
Thibault Delhom

Touch of Hope

Thibault Delhom  Touch of Hope

source: designcollectornet

“Thibault Delhom (Behance, Instagram) finds interesting ways to infuse his portraits with a creative edge, whether it’s by digitally adding lines and graphics or by using surreal props like an anatomically correct hand. The colour scheme is made up of predominately darker tonalities and he achieves a high level of contrast which is great to see. High quality stuff indeed.”
source: bleaq

One of my latest discoveries is Thibault Delhom, a Paris based fine-art photographer. I love how Thibault knows how to make a strong portrait without too many attributes, it takes a great eye to accomplish such a thing. The photographs might look cold and distant at first glance, yet lure you in due to their fascinating sober colour palettes and minimalistic compositions.
source: artandfactsfr

Le travail photographique de Thibault Delhom (Thibault Dlm) s’exprime en harmonie. Son équilibre est d’une finesse maitrisée. Une simplicité évidente condensée dans un style minimaliste et graphique. Les thématiques sont parfois sombres et angoissantes dans ces corps contorsionnés, oppressés et ces visages parfois cachés…

Résolument, cet étudiant de 22 ans possède une esthétique conceptuelle aiguë où les courbes s’articulent tout en ayant un sens.