

Angular Momentum

source: oestreno

Signe Lidén lager lydinstallasjoner og forestillinger som omhandler resonanskaos. Hennes installasjoner er ofte soniske og romlige undersøkelser av sosiale og kulturelle fenomener gjennom en eksperimentell form for forskning. Signe har en MA fra Kunstakademiet i Bergen og ble uteksaminert fra Nordic Sound Art MA program i 2012.
source: signeliden

Signe Lidén (1981) makes sound installations and improvised performances that deals with resonance of places and objects. Her installations are often sonic and spatial examinations of social and cultural phenomena through an experiential form of research.

Signe Lidén has a MA from the Academy of Arts in Bergen and graduated from the Nordic Sound Art MA program May 2012.
source: bliptv

Lidén and Kindernay makes metal sing and moments of momentum seeable. The installation is built up by resonated metal objects embodied by strips of interacting images. The objects are both microphones and speakers and their feedback agitates continuously new layers of sound. The singing, hauling, droning scrap metal modulates numerous of moving pictures that are projected on the objects. Natural patterns mutating in abstract generative forms. Sometimes the sound draws and the image sounds. Tiny granular insects revive contemplative wired environment.