

source: belgian-fashion

Walter Van Beirendonck is another significant designer to know when thinking about Belgian fashion. He mixes art with fashion and most times, his designs are an expression of his opinions or thoughts on a social subject. Fun and whimsy decorate many of his garments, and bright bold colors are mainstays of his work. In addition to clothing, he produces sunglasses, underwear and shoes. His brand remains extremely popular and is both high quality and well-crafted workmanship. It would be a shame not to review the experiences, talents and journey of this fine designer, therefore, here is Walter Van Beirendonck: A Bio.

Walter was born in Brecht, Belgium on April 2, 1957. He grew up with creative instincts and wanted to paint as well as design. Many of his family and friends were more interested in football (soccer) and for him it was a relief when he enrolled in the Royal Academy of Antwerp. He was finally with people who had the same desires to create. Growing up, he looked up to David Bowie, as he found the singer to be strong minded, and not afraid to define and demonstrate his identity. Throughout Walter’s years as a designer, he has worked with many of the same individuals and feels that loyalty is an important personality trait. To this end, he and fellow Antwerp Six participant, Dirk Van Saene, have been very close since those early days at school.

Since 1983, not long after graduating in fashion, Walter began designing under the label Walter Van Beirendonck. He admits that he did not experience much success until he traveled to the British Designer Show in 1987 in London. It was here that he credits a turn around in his career. Clothing buyers and boutique owners were interested in his designs and actually placed orders. By the early 1990s when he completed the W. & L.T. (Wild And Lethal Trash) show on the Paris runway, his name became synonymous with quality and great design. The W&LT collection was produced between 1993 and 1999. Even now, his garments are stitched in red thread which is his way of showing, “his sense of humour, sex with an eye-wink, and his concern about safe sex”.

In 1985, Walter Van Beirendonck was hired as a fashion teacher at the Royal Academy of Arts. He was named the head of the department in 2006. His ideals about learning and teaching are unique in that he believes that if someone has the resources or the means to help others, he is obliged to do so in the sense that up-and-coming talent should not be seen as a threat, but rather, something that should be encouraged and embraced in order to promote or forward the industry as a whole. He feels that too many good designers have been squashed in the quagmire of business.

Walter’s first store opened in Antwerp in 1998. It was called simply “Walter”, but displayed all of his labels, as well as others. For the rest of the world, inventory is sold through stockists or retailers, rather than namesake stores. Although he does not necessarily push his brand through namesake boutiques, he is engaged in the promotion of his labels through the best means possible. Since creation is his goal, he not only designs clothing, but he also works with technology to create the best mix for his garments. For example, the launch of the W&LT collection was coupled with CDs and a website dedicated to the label. Interactive media was used to supplement the photos of the clothing by adding games and interesting information. Even today, his fun and creative website, is a testament to his ingenuity and innovation.

One can tell that Walter keeps busy and is eager to try new things, as his accomplishments are numerous. In 1998, two publications, called Mutilate and Believe were produced. Throughout his career, he has combined his fabric designs with artwork and elaborate graphics. He even had a little comic book in 1989 called “King Kong Kooks”. He is also known as a book illustrator and has curated many exhibitions. Walter’s sense of style is not confined to fabrics and he excels and revels in expanding his abilities.

While many people believe that Walter’s work is predominantly known throughout Europe, this is not true. In fact, he participated in various exhibitions in the US including “Fast Forward” in San Fransisco, California in 2000; “Belgian Fashion Design : Antwerp Style” at the Museum of the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York in 2001; “Extreme Beauty” at the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York in 2001; “Mohr: Colour and Space part 5 Sayoko” at the Kobe Fashion Museum in Japan in 2001; and “Skin Tight – The Sensibility of the Flesh” at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago, Illinois in 2004.

Walter continues to release new clothing collections and his most recent is the Cloud#9 Spring-Summer 2012. He has produced at least one new collection every year since 1999. In some years, he completed two different seasons. His work has been inspired by art, music, theater and literature, all the while incorporating elements of other cultures. He also uses features from space themes and each collection has a message. At his 2010 Autumn-Winter show, all his models donned huge earmuffs and some carried guns. He felt that the world is a scary place today, and those accessories illustrated his view on the present state of society.

Finally, the meaning of his Cloud#9 collection is obvious from the title. He is on Cloud Nine since he was honored by Antwerp for completing twenty-five years in the fashion business. In September 2011, the city celebrated him and his success with a show called “Dream the World Awake”. As an added thrill and much to his delight, Walter was given reins as editor-in-chief for the day, September 16, 2011, at De Standaard, the national newspaper in Belgium. Both of these prestigious recognitions meant so much to Walter Van Beirendonck that he showed his elation by calling his collection a name that clearly demonstrated how he felt.
source: vebidoo

Van Beirendonck schloss seine Studien 1980 an der Königlichen Akademie der Schönen Künste in Antwerpen ab. Er gehört zu der Gruppe der Antwerp Six, zu der die Künstler Dirk van Saene, Dries Van Noten, Ann Demeulemeester, Marina Yee (Alle Abschlussjahrgang 1981) und Dirk Bikkembergs (Jahrgang 1982) gehören.

Seit 1983 entwirft Van Beirendonck seine eigenen Modekollektionen, die sich durch ungewöhnliche Farbkombinationen, Einflüsse durch die Volkskunst verschiedener Nationen sowie grafische Ausdrucksweisen auszeichnen. In den Jahren von 1993 bis 1999 hatte der deutsche Jeanshersteller Mustang einen Lizenzvertrag mit dem Designer. 1997 stattete er die Teilnehmer der Tour der Musikgruppe U2 für ihre PopMart Tour aus. Er ist Entwerfer der italienischen Schuhmarke W6YZ. 1999 wurde Van Beirendonck zum Kulturbotschafter Flanderns ehrenhalber ernannt. In den folgenden Jahren arbeitete er bei den verschiedensten Modeprojekten mit, nahm an Ausstellungen teil und betrieb seine eigene Window Gallery in Antwerpen. 2011 kuratiert er das A Magazine curated by, welches von Artimo verlegt wird.
source: fashion_historyenacademic

Walter Van Beirendonck (n. 1957) es un diseñador de moda belga. Pertenece al grupo de diseñadores de moda flamencos “Los Seis de Amberes”. Como los otros miembros de este grupo, acabó sus estudios en 1981, en La Academia Real de Amberes, departamento “Fashion Design”. Desde 1982 diseña sus propias colecciones que llevan todas un nombre específico, por ejemplo la colección “Cloudy Stars”. Desde 1983 es docente en La Academia Real de Amberes. Durante la feria de moda “British Designer Show”, que constituyó el punto de salida de su carrera gano en popularidad. En 1997 diseñó los trajes para la gira de la banda musical “U2”. En 1998 fundó su tienda “Walter” en Amberes, junto con su pareja Dirk Van Saene, otro miembro de “Los Seis de Amberes”.
source: alicenelmondodellamodait

Nato a Brecht, Belgio, nel 1957, Walter Van Beirendonck studia design della moda presso la Royal Academy of Fine Arts di Antwerp dal 1978 al 1981. Nel 1981 si laurea insieme alla classe che diverrà conosciuta come la “Antwerp Six”, ovvero un gruppo di stilisti diventati particolarmente influenti nel campo della moda, che comprende anche Ann Demeulemeester, Dries van Noten, Dirk Van Saene, Dirk Bikkembergs e Marina Yee.
Inizialmente Walter Van Beirendonck lavora per lo stilista italiano Gianfranco Ferrè per il quale disegna la linea di abbigliamento sportivo Rhinosaurus Rex, fino al 1992. Dal 1983, lo stilista inizia a realizzare le proprie collezioni, ispirate alle arti visuali, alla letteratura, e dalle influenze etniche. Le inusuali combinazioni di colore, e le forti influenze grafiche sono le principali caratteristiche delle sue creazioni. Nel 1995 il suo marchio viene ribattezzato Wild and Lethal Trash. Nel 1997 disegna i costumi per il PopMart Tour degli U2[1], mentre nel 1998 cura la realizzazione delle divise dei ciclisti della nazionale del Belgio. Nel 1999, gli viene riconosciuto il titolo onorifico di “ambasciatore culturale per le Fiandre”.[1] Nel 2001 cura il progetto Fashion 2001 Landed-Geland ad Antwerp. Oltre al lavoro di stilista, Walter Van Beirendonck ha anche lavorato come insegnante alla Royal Academy of Fine Arts di Antwerp per dodici anni, dal 1984 al 1996.
source: fashioncityjp

ウォルター・ヴァン・ベイレンドンク(Walter Van Beirendonck、1957年4月4日 – )は、ベルギーのファッションデザイナー。「W.&.L.T.」「aestheticterrorists」の元デザイナー。現在は「Walter Van Beirendonck」のデザイナー兼、アントウェルペン王立芸術学院教授。ベルギーのブレヒト出身であるウォルターは、画家を目指してアントウェルペン王立芸術学院に入学するが、学校で行われたファッションショーに魅了されファッションデザイナーを志すようになる。1986年、ロンドン・コレクションにアントウェルペン王立芸術学院出身の仲間5人と共に出展し、絶大な評価を受け「アントウェルペンの6人」と呼ばれ話題になる。1993年、ウォルターの感性に目をつけた企業のオファーによりブランド「W.&.L.T.(ウォルト)」をスタート。W.&.L.T.は、「Wild And Lethal Trash」の略。PUKPUK(パクパク)という愛称のキャラクターなどを使ったカラフルな洋服を生み出し、W.&.L.T.は商業的に大成功を収める。
1997年にはU2のPopMart Tourの衣装デザインも手がけている。
現在は自身の名前「Walter Van Beirendonck」をブランド名とし、パリ・コレクションで活躍中。2006年春夏コレクションまではプレゼンテーション式で発表をしているが、2006-07年の秋冬コレクションよりランウェイでのコレクションに復帰するとのこと。指導者としても実績を残しており、ウォルターの元でウィム・ニールス、ラフ・シモンズ、ベルンハルト・ウィルヘルムが研修、アシスタント等を経験。またアントウェルペン王立芸術アカデミーでは講師として活躍している。
source: kunstbusnl

Walter Van Beirendonck (Brecht, 4 februari 1957) is een Vlaamse modeontwerper. Hij studeerde in 1980 af aan de modeafdeling van de Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten in Antwerpen of de Antwerpse Modeacademie. Samen met Dirk Van Saene, Dries Van Noten, Ann Demeulemeester, Marina Yee (afgestudeerd in 1981) en Dirk Bikkembergs (afgestudeerd in 1982) werd hij bekend als de Antwerpse Zes.
Hij brengt sedert 1983 eigen collecties uit, die hij telkens van een naam voorziet. Zij zijn geïnspireerd door beeldende kunst, literatuur, maar ook door de natuur en etnische invloeden; kenmerkend zijn felle, ongebruikelijke kleurencombinaties en een sterke grafische inslag. Hij werd dat jaar ook docent aan de Modeacademie. In 1997 ontwierp hij de kostuums voor de “Pop Mart” tournee van U2. In 2001 was hij curator van de tentoonstelling Mode 2001 Landed-Geland in Antwerpen en werd het magazine A Magazine curated by gelanceerd. In 2002 ontwierp hij nieuwe uniformen voor het stadspersoneel (wegenwerkers en huisvuilophalers) van Antwerpen. In 2005 verraste hij door voor de Belgische budget-kledingketen JBC een kinderkledingcollectie te ontwerpen onder de naam “ZulupaPUWA”. De naam van de collectie is geïnspireerd door de Zoeloes en Papoeas. De collectie werd gepromoot met een stripfiguurtje, “Zulu” en een stripversie van Walter Van Beirendonck zelf. Sinds 2006 is Walter artistiek directeur voor Scapa Sports. In hetzelfde jaar werd Walter Van Beirendonck hoofd van de afdeling Mode van de Antwerpse Modeacademie in opvolging van Linda Loppa. In januari 2009 werd het nieuwe schoenenlabel W6YZ gelanceerd door Falc (Italiaanse schoenenfabrikant) getekend door Walter Van Beirendock. Vanaf 14 september 2011 tot en met 19 februari 2012 is er de tentoonstelling Dreams the World Awake in het Modemuseum Antwerpen in Antwerpen. In 2012 ontwierp de modedesigner de balletkostuums voor de choreografie van de danseres Marie-Agnès Gillot voor de productie Sous Apparance van de Parijse Opéra National. In zijn ontwerp gaat Van Beirendonck de grenzen tussen de beide geslachten doen vervagen.