

source: runeguneriussenno

Rune Guneriussen, born 1977, in Norway. Education from Surrey Institute of Art & Design in England. Live and work in eastern Norway. Is an artist working in the transition between installation and photography. As a conceptual artist he works site specific, primarily in nature.The work on objects started in 2005, and has been photographed on locations all over Norway.

It is not as much photography as it is about sculpture and installation. The long oneman work on an largescale installation is a process triggering the artistic genom. This process involves the object, story, space and most important the time it is made within. It is an approach to the balance between nature and human culture, and all the sublevels of our own excistence. The work is made solely on site, and the photographs represents the reality of the installation itself.

As an artist he believes strongly that art itself should be questioning and bewildering as opposed to patronising and restricting. As opposed to the current fashion he does not want to dictate a way to the understanding of his art, but rather indicate a path to understanding a story.
source: abcontemporary

“I would like to say that I am inspired by the objects I am working on, the place or location I am working at, and the specific time everything is made in. My imagination can just as easily be inspired by global events and politics as it can be inspired by looking at a bird flying across the sky. But I also relate back this inspiration to my artistic development and the real time put into making a work like I do.”
(Rune Guneriussen, p. 68, Elephant magazine, issue 8, 2011).

The title of the exhibition “Imposer of shifts” is not only identical with the title of one of his large format photographs, but also refers to issues and necessities in life and society. Imposing shifts is something one has to do over and over again to progress and develop in life.

Our show presents Guneriussen’s latest works from the years 2010 and 2011, some of them not having been shown before. This selection is complemented with some earlier works from the years 2006 until 2009.

Norwegian born Rune Guneriussen is a conceptual artist who uses photography to express his poetic ideas. In his works everyday objects are cast in seemingly untouched Norwegian landscapes where they are the only trace of human presence subject to a particular character and carefully laying out a story. By placing inanimate objects like lamps, globes, telephones and chairs in untouched landscapes, the artist achieves to combine nature and manmade structures into whimsical installations. Guneriussen is the only witness of the site-specific installations, leaving the audience with nothing but the photograph as tangible proof which documents the brevity of his objects. In this way, he uses the photographs to extend the space of the idea by means of documentation. With their poetic titles the often monumental photographs suggest multiple stories representing a balance between nature and culture.

Guneriussen believes in art as a means to question and bewilder rather than to patronize and restrict. The medium of photography offers new ways to document ephemeral events and at the same time interrogate accepted meanings. Guneriussen does not want to dictate a way to understand his art, but indicates a path to understand a story.

Rune Guneriussen, born 1977, in Norway. Education from Surrey Institute of Art & Design in England. Live and work in eastern Norway. Is an artist working in the transition between installation and photography. As a conceptual artist he works site specific primarily in nature, but also with more manmade structures. The isolation of objects are turned in to installations, most of these are not seen by audience, but only photographed.

The work on objects such as tables, lamps and chairs started in 2005, and has been photographed on location all over Norway. The objects are implemented mainly in scenes cast in appropriate landscapes, and here they are subject to a certain carachter carefully laying out a story. It is an approach to the balance between nature and culture, but also a multiple reading of stories. On the contrary to many believes the work is made solely on site, and the photographs represents the reality of the installation itself. This makes the work increasingly complex and time-consuming. The photographs has been exhibited in House of Photography in Oslo, The National Annual Autumn Exhibition, Bremen in Germany, National Gallery of Bulgaria, Tallinn and more. His works also includes live installations open for an audience. Most lately this happened for the Nuit Blanche 2009 in Paris with the installation “Don´t leave the lights on”, but also with “An electric field” as his most extensive project done in Norway.

As an artist he believes strongly that art itself should be questioning and bewildering as opposed to patronising and restricting. As opposed to the current fashion he does not want to dictate a way to the understanding of his art, but rather indicate a path to understanding a story.
source: rheingalerie-bonnde

Die Arbeiten des Künstlers Rune Guneriussen (*1977) bewegen sich im Bereich zwischen Installation und Fotografie: der Norweger inszeniert Alltagsgegenstände wie Telefone, Stühle, Lampen oder Bücher in den Naturlandschaften seiner Heimat. Fast alle seine Installationen werden fotografiert und sind einem öffentlichen Publikum nicht zugänglich – nur ein kleiner Teil findet als Liveinstallation statt. Rune Guneriussen studierte am “Surrey Institute of Art & Design” in England, seine Werke wurden bereits in Deutschland, Bulgarien, Frankreich, Estland, Norwegen ausgestellt.
source: ylzhulong

挪威艺术家RUNE GUNERIUSSEN是一个概念型的艺术家,他的作品主要是让自然与生活中的元素相结合,从而得到视觉效果上的强烈反差,吸引关注。他坚定的认为,艺术本身就应该是被质疑和令人眼花缭乱的,他希望自己的作品能招到人们的议论与推敲,而不是自己去讲解作品的意义,毕竟每一个人对于艺术的理解与感悟是不一样的。
source: designistro

Aceasta nu este o fotografie-colaj, asamblată într-un program de editare, ci una care surprinde o realitate creată întocmai de artistul norvegian Rune Guneriussen. Rune are 35 de ani, a absolvit Surrey Institute of Art & Design din UK, dar locuieşte şi lucrează în estul Norvegiei. Instalaţiile sale se întâmplă în zonele rurale, în mijlocul naturii – acolo sunt asamblate întocmai cum le vedeţi, fotografiate, şi apoi dispar…
source: artmonstrru

Норвежский фотограф-инсталлятор Рун Гунериуссен (Rune Guneriussen) родился в 1977. Обучался в Суррейском Институте Искусств и Дизайна. Сейчас живет и работает в Норвегии.
source: portobello

O artista Rune Guneriussen mudou a paisagem de diversas florestas na Noruega, e agora, entre os galhos de árvores e as moitas no chão, também pode sem avistadas belíssimos conjuntos de luminárias, livros, abajures, entre outras instalações. A experiência de andar por esses locais seja durante o dia ou à noite, tem sido completamente poética e diferente para quem vive ou visita a região. Mas há que ter a sorte de visitar o local na semana em que Rune monta as estruturas para fazer os ensaios fotográficos.

O objetivo do artista ao montar as instalações é convidar os moradores e visitantes à reflexão, à prestar um pouco mais de atenção ao que a arte causa no corpo e na percepção. São novos formatos de luzes e sombras, instaladas em locais inusitados, misturadas à natureza selvagem.