
QUBIT AI: Eduardo Reck Miranda

Sounding Qubits

FILE 2024 | Quantico
International Electronic Language Festival
Eduardo Reck Miranda – Sounding Qubits – Brazil

Although he has learned classical musical instruments since childhood, Eduardo Miranda’s favorite tool for composing is the computer. The researcher has been delving into artificial intelligence and innovative computing methods for compositing for some time, as they offer fresh insights and ideas beyond his own.

A quantum computer deals with information encoded as qubits. A qubit is to a quantum computer what a bit is to a digital one: a basic unit of information. In hardware, qubits exist in the subatomic world. They are subject to the laws of quantum mechanics.

Quantum computers are like super-powered versions of classical digital computers. While a digital computer processes data in a linear, step-by-step fashion, a quantum computer can explore many possibilities at once.

Operating a quantum computer requires different ways of thinking about encoding and processing information. This is where composers can benefit greatly. This technology is destined to facilitate the development of unprecedented ways of creating music.


Composer who works at the intersection of music, science and new technologies. His background as an artificial intelligence scientist and classical composer with early involvement in avant-garde pop music informs his distinctive music. He has composed for BBC Radio 3, BBC Concert Orchestra, BBC Singers and Scottish Chamber Orchestra. He is a professor at the University of Plymouth and a research associate at Quantinuum, where he explores music composition with quantum computers.

Wayne McGregor


Atomos grows out of the smallest unit of matter. Bodies, movement, film, sound and light are atomised into miniature shards of intense sensation.Ten incredible dancers perform the unique style of Wayne McGregor – sculptural, rigorous, jarring and hauntingly beautiful. McGregor is accompanied by a team of sensational artists including longtime collaborators lighting designer Lucy Carter and filmmaker Ravi Deepres, and neo-classical ambient composers A Winged Victory For The Sullen.


Coleção interna
Mudando as convenções sobre o corpo e a beleza, a “Coleção interna” exibida no FILE representa a anatomia interna em uma forma vestível externa. Unindo anatomia, moda e tecnologia, cada peça é criada por tecnologias de manufaturas manuais e digitais. Ao retratar designs inspirados na anatomia, esta obra comunica que, quando compartilhamos nossa semelhança e o que se passa dentro de nós, é oferecida a oportunidade de encontrar a beleza dentro de nós e nos conectarmos com os outros.

Children of the Light

Spiraling into Infinity
Spiraling into Infinity appears as a phantasmagoria of light at play; a radiant scramble of energy, a mirage from the subatomic realm, a doodle-made-magic. In the work the freedom of the creative act, moments of wonder and the therapeutic power of light come together.

Ryoichi Kurokawa

ad/ab Atom

Kurokawa then analyses, filters and distorts this data into an artistic rendering of an atomic space in which the laws of quantum mechanics would theoretically be visible. “The term ‘ad’ in the title means ‘to/toward’ etymologically as a prefix in words of Latin origin and ‘ab’ means ‘away from'”. he explains. “It is recombinant of neologism ‘adatom/abatom’ which means ‘to atom/from atom’, where the laws governing nature blur“.

Maxim Zhestkov

Supernova is an experimental 4K art film directed and designed by Maxim Zhestkov and made in Zhestkov. Studio Everything around and inside us was conceived in a huge explosion of a star billions of years ago… and, probably, recycled from other matrices myriad times. In this eternal carousel of matter, particles gather, form complicated structures and then burst into all directions fusing atoms together and producing new elements and points of view, new colours and patterns of perception.


Schrödinger’s Baby(2019/20), TZUSOO alludes to the popular thought experiment devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. Schrödinger proposed a scenario in which a cat is locked in a box with an unstable radioactive atom that could potentially begin to emit radiation and release a toxic gas. However, there is no way to say with certainty when or indeed whether this will happen without opening the box. The result is a paradox, with Schrödinger asserting that the cat enters a state of superposition that makes it impossible to say whether it is alive or dead.The South Korean artist translates this famous paradox into the reality of her own life, creating a digital baby in virtual space. Based on her inner grappling with potential motherhood, TZUSOO bought the digital model of a developing embryo, refining it according to her own ideas. She is free to determine the sex, skin colour and other characteristics or to dispense with all specifications so as to avoid stereotyping. In Schrödinger’s Baby, TZUSOO thus discuss core aspects of her work including reflection on gender and origin for which she also draws on her personal experience as a South Korean artist in Europe.

Iris Van Herpen

イリス ヴァン ヘルペン
FALL 2017

‘Aeriform’ examines the nature and anatomy of air and the idea of airborne materiality and lightness, creating negative and positive space with shadow and light. Van Herpen also drew inspiration from the Danish underwater artists Between Music who challenge the relationship between the body and its elemental surround, in a subaquatic environment where air is absent.

Thierry Mugler

Anatomique Computer
Thierry Mugler, geboren in 1948 in Straatsburg, is een Franse modeontwerper. In zijn jonge jaren was hij balletdanser, maar daarnaast studeerde hij design en maakte hij kleding voor vrienden. Als 20’er verhuist Thierry Mugler naar Parijs waar hij ervaring opdoet als etaleur en stylist in diverse modehuizen. Mugler presenteert zijn eerste collectie in 1973 en 2 jaar later begint hij zijn eigen label.

John Adams

ג’ון אדמס
Dr.Atomic Symphony

Doctor Atomic Symphony is a purely instrumental work drawn from the 2005 opera. It includes music from the opera’s overture, the Act II “panic” music, the “military matters” sections from Act I, and it culminates with an orchestral setting of Oppenheimer’s signature “Batter My Heart” aria that closes Act I of the opera.

Amy Karle

Internal Collection
Internal Collection
Switching up conventions about the body and beauty, the selections from her “Internal Collection” showing at FILE represent internal anatomy in external wearable form. Merging anatomy, fashion, and technology, each piece is created by hand and digital manufacturing technologies. By depicting designs inspired by anatomy, this work communicates that, when we share our likeness and what is going on inside of us, an opportunity is offered for finding beauty within ourselves and connection with others.

Bildstein | Glatz

via highlike submit

Bildstein | Glatz Schnitzelprinz, 2010 wood, screws 340 x 540 x 255 cm BANALES, ABSURDES, DUMMES, ÜBERSEHENES, UNRELEVANTES, VERBORGENES, FALSCHES UND UNSINNIGES ODER: LASSEN WIR UNS WENDEN! (…) Der Schnitzelprinz (2010), den sie für die Ausstellung “Der Blitz schlägt nie zweimal am selben Ort” ein entwickelt haben, fungiert als Perspektivenwender. Holzfaserplatten und Latten fügen sich zu einer skulpturalen Apparatur zusammen: Zwei halbrund gebogene Platten formen eine Art Rutsche. Wer sich oben hineinstürzt kommt unten gewendet heraus, erlebt die Temporary Gallery neu. Indem er den Rutschtenden um die eigene Achse vom Bauch auf den Rücken oder umgekehrt wendet, erzeugt der Schnitzelprinz einen „Rundumblick“: plötzlich steht die Welt Kopf! Auch wenn die „Rutsche“ offiziell nicht zur Benutzung freigegeben wird, implizieren Bewegung und Form die Möglichkeit des „Wendens“. Dem Schnitzelprinzen liegt die empiristische Überlegung zu Grunde, dass Bedeutung maßgeblich durch sinnliche Wahrnehmung bestimmt ist. Verändert sich ein Sinneseindruck, reguliert er unser Weltkonstrukt – kurz: was wir wahrnehmen erzeugt Ideen. Im Gedankenexperiment werden wir aufgefordert, Grundvoraussetzungen bildnerischen Sehens und Wahrnehmens zu reflektieren. Bisherige Annahmen über unsere Umwelt erweisen sich als falsch, der zufälligen Anatomie des menschlichen Körpers geschuldet. Wir müssen uns davon lösen, zufällig Wahrgenommenes als Wirklichkeit zu begreifen. Die Werke setzen ihre eigene Unabgeschlossenheit voraus. Denn um Fragen aufzuwerfen, ist es nicht nötig, Antworten zu liefern: Wir sollen weiterdenken! Deshalb legen die Künstler Spuren für den Rezipienten, der dem Experiment mit Raum, Körper und Apparatur selbst auf die Schliche kommen soll: Was wäre wenn…? Sie erforschen die Wahrnehmung des Raumes und der umliegenden Kunstwerke, die sich in der Temporary Gallery befinden: Nina K. Doeges pinke Schläuche etwa fallen nicht mehr in einer Kaskade von oben herab, sondern wachsen wie Ranken der Decke entgegen. (…) Andrea Günther, 2010.


Anatomy of Form
The Divine Proportion in the Platonic Solids

In fact, the Graham Foundation recognized Tyng’s talent nearly half a century ago in 1965, when she was awarded for her project Anatomy of Form: The Divine Proportion in the Platonic Solids:In her research she developed a theory of hierarchies of symmetry—symmetries within symmetries—and a search for architectural insight and revelation in the consistency and beauty of all underlying form.It’s fascinating stuff, and the images alone have piqued my interest in Tyng’s theories, which cover topics from Jungian cycles to the cosmos. Tyng (b. 1920 in Jiangxi, China) was one of the first women to earn a Masters in Architecture from Harvard. She spent nearly three decades collaborating with Louis Kahn before shifting her focus to research at the University of Pennsylvania in the late 60’s. The title of the exhibition and her works belie the understated beauty of their execution, which demonstrate the expressive power of order and geometry. Tyng’s unique command of form is matched by her raw intellect; thus, she elegantly articulates her vision in the models seen here.