

سيمون بيك
סיימון בק
사이먼 벡
Саймон Бек

source: fubiznet

Depuis 2004, l’artiste anglais Simon Beck parcourt la station Les Arcs en France par temps de neige et s’amuse à dessiner de gigantesques et magnifiques formes inspirées de la composition des flocons. Un résultat magnifique que l’artiste met plus de 6 heures à obtenir. A découvrir dans la suite.
source: urbanpeek

Originally an orienteering mapmaker, 54 years old Simon Beck from Southern England, educated at Millfield School and Oxford University, got fond of expressing himself through gigantic snow “crop circles” look art. It all started once he bought an apartment in Les Arcs, French ski resort in 2004. Each creation takes around 10 hours of walking in snowshoes and covers a significant piece of frozen lake sometimes even size of 6 football fields.

The artist usually draw the design on a piece of paper before starting and as soon as he ready the only thing he is using outside is the handheld orienteering compass and pace counting or measuring tape, so he can determine the distance and set out the work. Beck usually gets inspired by world of geometry or “crop circles”, which he developed gradually through years of performing the snow art.
source: boredpanda

When, due to his feet injuries, British engineer Simon Beck could no longer run, he decided to get some exercise by taking long walks. To make it more interesting, 54-year-old would put on his snowshoes and walk in distinctly geometric patterns. Step by step, after 8 to 10 hours of walking it creates some jaw-dropping trampled snow art.

Being an orienteering leader, Simon calls his method a ‘kind of reverse orienteering’ and first designs his patterns on the computer. Once in the snow, he uses an orienteering compass and a measuring tape to lay out the design, then picks up a clothes line and a central anchor to complete the circles and curves.

These snow ‘crop circles’ can be found in the ski resort of Les Arcs in France, where Simon resides during winter. For more snow art be sure to check out Sonja Hinrichsen that we’ve featured last year.
source: mymodernmet

We were first introduced to the creative snow patterns of artist Simon Beck earlier this year and it seems the active snow artist is back at it again. As winter approaches and we all bundle up inside for warmth, Beck already has his snowshoes on to trek through the snowy fields of Les Arcs, a ski resort in France where he owns an apartment. The English artist has already begun walking countless miles to create amazing geometric patterns in snow for this season.

With a background in orienteering and an affinity for the world of geometry, Beck manages to only get bigger and better with time. The artist began his impressive craft in 2004 as a form of exercise, though it has clearly grown into something far greater. With each passing year, he has proceeded to expand the size and complexity of his figures, challenging himself and wowing the world with his meticulous skill. It’s hard to believe that each piece, which can take anywhere from 6 hours to 2 days to complete, is made manually by foot.

In the end, all of Beck’s snow art has a temporary lifespan as new snowfall is bound to cover his laborious efforts. This is why the artist seeks to take pictures and share them with the world. When asked why he actually does this, the artist responded, “I hope to spread the message [that] the mountains and snow are beautiful and worth preserving, and there are better things in life than spending so much time doing things you don’t want to so that you can spend money you haven’t got (yet) to buy things you don’t need to impress people you don’t like.”
source: hypeness

O trabalho do engenheiro Simon Beck de 54 anos também vai te deixar de boca aberta: ele cria essas réplicas gigantes de “crop circles” apenas caminhando o dia todo usando sapatos especiais para neve.

Simon conta que começou com a “brincadeira” porque ele estava precisando de se exercitar, mas por causa de um problema em seus pés, não podia mais correr. As gravuras complexas requerem planejamento detalhado, que ele faz primeiro no computador. As obras de arte duram quanto tempo o clima permitir. Ainda bem que esses registros fotográficos jamais poderão ser apagadas por um clima ruim.
source: english1cari

Kreatif. Seorang pengkarya seni Simon Beck telah mencipta kelainan dengan mengguna salji sebagai medium utama dalam menghasilkan karya seninya. Seni lukisan ini di lakukan di kawasan pergunungan Lec Arc di Perancis. Tanpan bantuan sebarang jentera mahupun peralatan mekanikal, Beck mula melukiskan corak geometri dan bulatan dengan berjalan di atas permukaan salji ini. Setiap daripada corak yang di hasilkan ini mengambil masa sehingga 6 Jam ke 2 Hari untuk di siapkan bergantung juga kepada keadaan cuaca. Bagi menyiapkan lukisan ini, Beck menggunakan peralatan bantuan navigasi seperti peta dan kompas bagi memastikan setiap lukisan ini tepat dari segi ukuran dan bentuknya. Sekarang mari lihat seni lukisan di atas salji oleh Simon Beck.
source: ipcme

你怎么能不佩服一个在雪地上行走一日,创造出让人惊叹的雪花图案的人?艺术家 Simon Beck 不畏严寒,以双脚为工具创造出了杰出的艺术作品,整个图案约有三个足球场那么大。他穿上雪鞋,每天要走上5到9个小时,最终完成了这复杂的几何图案……

相关阅读:大自然小科普 – 雪花是如何形成的?
雪花微距摄影 – 从来不知道雪花原来这样美!刨冰拍起来会不会也是这样呢?
有时是壮观的 3D 图案、有时是规整的几何形状。在这些图案中,有的有六个足球场那么大,它们所呈现出来的设计主题很广,艺术家 Simon Beck 的雪地“怪圈”,从复杂的雪花和螺旋到立方体以及相当抽象的事物都有。
source: re-actor

В начале этого года мы уже демонстрировали вам масштабные работы Симона Бека (Simon Beck), сделанные во Французских Альпах. Наступила новая календарная зима, и художник взялся с новым рвением создавать свои необычные узоры.

Для работы автор использует снегоступы и обычный портативный компас. Изначально это была лишь простая необходимость физических нагрузок. Теперь Симон Бек (Simon Beck) – желанный гость на многих мини-курортах и получает заказы на создание рисунков на снегу. Напомним, художнику необходимы ежедневные нагрузки на ноги по совету врачей. В среднем, каждая работа занимает порядка десяти часов. Однако, есть такие, которые «съедают» почти весь день. Симон окончил Оксфордский университет и по профессии картограф. В этом году он планирует посетить арктическую часть Норвегии.
source: maurosgatosnet

Τη στιγμή που άλλοι (για τον εαυτό μου μιλάω κυρίως!) δε μπορούμε να κάνουμε ούτε μισό βήμα στο χιόνι, ο Βρετανός Simon Beck φοράει τα χιονοπέδιλα του και ξεχύνεται στις χιονισμένες πλαγιές της Γαλλίας σχηματίζοντας ευδιάκριτα γεωμετρικά σχήματα.

Ο 54χρονος καλλιτέχνης ασχολείται με τη συγκεκριμένη τέχνη τα τελευταία 6 χρόνια. Για να ολοκληρώσει ένα έργο του χρειάζεται από 6 ώρες μέχρι και 2 ημέρες. Πάρτε μία γεύση από την εντυπωσιακή δουλειά τουç.