

This installation is a mechanism that serves as a kind of interface between planetary processes and an audience. It consists of 12 transparent piezocrystals, grown especially for the project, and 12 motorized hammers that strike them. The installation is connected to the internet. Its core algorithm is controlled by data from a meteorological site which shows lightning strikes in real time (on average, 10~200 lightning flashes occur on the planet every minute). Each time the installation receives information about a lightning strike, a hammer strikes one of the crystals, resulting in a small electrical discharge produced by the crystal under mechanical stress. Each of these charges activates a powerful lamp and sound effects.

Maxim Zhestkov

Elements is an experimental art film by Maxim Zhestkov about nature, physics, art and love. More than 2 billion elements / particles governed by tensions and forces of nature were used to tell stories and show emotions through the motion of collective behavior.
The film is a trial to explore the idea that everything around us and inside us is made from simple elements / blocks which can be arranged in complex relationships and become compound structures. We could project this idea into emotions, behaviours, thought processes, relationships, life, planets and the 23.




“Early in the beginning of the film, we are introduced to a woman (Emelie Jonsson) who works on a kind of “attraction” of the spaceship called MIMA, which, at first, is not very popular. It is a technology capable of capturing people’s emotions. and turn them into images, or rather into a kind of vivid dream in their minds. As the ship wanders aimlessly through space, while it is not yet known if it is possible to return to the correct route, days become weeks, weeks become it takes months and the demand for MIMA increases. Aniara explores very well what makes us human as a race and also the importance of having a place to call her own. What was supposed to be a simple transport, over time becomes, in fact, a kind of “mini-planet”.” Marcio Melo

Isaac Arthur

The Megastructure Compendium
Science & Futurism
In the future humanity may build enormous structures, feats of mega-engineering that may rival planets or even be of greater scope. This episode catalogs roughly 100 major types of Megastructure, from those that are cities in space to those that rival galaxies.


Рене Лалу

René Laloux, criou Gandahar, seu último filme de animação. Baseado no romance de Jean-Pierre Andrevon Les Hommes-machines contra Gandahar Esta fascinante animação adulta combina a famosa imaginação de Laloux com a do designer de animação Philippe Caza. “A minha busca começou com um enigma. “Em mil anos, Gandahar foi destruído, e todo o seu povo massacrado. Há mil anos, Gandahar será salvo, e o que não pode ser evitado será.” -Sylvain. Este filme está no planeta Gandahar, onde a paz reina e a pobreza é desconhecida. O estilo de vida utópico é perturbado por relatos de pessoas nas fronteiras periféricas sendo transformadas em pedra. Enviado para investigar, o Príncipe Sylvain (João Shea) cai e é resgatado pelas experiências genéticas deformadas e horrendas que correram mal e deixado para defender-se por si mesmos. Com sua ajuda, Sylvain descobre que a Metamorfose, um cérebro gigante também criado em uma experiência, está tentando destruir Gandahar.
René Laloux created Gandahar, his last animated film. Based on Jean-Pierre Andrevon’s novel Les Hommes-machines against Gandahar This fascinating adult animation combines Laloux’s famous imagination with that of animation designer Philippe Caza. “My quest began with a riddle. “In a thousand years, Gandahar was destroyed, and all his people slaughtered.

Gerard O’Neill

O’Neill cylinder

O’Neill was inspired by the papers written by his students. He began to work out the details of a program to build self-supporting space habitats in free space.Among the details was how to provide the inhabitants of a space colony with an Earth-like environment. His students had designed giant pressurized structures, spun up to approximate Earth gravity by centrifugal force . With the population of the colony living on the inner surface of a sphere or cylinder, these structures resembled “inside-out planets”. He found that pairing counter-rotating cylinders would eliminate the need to spin them using rockets.This configuration has since been known as the O’Neill cylinder.

Marco Barotti

The Egg
Ten thousand years ago, there were 1 million people living on the planet, fifty years ago there were 3 billion of us and, by the end of this century, we are estimated to reach a population of 10 billion people! We have modified almost every part of our planet and, as we continue to grow, our need for vital resources increases exponentially. We human beings are the main force behind every global problem we face. The work is a kinetic sound sculpture resembling an egg. The cycle of life, reflected in the shape of the sculpture with neither beginning nor end, symbolizes fertility and reproduction – and thus questions the impact of overpopulation. Driven by real-time data generated by the Worldometer, the sculpture constantly changes its shape.

Liam Young

Planet City

Planet City, by Los Angeles-based film director and architect Liam Young, explores the productive potential of extreme densification, where 10 billion people surrender the rest of the planet to a global wilderness. Although wildly provocative, Planet City eschews the techno-utopian fantasy of designing a new world order. This is not a neo-colonial masterplan to be imposed from a singular seat of power. It is a work of critical architecture – a speculative fiction grounded in statistical analysis, research and traditional knowledge.
It is a collaborative work of multiple voices and cultures supported by an international team of acclaimed environmental scientists, theorists and advisors. In Planet City we see that climate change is no longer a technological problem, but rather an ideological one, rooted in culture and politics.

carsten holler

Decimal Clock
dans Decimal Clock (White and Pink), les instincts rationalistes de Höller se tournent vers la division du temps. L’horloge fonctionnelle, qui représente 10 heures, 100 minutes et 100 secondes, nous rappelle que l’homogénéisation globale du temps n’a eu lieu que récemment en réponse au degré sans précédent d’interconnexion planétaire. Decimal Clock (White and Pink) fait signe aux expériences avec le temps décimal pendant la Révolution française et rend hommage aux efforts visant à la comparabilité et à la régularité temporelles. Pourtant, il reconnaît également diverses manières non occidentales de mesurer le temps et, plutôt que de les voir comme une menace pour l’empire de la raison , les célèbre comme une expression enrichissante de la diversité de notre existence dans le temps.


Дэвид Линч
ديفيد لينش
데이비드 린치
Dune: The Alternative Edition Redux (Alternate Ending)
En l’année 10191, l’empereur qui règne sur l’univers, connu sous le nom de Shaddam IV, établit une alliance avec les Harkonnen de la planète Geidi Prime pour éliminer de la galaxie la dynastie des Atréides, et plus particulièrement leur chef, le duc Leto, de la planète Caladan. Pour réussir ce projet funeste, l’empereur envoie les Atréides sur la planète Arrakis, appelée également “Dune”, où ils sont attendus par les terribles Harkonnens. Deux survivants échapperont au massacre : Paul Muad’Dib, l’héritier du trône Atréides et sa mère Lady Jessica. Après avoir été attaqués par les vers géants et sauvés des griffes du baron volant Vladimir, ils sont secourus par les mystérieux Fremen. Ces habitants de Dune consomment l’Epice qui assure pouvoir et longévité. Ils vivent dans l’attente de la venue du messie qui doit leur rendre leur liberté, et ils voient en Paul l’homme attendu de la prophétie…

cinema full

Neri Oxman

Wearable Structures for Interplanetary Voyages
Muchos del proyectos de Oxman usan impresión 3D y técnicas de fabricación. Incluyen el Silk Pavilion, hilado por gusanos de seda en un marco de nylon,3​ Ocean Pavilion, una plataforma de fabricación a base de agua que construyó estructuras de quitosano,4​ G3DP, la primera impresora 3D para vidrio ópticamente transparente y un conjunto de vidrio producido por ella,5​ y colecciones de ropa impresa en 3D y utilizables en espectáculos de alta costura.
Viajar a destinos más allá del planeta Tierra implica viajes a paisajes hostiles y entornos mortales. La gravedad aplastante, el aire amonioso, la oscuridad prolongada y las temperaturas que hervirían el vidrio o congelarían el dióxido de carbono, casi eliminan la probabilidad de visitas humanas.


Erratic Weather
Despite some world leaders skepticism, climate change is a reality and the world isn’t just warming, in some parts of the planet the weather is becoming more erratic. During the last years, our generation has started to observe the effects and consequences of this shift, witnessing violent and unexpected climate phenomenons. Erratic Weather is a digital art project aiming to represent changing atmospheric conditions into an immersive multimedia experience. During the performance, the system uses various source of weather information retrieved from an online database and processed on real time to generate a visual and a surround sound composition. During 30 minutes the audience will experience the life cycle of swirling phenomenons such typhoon, hurricane and tropical cyclone , demonstrating the devastating power of the nature and the emergency to preserve it.

The Great Animal Orchestra

Bernie Krause

Bernie Krause is one of the world’s experts in natural sound, and here we listen through Krause’s ears as he collects the sounds of purring jaguars, snapping shrimp, cracking glaciers–and the roar of the wild. It is an intensely personal narrative of life as it hits the ears, and of the planet‘s deeply connected natural sounds and music.

Karlheinz Stockhausen


Sonntag aus Licht takes as its subject our solar system and the relationships of all the planets that orbit the sun. In this opera, the earth and life on it is represented as the result of the union of light and water. These two elements are presented in the first scene, and the rest of the opera celebrates the evolution of life, of plants, animals, humans, and above all this the planets, moons, and heavenly constellations. The opera has a pronounced ritualistic and meditative character, with very little that can be described as dramatic action.

David O’Reilly

Everything is an interactive experience where everything you see is a thing you can be, from animals to planets to galaxies and beyond. Travel between outer and inner space, and explore a vast, interconnected universe of things without enforced goals, scores, or tasks to complete. Everything is a procedural, AI-driven simulation of the systems of nature, seen from the points of view of everything in the Universe.


Voyage on the Planet
Designer Chiu Chih imagines a possible future where our cities have fallen into disrepair and the air is poisoned. In this wasteland, a woman wanders through the rubble, breathing with the help of a companion plant. The project, titled “Voyage on the planet,” consists of a clear box worn like a backpack. Two breathing tubes connect a face mask to the box. Inside, the box holds a potted plant, acting like a portable filter.


Янис Ксенакис

In 1971, Iannis Xenakis composed a work called Antikhthon. Commissioned by Balanchine for the New York City Ballet, this overwhelming composition refers to a hypothetical planet, proposed in the 5th century BC. by the Pythagorean philosopher Philolaus. “Antichthon” is the name that the Greeks gave to a hypothetical celestial object, the Counter-Earth, located between the Earth and the center of the Universe to prevent man from looking directly at Zeus, who had his throne there.


Рене Лалу
fantastic planet
El planeta salvaje (en francés La planète sauvage) es una película francesa animada de ciencia ficción de 1973 dirigida por el francés René Laloux, es hoy uno de los grandes clásicos de la animación europea. A través de una historia de ciencia ficción, el film nos sumerge en el drama de dos sociedades enfrentadas entre sí, a través de la opresión, y en el incierto destino al que se enfrentan, abocadas a la propia destrucción. A destacar, además de la trama, la impactante estética que presenta, heredera de los cánones de la época y el lugar en que fue creada.

Melissa Mongiat and Mouna Andraos

21 Swings

L’installation 21 balançoires est de retour dans le Quartier des spectacles. L’oeuvre interactive et musicale permet aux passants de s’unir pour créer une mélodie unique. Derrière ce projet, maintes fois primé, se cachent deux artistes québécoises, Mouna Andraos et Melissa Mongiat. Les deux jeunes femmes viennent d’ailleurs de remporter le concours d’art public pour le nouveau Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan. Avec l’ouverture d’un bureau à New York et un nouveau contrat au Minnesota, les deux Montréalaises se préparent tranquillement à prendre la planète d’assaut.Pour la troisième année consécutive, les gens pourront se balancer sur la Promenade des artistes tout en composant une symphonie originale. L’installation 21 balançoires, d’une superficie de 30 000 pi2, est une création du studio Daily tous les jours, fondé par Mouna Andraos et Melissa Mongiat, en 2010.Si la musique produite par ces balançoires est éphémère, l’installation ne l’est pas, ce qui oblige ses créatrices à poser un regard critique sur leur oeuvre chaque printemps. «Il y a des bons et des mauvais côtés à notre forme d’art, avoue Melissa Mongiat. On peut prendre un certain recul, une fois le projet démonté.»