies: SHOOTME (Poland), TANK (Germany) and TAKE (Italy). All the hereby presented projects of his are mostly personal cycles, as well as projects that have been undertaken simultaneously to other commercial works.
Fabjański’s style can be best summarized as a fusion of an advertising, fashion and artistic photography. While being inspired by cinema, literature and so-called ‘urban style’ (a style that he defines as a mixture of street art, comic and pop-culture) he creates pieces of art where both – aesthetics and concept – are equally valued features. Full of tension and mystery snapshots, focused on a human being and his relations with the environment, are forming cycles on specific topics or have a very precise leading theme.
Nowadays, Paweł Fabjański runs a work-room of a professional commercial photography at National Film School in Łódź. His classes are a place where the idea of a commercial photography can be re-defined. Together with all his students Paweł Fabjański creates a lab class of a new commercial photography, where all the newest trends are left at the same level as knowledge on photography’s roots and origins.
The integral part of that web page is Fabjański’s own blog where he shares his thoughts and observations on the utmost interesting phenomenon of visual culture world.
source: elitedaily
Paweł Fabjański is an acknowledged advertising photographer based in Poland.
Fabjański’s style can be best summarized as a fusion of an advertising, fashion and artistic photography. While being inspired by cinema, literature and so-called ‘urban style’ (a style that he defines as a mixture of street art, comic and pop-culture) he creates pieces of art where both – aesthetics and concept – are equally valued features. Full of tension and mystery snapshots, focused on a human being and his relations with the environment, are forming cycles on specific topics or have a very precise leading theme.
source: i-refde
Paweł Fabjańskis fotografischer Stil ist ein Potpourri aus Werbe-, Mode- und künstlerischer Fotografie, dessen Ästhetik sich aus vielerlei Einflüssen aus Film, Literatur und Popkultur speist. In seinen Arbeiten nehmen beide Teile, sowohl das Konzeptuelle wie auch das Ästhetische gleich gestellte Wichtigkeit ein. Die Motivik seiner Bilder fokussiert sich auf den Menschen und seine Interaktion mit der Umgebung. Entfremdung, Identität und Selbstbestimmung sind die Schlagworte, die sich wie ein roter Faden durch sein Portfolio ziehen.
So ist auch seine Serie “Auto Fire” eine Auseinandersetzung mit seiner Generation. Der Protagonist ist wie der Fotograf um die 30 Jahre alt und befindet sich im Strudel zwischen Unentschlossenheit, Unsicherheit, Zukunftsangst und Selbstzweifel, die sich in vielerlei absurden oder intuitiven Handlungen äußern.
Neben seiner Tätigkeit als freischaffender Fotograf für Mode und Werbung, gibt Pawel seine Fähigkeiten an der Nationalen Filmschule von Łódź an seine Schüler weiter. Unten findet ihr Auszüge aus den Serien “Auto Fire”, “We are Animals”, “Meat” “SPOOЯT” und einer Reihe von animierten Bildern.
source: bewaremag
Pawel Fabjanskiest un photographe commercial polonais dont le style mixe la pub, la mode et la photographie artistique.
Grandement inspiré par le cinéma, il met en place d’imposantes installations composées de divers éléments de notre quotidien et de personnes.