
Tony Matelli



source: zupi
Tony Matelli nasceu em Chicago e suas esculturas, que fogem ao comum e impressionam pela veracidade e força, são feitas de bronze, aço, fibra de vidro, cabelos e silicone. Confira abaixo os trabalhos, que valem milhares de dólares.
source: tatintsian
Tony Matelli is one of several artists who have become known for reinterpreting the tradition of hyperrealism in American sculpture. During recent years he has moved away from his earlier depictions of humans and animals towards examining signs of human presence.
Using an often hyperrealistic idiom, Matelli describes the more disquieting sides of human beings and human society. His sculptures straddle the boundary between uneasiness and humour: in a number of the works he turns innocence into absurdity, such as when animals or humans are maltreated by various weapons and devices.
He was born 1971 in Chicago, IL and lives and works in New York, New York.
source: dobask
Tony Matelli je tak trochu podivín. Odráža sa to na jeho tvorbe. Diela, ktorými sa preslávil sú hyper-realistické sochy či už ľudí, zvierat ale vecí, no zakaždým však v netradičných polohách. Obrazne, ale aj doslova. Opice zachytené v drsnom súboji, polomŕtvy pár na ktorý dopadá rozbíjajúci sa klavír a podobne.
Tieto energiou nabité sochy slúžia ako metafory pre naše vlastné sociálne nepokoje a poukazuje na náš každodenný boj o prežitie. Parafrázujú vnútorné stavy zúfalstva, paniku a rozpoltenosť.. teda časté stavy spojené so snahou nájsť sám seba v našom vlastnom sociálnom svete.