

The immersive space morphs and alters with light and becomes solid, its pressure composing and decomposing the self-awareness of skin. The dancer’s body is extended and manipulated as a conscious entity, exceeding the physiological object. The constant feedback between the body’s trajectory and interaction with the environment changes the nature of the object itself.

amalia ulman

Excellences and Perfections

“Sie ist eine multidisziplinäre Künstlerin, die von frühen Webarbeiten und Online-Performances bis hin zu neuen Stücken, die skulpturale Formen annehmen und Installationen, Fotografien und Performance-Acts beinhalten, je nach Projekt, Ausstellung oder Werk unterschiedliche Techniken anwendet. Er versucht, ein Gespräch und eine kritische Spannung zwischen Konzept und Gerät zu erzeugen. Eines seiner Netzkunstprojekte ist Excellences and Perfections. In den sechs Monaten des Jahres 2014 hat Ulman eine Geschichte über Instagram-Posts erstellt, die nicht seine eigene war, obwohl er sie mit seinem Namen signiert hat. Es erzählte von den Erfahrungen eines Zwanzigjährigen, der in der Stadt Los Angeles Erfolg haben wollte. Sie löste sich von ihrem Freund, injizierte Botox, nahm Drogen, unterzog sich einer Schönheitsoperation, erlitt einen Nervenzusammenbruch und tauchte wieder auf, nachdem sie den Tiefpunkt erreicht hatte. Sie erstellte einen vollständigen Bericht mit Hashtags und dem Image und der Ähnlichkeit der Profile vieler Mädchen ihres Alters, die sie im sozialen Netzwerk gefunden hatte. Während sie Tausende von Anhängern mit ihrer Fiktion begeisterte, hatte sie das Projekt bereits mehreren künstlerischen Institutionen in vorgeschlagen Nueva York und stellte es schließlich in der Tate Modern und WhiteChapel Gallery in London aus. So führte er in der Kunstwelt eine Debatte darüber, ob Instagram in Museen eintreten sollte.” Carlos Trilnick


What hath God wrought?
The title of the installation is a line from the Book of Numbers in early modern English. It was the first message transmitted by telegraph in 1844, the first communication technology on the basis of electricity and binary coding. The artwork is fed by the 100 most used words in Thomas More’s book ‘Utopia’, feeding the correspondence between a series of telegraphs. The telegraphs translate the words into sound and light. Written rolls of paper drift to the floor. Slowly but surely, mistakes slip into the closed system and the meaning of the words alters. The Morse orchestra deals with the rationalism of the Renaissance and its belief in progress and posits by contrast an aesthetic of a self-regulating system in which the fault rules and defect becomes beauty.


top shot helmet
The Top Shot Helmet alters one’s spatial perception. Wearers see themselves from above and must guide their movements and orient themselves from this perspective. The device consists of a round helmet, above which floats a helium balloon attached to the helmet with strings. The balloon carries a small video camera operated by radio signal, which points downward with a wide-angle lens. The view captured by the camera is projected onto a pair of video glasses in the helmet. Wearers of the helmet can only see the image produced by these glasses and must use this to make their way through a given space. By moving the head, the person wearing the helmet can turn and tilt the balloon and camera. A handle on the helmet makes it possible to adjust the height of the balloon and thereby adjust one’s field of vision.


Lucky Storm
This is one part of a three-part installation that alters the spaces of the gallery with elements derived from American romantic landscape painting, especially the pre-photographic interpretation of landscape found in Thomas Cole’s paintings and those of the Hudson River School painters. Nature is frequently presented as a fantastic amalgam of real detail and impossible phenomena, not observed but reinvented for the purpose of allegorical narrative.


أغوستينو دي سكيبيو
stanze private
Stanze Private – Private Rooms” amplifies the noise inside these small rooms, these few jugs and glass ampoules, transparent. And it amplifies the noise in the surrounding environment, in the largest room where the installation is placed. It produces sound from the audience. We as listeners can not only be part of this small ecosystem, our physical presence alters the acoustics of the surrounding space, altering the dynamic. Listening thus interferes on listening, the listening is never something objective, is always something that changes the listening itself.


open circuit
file festival

Open circuit is a sound installation by Christoph Haag, Martin Rumori, Franziska Windisch and Ludwig Zeller. The team created the project while studying at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. Open circuit consists of a labyrinth of open copper trails that cover the floor and walls of the installation space. These trails carry the electrical signals of a multichannel sound repository which become audible when wireless speakers are placed on the copper. The sound emitted by the speakers alters depending on how they are moved.


Elucidating Feedback
File Festival

The more we look, the more we see, the more we see the more we look. “Elucidating feedback” is a brain-controlled installation about the creativity inherent in the act of observation. The more attention that is paid to the installation, the more order is reflected in the video and audio. The idea is that we create the finer details of our experience through the act of being attentive. The more we observe our environment, the more we discover, and the result of this active process is the creation of the rich details of our experience. The project uses neuro feedback supplied through interaction between the user and a BCI (brain-computer interface) device. The mindset (the BCI device) reads your brainwaves and this alters how the installation creates form from static. The more attention is paid, the more pattern is formed; as less attention is paid, the pattern breaks back into static. This is intended to form a feedback loop between the user’s attention and the subject of their attention (the projected patterns). The audio-visual aspect of the installation produces pattern, order and detail in direct proportion to the attention that the user is currently paying. If the user is in a state where the mind is freely wandering and not focused on any one thing, the patterns decay into static, bringing the installation back to a state of stasis.


Калеб Чарланд
(deep space chemically alters)

„Das Schönste, was wir erleben können, ist das Geheimnisvolle. Es ist die Quelle aller wahren Kunst und aller Wissenschaft. Er, dem diese Emotion ein Fremder ist, der nicht länger innehalten kann, um sich zu wundern und in Ehrfurcht zu versinken, ist so gut wie tot: Seine Augen sind geschlossen. “ -Albert Einstein

Die Art und Weise, wie wir die Welt verstehen, hängt so sehr von unserer Fähigkeit ab, sie zu messen. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass viele Messungen auf den Proportionen des menschlichen Körpers basieren, ist es klar, dass wir Dinge messen, um unseren Platz unter all dem zu finden und uns auf irgendeine Weise damit zu verbinden. Durch die Erkundung der Welt vom Keller bis zum Hinterhof habe ich eine Resonanz in den Dingen gefunden. In diesem Raum schwingt eine Energie zwischen unseren Wahrnehmungen der Welt und dem Potenzial, das der Geist für unsere Eingriffe in die Welt wahrnimmt. Diese Energie ist die Quelle aller wahren Kunst und Wissenschaft, sie züchtet die geliebten „Ah Ha!“ Momente und es ermöglicht uns, das Außergewöhnliche im Gemeinsamen zu spüren.