
Pyotr Pavlensky

Пётр Павленский

FSB’s headquarters in Moscow, Russia

Pyotr Pavlensky   Threa

source: nbcnews

MOSCOW — One of Russia’s most radical political performance artists was detained in Moscow early on Monday after briefly setting fire to the entrance of the headquarters of the FSB security service, the successor to the Soviet KGB.

Video footage showed Pyotr Pavlensky standing on Moscow’s storied Lubyanka Square in front of the building where political prisoners were interrogated in the Soviet era as flames licked around its entrance, scorching parts of two heavy wooden doors.

Pavlensky, 31, was shown holding a gas can and staring out onto the darkened square before a policeman grabbed him. His lawyer later told the Interfax news agency that Pavlensky was being held in a Moscow police station and might be charged with arson.

Unnamed law enforcement sources confirmed Pavlensky’s detention, saying he could be charged with petty hooliganism, an offense that usually carries a fine and a jail term of up to 15 days. Two journalists filming his actions said they were briefly detained before being released.

In a script accompanying the video of the incident, Pavlensky said his action was called “Threat” and meant to draw attention to what he called the terror tactics employed by the security agency.

“Fear turns free people into a sticky mass of uncoordinated bodies,” he said. “The threat of inevitable reprisal hangs over everyone who can be tracked with devices, have their conversations listened to, and who faces borders with passport control,” he wrote.

Pavlensky has attracted attention before, carrying out extreme acts which he says are designed to poke holes in the Kremlin’s propaganda machine and draw attention to society’s problems.

In 2012, he sewed his lips together to protest against the jailing of anti-Kremlin punk band Pussy Riot, and the following year he wrapped himself in barbed wire in front of a government building to show his opposition to laws he deemed regressive.
source: 1folhauol

Para compartilhar esse conteúdo, por favor utilize o link http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/mundo/2015/11/1703925-artista-russo-incendia-porta-de-sede-de-agencia-de-seguranca-local.shtml ou as ferramentas oferecidas na página. Textos, fotos, artes e vídeos da Folha estão protegidos pela legislação brasileira sobre direito autoral. Não reproduza o conteúdo do jornal em qualquer meio de comunicação, eletrônico ou impresso, sem autorização da Folhapress (pesquisa@folhapress.com.br). As regras têm como objetivo proteger o investimento que a Folha faz na qualidade de seu jornalismo. Se precisa copiar trecho de texto da Folha para uso privado, por favor logue-se como assinante ou cadastrado.
source: huffingtonpostit

L’artista russo Pyotr Pavlensky, celebre per le sue performance estreme, è stato arrestato questa notte dopo aver tentato di incendiare l’ingresso principale della sede dell’Fsb, l’ex Kgb, i servizi segreti russi, in piazza Lubianka a Mosca.

Lo riportano i media locali, come la radio Eco di Mosca. Insieme a lui vi erano anche due reporter, che hanno assistito alla scena. Il giornalista Vladimir Romensky della tv indipendente Dozhd ha raccontato che Pavlensky ha provocato un incendio di portata leggera all’ingresso principale del famigerato edificio, ex sede anche del Kgb.

Gli agenti hanno fermato anche Romensky e la fotoreporter Nigina Beroeva, poi rilasciati; Pavlensky, invece, si trova ancora in stato di fermo, sospettato di teppismo.

Secondo quanto riferisce la radio Eco di Mosca, la porta incendiata non risulta danneggiata, ma sono visibili i segni delle fiamme.
Pyotr Pavlensky non è nuovo a performance di denuncia estreme.

Due anni fa, hanno fatto il giro del mondo le immagini dell’artista che si era inchiodato i testicoli sulla Piazza Rossa di Mosca per denunciare l’autoritarismo della Russia di Putin.
source: zonamedia

Петр Павленский объяснил смысл акции на Лубянской площади, где в ночь на понедельник художник поджег дверь входа в здание ФСБ.

«Страх превращает свободных людей в слипшуюся массу разрозненных тел. Угроза неизбежной расправы нависает над каждым, кто находится в пределах досягаемости для устройств наружного наблюдения, прослушивания разговоров и границ паспортного контроля. Военные суды ликвидируют любые проявления свободы воли», — объясняет акционист свой поступок.

Также он распространил видеозапись с места событий.