

Рейнальд Друхин

landscape monolith


source: turbulenceorg

Born in Paris in 1969. Lives and works in Paris and in Rennes. An artist who works with digital material (net and video), he studied plastic arts at Paris Fine Arts School (DNSAP) and at University of Paris 1 (Masters, DEA) and a Hypermedia Multimedia Mastère (ENSBA).
Reynald Drouhin has shown his work at ISEA 2000, in Paris, at the International festival of multimedia urban arts in Belfort, at the Biennial festival 2000 in Montreal and the International demonstration of video and electronic art organized by Champ Libre in 1999. He also took part in ISEA 97 in Chicago, Imagina in Monaco (1998).
He’s received several prizes and distinctions including the Grand Prix for Digital Creation and the Special Award of the Toshiba Jury in 2003, the Video Award of the FIAV in Tangers (2001), the Grand Prix at the Cyberfestival of Reuil-Malmaison as well as the Auvergnes-Videoformes DRACs Multimedia Award in 1999. He has obtained several residencies: at C3 in Budapest (2000), at CICV in Belfort (2000-2001), at Europeo in Italy (2001) and at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh (1997). Currently he’s artist-teacher at Fine Arts School in Rennes and member of the Incident.net group.

Artist’s Statement

Sometimes, mischievous children hiding behind bushes leave a banknote on the sidewalk and nimbly pull it away with an invisible string when a surprised passerby dares to try and pick it up.
I can easily imagine Reynald Drouhin in this type of exercise.
I also imagine him exploring the caves and attics of uncertain rich uncles, searching for a magical treasure.
Finally, I imagine him slowly drifting into immense wastelands wondering about the whys and the wherefores of the fate of these piles of objects abandoned by other natives.

In other words, I imagine Reynald Drouhin as someone who grew up too quickly and who has never completely recuperated from his encounter with the local population.

The locals from elsewhere glide on the web and it is with them that Reynald tends to practice virtual handgliding.
He behaves like a Sunday painter who works without a canvas, without colors or without any particular subject, and who sets up his virtual easel by the road where people walking past stop, stupefied to see images from their own imagination unfold right in front of them.
We are dealing here with a painter who contents himself with creating situations allowing others to perform every possible rearrangement, visual cross fertilizing, collages of symbols, of signs, of images… The Web is great and Datadada is its prophet. For Reynald, in any case, the situation seems clear: since everything and its opposite gravitate and bustle and multiply to infinity within the twists and turns of networks, he might as well dig into the inexhaustible (and sometimes depressing) manna of data in order to construct his visual cathedrals with virtual matchsticks.

Beneath the appearance of a lost monk in a library reduced to ashes, Reynald Drouhin, patient, discreet, enduring and clever is even able to produce an art that is cheerful, light, friendly…
Precious, isn’t it?

Pierre Bongiovanni (extract from Frags, Publication, 2003, Erba Rennes)
source: yatzer

MONOLITH is the title of French multimedia artist Reynald Drouhin’s latest art project which consists of a series of digitally manipulated images of stunning natural landscapes. In the middle of picturesque sunsets and serene Arctic landscapes, Drouhin pastes a mysterious prismatic shape and then flips it, thus creating a mind-boggling visual effect of an otherworldly transparent object hovering in desolate locations. The entire project is an ingenious appropriation of the famous monolith from Stanley Kubrick’s film ”2001: A Space Odyssey” where mysterious dark rectangular objects (dubbed as monoliths) were scattered across the solar system by an unknown alien civilisation which seemed to guide humans along a risky interplanetary journey. Reynald Drouhin’s MONOLITH series captures exactly the double nature of Kubrick’s monoliths: the inverted shapes in the photographs seem to be a window to another dimension, a physical anomaly which distorts the nature around it, and is both menacing and inviting.

Reynald Drouhin (1969) is a multimedia artist who lives and works in Paris, France. He currently teaches at the Fine Arts School of Rennes.
source: journal-du-designfr

Reynald Drouhin est un artiste multimédia diplômé de l’école des beaux-arts de Paris et travaille aux beaux-arts de Rennes.

Je vous présente sa série baptisée « Landscape Monolith », un travail basé sur l’utilisation de clichés pris sur internet puis modulés avec une forme monolithique qui inverse la perspective partant de l’horizon.
Le résultat offre de magnifiques oeuvres révélant un univers parallèle, étrange et fantomatique.
source: i-refde

In “Landscape Monolith” platziert der Multimedia-Künstler Reynald Drouhin ein frappierendes Störelement in ein scheinbar perfektes Landschaftsbild- einen grafischen, in geometrische Form gebrachten “Monolithen”, in dessen Inneren das Zentrum des Fotos auf den Kopf gestellt wird. Dadurch werden farblich homogene Bereiche auf dieses eine heterogene Element zentriert.

Reynald Drouhin lebt und arbeitet in Paris, studierte dort Plastische Kunst und lehrt zurzeit Multimedia an der Kunstakademie von Rennes.
source: simplistanapista

Landscape Monolith é uma série de foto-manipulações criadas por Reynald Drouhin. O artista inverte paisagens através de secções geométricas promovendo a reestruturação da imagem na mente do observador.
source: designworldse

Franska konstnären Reynald Drouhin‘s senaste projekt omfattar digitalt manipulerade bilder av blandade natursköna landskap. Reynald Drouhin bor och arbetar i Paris där han undervisar på Fine Arts School of Rennes.

Bildserien heter Monolith och har en abstrakt prismatisk kloss i mitten, som inverterar landskapet och på så sätt ger en kontrasterande effekt. Inspirationen till projektet är hämtad ifrån den mystiska monoliten i den välkända filmen ”A Space Odessey” av Stanley Kubrick. Filmen handlar om mörka rektangulära objekt som blivit spridda i solsystemet av okända alienvarelser. Reynald Drouhin’s modifierade fotografier liknar dessa objekt och ser ut att vara ett fönster in till en ny dimension.
source: flytotheskyru

MONOLITH — название арт-проекта французского фотографа Reynald Drouhin, который состоит из серии пейзажных фотографий, обработанных специальным образом: центральная часть снимка перевернута.
source: worncz

Pařížský umělec milující multi-média Reynald Drouhin pozměňuje křišťálově čisté krajiny otáčením jejich centrální části vzhůru nohama a nabízí nám tak pohled do odlišného nového místa, které ale přesto dokonale ladí s okolním světem. Nepracuje pouze ve vyhrazených a dovolených prostorech, naopak zkouší nejrůznější možnosti a způsoby, jak odhalit a přinést něco nového, co je pro většinu lidí neviditelné.

Z vrcholků hor na písečné pláže, Reynald se zaměřuje na živé barvy, ostré linie přírody, jasné světlo a zrcadlové obrazy tak vytváří nádhernou iluzi prostoru. V nenásilném přechodu nabízí divákům možnost vidět svět z netradiční, avšak velmi působivé a atraktivní perspektivy.