Snow Yunxue Fu | highlike

Snow Yunxue Fu


Snow Yunxue Fu  Solid

source: vimeo

While human in centuries have struggled to pin down the essential properties of consciousness, the ever-increasing involvements of the digital technology in our daily life have certainly complicated this issue. As the digital activity is gradually replacing the usual human activities that historically define who we are, Solid is a conscious space that is concerned with the state of the human consciousness. Asking the question whether human beings are getting closer of knowing who we are or actually getting away from the fulfillment of the human existential meaning with their technological extensions.
source: snowyunxuefu

My work engages in a Kantian quest to capture the experience of the sublime through the limited means of human consciousness. It is a question transcends cultural boundaries and one that opens onto fundamental inquiries into the nature of human existence: who we are and what is our significance in the material cosmos?

My work began with traditional media and materials, but has evolved into an engagement with computer-rendered abstractions. Modeling my animations on the allegorical paintings of Casper David Fredrich, I discovered that his aspiration to explore the nature of physical and metaphysical limits mirrored a fundamental aspect of Chinese Traditional Landscape Painting. Extending out from the pictorial, my installation work engages in a metaphoric relationship with physical perception, by which the sublime is framed and the viewer is invited to enter into a liminal interior within a digitally constructed realm.
source: vimeo

Snow Yunxue Fu (b. 1987) is an artist who lives and works in Chicago. Her work approaches the subject of the Sublime using topographical computer rendered animation installation. She exams and interprets the world around her through virtual reality, where she draws a parallel to the realm of multi-dimensionality and the spiritual.
Fu has exhibited her work nationally and internationally including Chicago Filmmakers, Kunsthalle Detroit Museum of Contemporary Art, MoMA PopRally Online Screening, NURTUREart Gallery in Brooklyn NY, TEMP Art Space in New York, The Gallery C Space in Beijing, Prak-Sis New Media Festival in Chicago, Currents: Santa Fe International New Media Festival, Gene Siskel Film Center in Chicago, West Village Art Gallery in Chengdu China, SIMULTAN Festival in Romania, and 9:16 Film Festival in Australia.
Fu is teaching at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in both the Film, Video, New Media, and Animation Department and the Continuing Studies Department. She obtained a M.F.A. degree from the Film, Video, New Media, and Animation at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She also obtains a B.F.A. degree in Painting from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Southeast Missouri State University, and a B.A. in Fine Art from Sichuan Normal University in China.