
Tobias Stretch

Weird Fishes

Tobias Stretch  Weird Fishes

source: amassjp

レディオヘッド(Radiohead)「Weird Fishes」のミュージック・ビデオ(ファン制作)がネットで公開され話題に。ペンシルベニアを拠点にする映像作家Tobias Stretchの作品
source: white-screenjp

フィラデルフィアの映像作家Tobias Stretch(トビアス・ストレッチ)。ハンドメイドのパペットやガジェットを自然の中でコマ撮りで撮影し、ビザールな白昼夢を創り上げるアーティストだ。レディオヘッドのMVコンテスト「Rainbows Animated Music Video Contest」の優勝作品「Weird Fishes」で一躍その名を知られるようになった。そんなトビアス監督の最新ミュージックビデオ(MV)Brian Goss「Gig」が登場。森のロッヂを舞台に、ヘビースモーカーの老婆とカウボーイ、謎の葉っぱ男が大騒ぎを繰り広げる、トビアス監督らしい作品だ。本作の撮影はフィラデルフィアで行われ、パペット制作に6週間かかった。

Radiohead 「Weird Fishes」 dir: Tobias Stretch 「ワイドレンズを使っているのは、神が作った緑の地球をできるだけたくさん収めることができるから」
source: saladhouseanimation

Tobias Stretch made this beautiful and mesmerising stop motion animation for Radiohead’s track ‘Weird Fishes’. Tobias’ natural light stop motion technique conjures a phantasmagorical and intimate world. Grotesque yet endearing puppets traversing the hinterlands in some bizarre pilgrimage. Tactile and beautiful.
source: file-magazine

Tobias Stretch, is one of the most inspiring film directors that I have come across in recent years. His stop-motion animation films and bizarre dreamlike characters are visually striking and magical. He has directed the critically acclaimed video for Efterklang’s Illuminant, and the Aniboom-winner for Radiohead’s Weird Fishes.
source: hardworkingmovies

A documentary telling the story of Lillo, an immigrant Italian carpenter who sees his life crumble after a murder in his family. Lillo must decide if he is to seek justice, even if it means losing not only the rest of his family in the process, but possibly even his life. An incredible story about obsession, love and betrayal, featuring breathtaking stop-motion animation by otherworldly artist and filmmaker Tobias Stretch.