


Pénis Cybernétique

Sputniko!  Penis Cybernetique

source: gqjapanjp






しかし、ジェンダーや社会的な事象をテーマに本人がコスプレして歌うビデオ作品をウェブ上で発表するや、2009年には世界的なメディアアートイベント「アルスエレクトロニカ」でゴールデンニカ賞を、『生理マシーン~』では、YouTube Video Award Japan 2010のユーザー投票で「テクノロジー・乗り物部門」を受賞するなど(再生回数は20万回を超える)、ここ数年アーティストとして頭角を現している。

source: designindaba
Sputniko! is an artist and designer who lives and works in Tokyo.
Sputniko! creates machines, films and music that explores technology, feminism and pop culture. Her narrative works are produced via research investigation with scientists and specialists to critically investigate a possible future for human beings and technology.
Born to an English mother and a Japanese father, who are both mathematicians, Sputniko! graduated high school early to study mathematics at Imperial College, London.
She soon became interested in ways to use the arts to better communicate her scientific thinking, leading her to the Royal College of Art.
She has received grants and awards from numerous sources including the Singapore Art Museum and Ars Electronica.
source: momaorg
The artist known as Sputniko! explores technology, feminism, and pop culture by collaborating with scientists on works that suggest possible intersections among these fields. Crowbot Jenny, inspired by Donna Haraway’s philosophical memoir When Species Meet (2007), is a solitary girl who, despite her generation’s tendency toward communication overload, has trouble relating to her peers. In fact, Crowbot Jenny prefers to talk with animals and uses the Crowbot, an instrument that replicates a range of crow calls, to commune with her army of birds. Sputniko! collaborated with Nathan Emery and Nicola Clayton, specialists in crow intelligence at the University of London and University of Cambridge, UK, respectively, who provided her with sample calls collected in London’s Finsbury and Hyde parks. From that collaboration she learned that crows are capable of advanced social communication, and even of reading other animals’ minds. Crowbot Jenny contemplates the potential of cross-species interaction, suggesting a scenario in which technology lets us, as the artist says, “re-realize the urban animals surrounding us.”