

三原 聡一郎

The Blank to Overcome

Soichiro Mihara  The Blank to Overcome

source: fileorgbr

Parte do projeto “blank” que o artista tem criado desde 2011, “The Blank to Overcome” utiliza bombas de ar, circuito de controle de fonte de energia, água, solução, glicerina, etanol e eletricidade para produzir bolhas no ar. O tema de “vazios” denota um espaço para um “questionamento” não resolvido através das perspectivas para se pensar o presente após o tsunami de 11 de março de 2011: como as bolhas estão sempre se deslocando como um aglomerado gigante, quase sem massa ou estrutura e o enfrentamento disso; e o quadro desde a modernidade que prescreveu à sociedade, os “envolvidos” e os “outros”. Certamente, surgirão debates a partir dessa obra.
Nascido em 1980 em Tóquio, ele apresenta sistemas que focam no som como arte. Desde 2011, tem criado um projeto em torno de espaços vazios investigando a relação entre tecnologia e vazios que fazem a sociedade existir. Atualmente, Soichiro Mihara reside na SymbioticA, Austrália, para estudar biotecnologia.
source: fileorgbr

Part of the ”blank” project that the artist has been creating since 2011, “The Blank to Overcome” utilizes air pumps, power supply control circuitry, water, solution, glycerin, ethanol and electricity to produce bubbles in the air. The theme of ”blanks” denotes a space for an unsolved ”inquiry” through the perspectives for thinking about the post-3.11 present: how the bubbles are always shifting as a giant cluster, almost without mass or structure, and the facing up to this; and the framework since modernity that has prescribed society, and the ”involved” or the ”other”. From this work debate will surely emerge.
Born in 1980 in Tokyo, he presents systems that center on sound as artworks. Since 2011, he has been creating a project themed around blank spaces investigating the relationship between technology and blanks that brings society into existence. Currently, Soichiro Mihara is residing at SymbioticA in Australia in order to examine biotechnology.



source: mhrsjp

I have presented open system as art for a while.

I have interested in sharing process which is ongoing at the place, rather than static object. This is the message for my country facing unprecedented epoch from I as japanese. I feel it important to confront what is hapenning as it is.

At 311, I lived in a city far away from disastered area. It seem nothing changed at that time, but I can feel a few vague scenery from my living area and tons of severe information from media. I got our country’s situation gradually and most of them are hard to understand for me. but on the other hand, many of important topic have masked. the impression of these disaster and connected many layer of problem is first, void for me, but changed blank. Ofcourse we lost a ton. but I don’t think japan also lost the right answer for society. I think many of the people trust easy myth without facing up reality. the lost space seem blank for un-snswered question for me. and this question is changing even now. that what I think after the disaster.

I use technology for my art piece, but always conscious about technology itself.