

Faux Plis

Véronique Pêcheux

source: highlike

Work: Faux Plis est une série photographique réalisée en collaboration avec la designer textile Aude Mercier. Issu d’un travail de recherche sur le détournement du textile et de l’accessoire, les origamis sortent du vêtement pour être transposés en objets tactiles et devenir des éléments de transformation du corps. Par ce jeu de métamorphose, ils deviennent eux-mêmes des éléments corporelles à part entière.
Photographer: Véronique Pêcheux
source: lanciatrendvisions

Like a modern day Robin Hood of fashion design, Véronique Pêcheux ‘steals’ the richness of colour to enhance the value of poorer fabrics. Simple clothing items and accessories are transformed into vibrant fascinating objects with the addition of her colourful origami shapes.Umbrella-like floral ornaments, stars, butterfly-shaped paper and material curls light up her clothes. All the colours of the rainbow mixed with multi-coloured patterns stand out in the pale-shaded backgrounds of her photos. Her fresh fanciful creations are full of fun, often destined for children themselves or to bring the ‘child’ out in grown ups. It is not by chance that Veronique chooses much paler background colours for her photos, as she is also a professional photographer and does this intentionally to bring out the contrast and enhance the use of colour in her clothing range. Her clever use of colour and decoration not only transforms otherwise simple items of clothing into bolder objects but also adds a splash of joy to make anyone stand out from the crowd.
source: beingeclectictumblr

Véronique Pêcheux is a Paris-based photographer with and incredible talent. Her mind is quite interesting, you can see that by looking through her work, which is fun, colorful, playful, aesthetically impecable and joyable. Some of her work was made in collaboration with A Is A Name, her partners in crime. Looking through her astonishing portfolio, there are couple of series that definitely are my favorites, like Une Chaise Etc -the one you see on the top- made for Etc Creation, that gorgeous white and black aesthetic of that series is just fantastic.

Secondly, the series Two Girls To Thread, featuring those amazing blue and orange combination. There are also another colorful combinations like green and pink, pink and yellow among others, so pop art. Thirdly, the Surface series, featuring a girl on a white dress stained of colorful paints, which remains me this photo series of Thom Yorke. And finally, probably her best series, Workaholic, capturing the people strongly attatched to their works, wondering where you start and where the job ends, very interesting point of view of an increasingly modern addiction to the work.