
QUBIT AI: Klaus Obermaier, Stefano D’Alessio & Martina Menegon


FILE 2024 | Installations
International Electronic Language Festival

The mirror stage in psychology explains how the Ego forms through objectification, where one’s visual appearance comes into conflict with emotional experience, a concept called ‘alienation’ by psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan. The interactive installation EGO reenacts and reverses this process by distorting the mirror image based on the user’s movements, highlighting the tension between the real and the symbolic, the Ego and the It, subject and object.


Klaus Obermaier is an interdisciplinary artist, director and composer who creates innovative works in the performing arts, music and installations using new media. Stefano D’Alessio researches social issues induced by the internet and explores how the web and its derivatives influence human behavior and the body. Martina Menegon creates intricate assemblages of physical and virtual elements, exploring the contemporary self and its hybrid corporeality.

FILE 2024 – Call for Entries

The Call for Entries to participate in FILE – Electronic Language International Festival’s projects in 2024 is now open. The festival seeks original artworks in Art and Technology, by Brazilian and international artists. Registration remains open until February 10th. Access the registration form.

FILE is a non-profit cultural organization that has propagated creation and experimentation in Art and Technology through exhibitions, events and publications over 23 years. This call opens up the opportunity to participate in the 23rd. Edition of the Electronic Language International Festival, which is scheduled to take place at the FIESP Cultural Center, in São Paulo. The selected projects will also be able to collaborate in parallel events in different states in Brazil.

Using the registration form, it is possible to send interactive installations, sound art, video art, robotics, animations, CGI videos, virtual realities, augmented realities, mobile art, games, gifs, internet art, lectures and workshops, among others. To participate in the LED SHOW programm, exhibited annually at the FIESP Digital Art Gallery, register using the form. Sign up!





This installation is a mechanism that serves as a kind of interface between planetary processes and an audience. It consists of 12 transparent piezocrystals, grown especially for the project, and 12 motorized hammers that strike them. The installation is connected to the internet. Its core algorithm is controlled by data from a meteorological site which shows lightning strikes in real time (on average, 10~200 lightning flashes occur on the planet every minute). Each time the installation receives information about a lightning strike, a hammer strikes one of the crystals, resulting in a small electrical discharge produced by the crystal under mechanical stress. Each of these charges activates a powerful lamp and sound effects.

Shaun Hu

Internet of Everything: All Connections
‘Internet of Everything: All Connections’ is a piece of work that connects human, animals, plants, bacteria, environment, compound and equipment using the Internet. It consists of seven parts. One part affects the other by sequence. It doesn’t have a starting point or an ending point in this connection – because they are an interlocking loop structure. The weak bio-electricity of the human body is passed to the bacteria, Proteus. The bacteria starts to vibrate due to the electrical stimulation. Its motion is captured by the microscope and input to Max in real time. Data arising from the change in value in the bacteria movement controls the next part.

Cho Youngkak

A Hot talks about Something, Someday, Someone
Se basa en Meme (meme / meme; imagen, video), que es un nuevo medio de comunicación que funciona como lenguaje en un sistema de red como Internet. Basados ​​en Meme, las imágenes y los videos reproducidos se reconstruyen recientemente mediante inteligencia artificial y se presentan en una forma que cambia según la interacción de la audiencia. Basado en los datos recibidos a través de la cámara, un algoritmo de inteligencia artificial (StyleGAN: A Style-Based Generator Architecture for GANs) reacciona con cada modelo entrenado y audiovisualmente a través de la visualización y la robótica (robot cooperativo) en el lenguaje reconstruido. Este proyecto se enfoca en crear interacciones basadas en resultados artificiales que no existen en la realidad. El modelo de inteligencia artificial creado proporcionará más experiencias emocionales como sustituto del diálogo humano en lugar de ser aceptado por los humanos en el sentido del meme cotidiano.


Morfologias do Ar
Os humanos, como seres sociais, usam a linguagem para se comunicar. A voz humana, como um mecanismo de autenticação biométrica, é constantemente usada em aplicações da vida diária, como reconhecimento de voz, verificação de alto-falante e assim por diante. Atualmente, as comunicações baseadas em idioma se enquadram principalmente em duas categorias: voz sobre o ar e voz sobre o protocolo da Internet. Podemos adicionar uma nova dimensão para a comunicação de voz, como um material vestível? Se sim, como poderíamos moldar a matéria a fim de fisicalizar as informações vocais? Morfologias do Ar é uma instalação interativa que usa materiais suaves, como silício, tecido e ar, para realizar essas fisicalizações. A voz humana controla a atuação de uma estrutura macia vestível, mudando a aparência do corpo humano.


태양의 공장
2015년 베니스 비엔날레 독일관에서 데뷔한 이 몰입형 작품에서 슈타이얼은 전례 없는 글로벌 데이터 흐름으로 정의되는 순간에 이미지 순환의 즐거움과 위험을 탐구합니다. 뉴스 보도, 다큐멘터리 영화, 비디오 게임, 인터넷 댄스 비디오 등 장르 간 충돌 – 태양의 공장은 빛과 가속을 모티브로 감시가 점점 더 가상의 일상적인 부분이 되었을 때 집단 저항에 여전히 사용할 수 있는 가능성을 탐구합니다. 세계. 태양의 공장은 모션 캡처 스튜디오의 강제 이동이 인공 햇빛으로 변하는 노동자의 초현실적 인 이야기를 전합니다.
Fábrica del sol
En este trabajo inmersivo, que debutó en el Pabellón Alemán de 2015 en la Bienal de Venecia, Steyerl explora los placeres y peligros de la circulación de imágenes en un momento definido por el flujo global de datos sin precedentes. Rebotando entre géneros (reportajes de noticias, películas documentales, videojuegos y videos de baile en Internet), Factory of the Sun utiliza los motivos de la luz y la aceleración para explorar qué posibilidades están todavía disponibles para la resistencia colectiva cuando la vigilancia se ha convertido en una parte mundana de una realidad cada vez más virtual. mundo. Factory of the Sun cuenta la historia surrealista de trabajadores cuyos movimientos forzados en un estudio de captura de movimiento se convierten en luz solar artificial.

Kyriaki Goni

Niet toegestaan ​​voor algoritmische doelgroepen
Een groot aantal online kijkers bestaat tegenwoordig voor het grootste deel uit algoritmen. De algoritmen zijn getraind op auditieve informatie, die door mensen wordt geproduceerd en geladen. In de video “Niet toegestaan ​​voor het algoritmische publiek” vertoont een intelligente persoonlijke assistent (IPA), gevestigd in Athene, Griekenland, vreemd gedrag. Hij leent een avatar en verschijnt voor zijn gebruikers. Voor een korte periode, zeven opeenvolgende dagen voordat het voor altijd uitgaat, gaat het in zeven monologen. Tijdens zijn duur is de digitale assistent erin geslaagd om de volledige inhoud van internet te scannen en allerlei soorten informatie te verzamelen, informatie die hij wil delen.

Pascal Dombis

La Génération Invisible
La Génération Invisible est une installation dans laquelle Pascal Dombis questionne notre rapport aux images numériques et comment nous les regardons aujourd’hui. Internet génère une profusion d’images qui circulent et qui sont de moins en moins regardées par les humains. Cette installation parle de la disparition des images de par leur circulation et prolifération excessive. Le mur est couvert par un flux de 30 000 images internet entrelacées formant une surface visuelle floue. La nature individuelle de chacune des images peut être décodée par l’utilisation d’une plaque lenticulaire que le visiteur applique directement contre le mur, afin d’en extraire de multiples lectures. Cette installation fait écho au travail de William Burroughs sur le langage et les images en reprenant une phrase d’un de ses livres Cut-Up de 1961 :

Kyriaki Goni

Not allowed for algorithmic audiences
Un gran numero di spettatori online oggigiorno è principalmente costituito da algoritmi. Gli algoritmi sono addestrati sulle informazioni uditive, che vengono prodotte e caricate dagli esseri umani. Nel video “Non consentito per il pubblico algoritmico”, un assistente personale intelligente (IPA), situato ad Atene, in Grecia, mostra un comportamento strano. Prende in prestito un avatar e appare davanti ai suoi utenti. Per un breve periodo di tempo, per sette giorni consecutivi prima che si spenga per sempre, va in sette monologhi. Durante la sua durata, l’assistente digitale è riuscito a scansionare l’intero contenuto di Internet e raccogliere ogni tipo di informazione, informazioni che desidera condividere.

Jürg Lehni

Four Transitions
Die Installation Four Transitions (2020) des interdisziplinären Schweizer Künstlers Jürg Lehni besteht aus vier an einer Wand montierten Boxen, die jeweils den Entstehungsprozess einer Zahl in einer deutlich unterschiedlichen Farbe und Technologie zeigen. Im Kontext neuer Medien und internetbasierter Kunst, wo die Definitionen von Kunst offen sind und die Beziehung des bewegten Bildes und der Arbeitsstrukturen zum Betrachter im Mittelpunkt steht, rückt der performative Aspekt der Arbeit in den Vordergrund wie die Dinge dargestellt werden. Seit der Postmoderne erweist sich die Frage nach dem Dargestellten im Hinblick auf den semiotischen Aspekt der Kunst als zu einfach oder zu allgegenwärtig, um dem Werk gerecht zu werden. Die Tatsache, dass? hier ist leicht zu beantworten: Four Transitions repräsentiert eine Echtzeit-Digitaluhr. Das Werk entfaltet seine Tiefe am deutlichsten, wenn dieser Einfachheit des semiotischen Aspekts die Komplexität der Performativität des Werkes gegenübergestellt wird.

Jürg Lehni

Four Transitions
La instalación Four Transitions (2020) del artista interdisciplinario suizo Jürg Lehni consta de cuatro cajas montadas en una pared, cada una de las cuales muestra el proceso de creación de un número en un color y una tecnología claramente diferentes. En el contexto de los nuevos medios y el arte basado en Internet, donde las definiciones de arte son abiertas y la relación de la imagen en movimiento y las estructuras de trabajo con el espectador es central, el aspecto performativo de la obra pasa a primer plano, la cuestión de cómo se representan las cosas. Desde el posmodernismo, al observar el aspecto semiótico del arte, la cuestión de lo que se representa ha demostrado ser demasiado sencilla o demasiado ubicua para hacer justicia a la obra. ¿El qué? aquí se responde fácilmente: Four Transitions representa un reloj digital en tiempo real. La obra revela su profundidad más claramente cuando esta simplicidad del aspecto semiótico se yuxtapone con la complejidad de la performatividad de la obra.

Baron Lanteigne

Tangible Data
Tangible Data esplora e si infiltra in una comunità online che sviluppa un mercato dell’arte “virtuale” per un pubblico affamato di criptovalute. Una serie di loop animati, creati e monetizzati dall’artista per soddisfare le richieste e il consumo di questa comunità, forniscono la base per il progetto più ampio, che si estende su diverse piattaforme web. In questo nuovo mercato della criptoarte, tutto sembra pronto per l’universo virtuale che mostra paradossalmente caratteristiche inerenti al mondo materiale. Mentre Internet favorisce la condivisione accelerata e i contenuti ad accesso aperto, questa comunità soggetta alla tecnologia blockchain rarefa l’immateriale per consentire ai collezionisti di rivendicare i diritti sulle opere d’arte. Questo ha l’effetto insidioso di affermare il valore monetario delle opere d’arte immateriali basate sul web. Eppure, questo lascia spazio anche a una trasparenza senza precedenti riguardo alle transazioni effettuate in questo mercato.

Soft Bodies

In response to London’s pressing housing crisis Micro-Utopia proposes a shared, immersive and interactive version of a home, where space is born from the finely-tuned sensorial interplay between the body and virtual/physical objects connected to the Internet of Things. A chair invites us to stay with it for a moment; we crawl through a demanding fireplace; our hands are washed in a bowl of digital liquid – the highly speculative model of domesticity explores the architectural implication of co-inhabiting a minimal physical infrastructure within infinitely bespoke virtual worlds. Drawing on radical art practice, interiors in historical painting and contemporary product design, Micro-Utopia is the dream of a house that is nothing, but the parameters of our perception are triggered through the metaphorical dimension of the objects we interact with on a daily basis.

Suguru Goto

netBody: Augmented Body and Virtual Body II

In „netBody: Augmented Body und Virtual Body II“ verbinden wir die reale Welt mit der Online-Realität von Second Life auf physischer Ebene: Die Körperbewegungen einer Person in der realen Welt steuern einen Avatar in Second Life, während die Bewegungen eines Avatars einen Menschen führen. Ein Second Life-Avatar wird zu einem Mittel, um das Individuum physisch mit der Gesellschaft zu verbinden. Dies könnte es Menschen auf der ganzen Welt mit der richtigen Hardware ermöglichen, sich gegenseitig über das Internet auszutauschen. Wir spielen mit unserer Wahrnehmung des Körpers eines Individuums als seine Identität.


Ange is the result of discussions between two artists and a “hikikomori”. This term imported from Japan, which has no equivalent in France, is used to describe young people, sometimes even teenagers, choosing not to leave their room or their apartment for months or even years. Ael is one of them, recluse in a shed in his parents garden for 13 years, somewhere in the south of France. The artistic duo fleuryfontaine has maintained a relationship with him using internet. They used the video game as a medium to try to reconstruct the world of this hikikomori and to engage a dialogue during game sessions where Ael evolves in the environments created by the artist. His room, his objects, the parental home, his neighborhood, this film reveals the fragmented portrait of a man hiding from the world.



Digital image projection, software, real-time internet-based data, and sound
Installation shot at St. Saviour Church, London
Tromarama is an art collective founded in 2006 by Febie Babyrose, Herbert Hans and Ruddy Hatumena. Engaging with the notion of hyperreality in the digital age, their projects explore the interrelationship between the virtual and the physical world. Their works often combine video, installations, computer programming and public participation depicting the influence of digital media on the society perception towards their surroundings. They live and work between Jakarta and Bandung.


En medio de la pandemia, las personas experimentan todos los días que la tecnología como los teléfonos inteligentes e Internet hacen que la distancia social sea soportable. Con su escultura AR, Manuel Rossner muestra cómo la tecnología puede convertirse en una revisión, una solución rápida a un desafío inesperado. “Hotfix” con sus burbujas y líneas es una divertida introducción a la resolución de problemas a través de la gamificación.


netBody: Cuerpo aumentado y cuerpo virtual II
En “netBody: Augmented Body and Virtual Body II” conectamos el mundo real con la realidad online de Second Life a nivel físico: los movimientos corporales de una persona en el mundo real controlan un avatar en Second Life, mientras que los movimientos de un avatar controlar a una persona para liderar. Un avatar de Second Life se convierte en un medio de conectar físicamente al individuo con la sociedad. Esto podría permitir que personas de todo el mundo con el hardware adecuado se comuniquen entre sí a través de Internet. Jugamos con nuestra percepción del cuerpo de un individuo como su identidad.


dancing baby
graphics interchange format

The inventor of the Gif file has revealed that the world has been mispronouncing his creation.
Steve Wilhite, who invented the Gif file in 1987, told the New York Times that the word is pronounced “jif” not “giff”.
“The Oxford English Dictionary accepts both pronunciations. They are wrong. It is a soft ‘G,’ pronounced ‘jif.’ End of story,” he said.
The internet has reacted strongly to Wilhite’s claim, pointing to a range of evidence from the White House announcing their allegiance via a note on their Tumblr: “Animated GIFs (Hard ‘G’)”, to simple common consensus.
Others have suggested that the hard ‘G’ relates to the acronym that the word springs from, which stands for Graphical Interface Format.
The Gif has enjoyed a surge of success in the last five years thanks to Buzzfeed-style listings of puppies and kittens and ‘live-giffing’, a form of on-the-spot reporting that had its first major outing during the 2012 presidential debates.
Wilhite may be the parent of the Gif, but most agree that the creation has outgrown its creator.
When even the White House is on the other side of the debate, it seems it might be best if Wilhite concedes defeat with grace.



Petra Cortright est une artiste Internet qui réalise des vidéos, des animations gif et des images fixes. Sa page d’accueil ressemble à une page html datée avec un tas de smileys et une liste de son travail: travail authentique, expérimental et nostalgique avec beaucoup de paillettes, d’étincelles, de collages et de personnages faisant des images. Tout au long du site Web, il y a des animations de souris amusantes, par exemple des étincelles qui suivent votre pointeur lorsque vous vous déplacez sur l’écran. Une autre chose intéressante est un cadre qui est attaché à votre pointeur afin que vous puissiez placer le cadre sur un portrait. Cortright a étudié à la Parsons School of Design de New York et au California College of the Arts de San Francisco. Aujourd’hui, elle vit et travaille en Californie. Elle a exposé à l’international dans des galeries telles que Gloria Maria Gallery (Milan) et Spencer Brownston (New York) entre autres. Récemment, Cortright a exposé avec sa série SO WET à la Preteen Gallery de Mexico.


Das Objekt des Internets
Das Objekt des Internets ist eine Installation, die die Rolle eines Mausoleums spielt, das für das Ende des Netzes bestimmt ist. Dank optischer und kinetischer Prozesse in einer geschlossenen Box, in die der Besucher seinen Kopf einführt, wird das menschliche Gesicht in eine Vielzahl von zerlegt Fragmente. Besucher werden zum Gegenstand einer postmenschlichen dystopischen Fiktion, in der in sozialen Netzwerken nur noch Spuren einiger noch künstlich animierter Selbstporträts in Form einer Resonanz erhalten bleiben. Diese, die zum Status steriler Solipsismen verurteilt sind, wären in der siderischen Leere des Endes des Internets.


Internet von allem: alle Verbindungen
“Internet von allem: Alle Verbindungen” ist eine Arbeit, die Menschen, Tiere, Pflanzen, Bakterien, Umwelt, Verbindungen und Geräte über das Internet miteinander verbindet. Es besteht aus sieben Teilen. Ein Teil beeinflusst den anderen nach Reihenfolge. In diesem Zusammenhang gibt es keinen Start- oder Endpunkt, da es sich um eine ineinandergreifende Schleifenstruktur handelt. Die schwache Bioelektrizität des menschlichen Körpers wird an das Bakterium Proteus weitergegeben. Die Bakterien beginnen aufgrund der elektrischen Stimulation zu vibrieren. Seine Bewegung wird vom Mikroskop erfasst und in Echtzeit in Max eingegeben. Daten, die sich aus der Wertänderung in der Bakterienbewegung ergeben, steuern den nächsten Teil.

Manuel Rossner

In the midst of the pandemic, people experience every day that technology such as smartphones and the Internet make social distance bearable. With his AR sculpture, Manuel Rossner shows how technology can become a hotfix, a quick solution to an unexpected challenge. “Hotfix” with its bubbles and lines is a playful introduction to problem solving through gamification.

Julius Popp

BIT.FALL uses a unique algorithm connected to the Internet in real time to look for popular buzzwords through different newsfeed channels, which are then displayed as words through hundreds of water droplets in a curtain of water.

Herman Kolgen

With EOTONE, Kolgen and Letellier reflect on distance and weather, by staging something intangible yet powerful: the wind. Four sound and sculptural diffusers, containing elements of both the weather vane and the fog horn, make up this monumental installation that renders in movement and sound the direction and force of the wind blowing simultaneously on two continents: in Montreal and Quebec City on one side of the Atlantic, in Rennes and Nantes on the other. The wind data recorded in each city is transmitted live to the diffusers, controlling the orientation of each of the structures and orchestrating the combined chords that make up the harmonic whole perceived at the heart of the installation. By transforming weather data into sound, EOTONE offers a subtle artistic vision of the Internet of objects.

Timo Arnall

Internet Machine
Internet machine is a multi-screen film about the invisible infrastructures of the internet. The film reveals the hidden materiality of our data by exploring some of the machines through which ‘the cloud’ is transmitted and transformed. The film explores these hidden architectures with a wide, slowly moving camera. The subtle changes in perspective encourage contemplative reflection on the spaces where internet data and connectivity are being managed. In this film I wanted to look beyond the childish myth of ‘the cloud’, to investigate what the infrastructures of the internet actually look like. It felt important to be able to see and hear the energy that goes into powering these machines, and the associated systems for securing, cooling and maintaining them.” Timo Arnall


Re-Wired / Re-Mixed: Event for Dismembered Body
“Re-Wired / Re-Mixed: Event for Dismembered Body” was a five-day, six-hour a day internet enabled performance, that explores the physiological and aesthetic experience of a fragmented, distributed, de-synchronized, distracted and involuntary body – wired and under surveillance. The artist wears a HUD (head up display) that enables him to see with the “eyes” of someone in London, whilst hearing with the “ears” of someone in New York. The body is also augmented by an 8 degrees-of-freedom exoskeleton so that anyone anywhere can generate involuntary movement of his right arm, using an online interface. The artist becomes optically and acoustically de-synchronized and performs partly involuntarily.


Factory of the sun
In this immersive work, which debuted at the 2015 German Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, Steyerl probes the pleasures and perils of image circulation in a moment defined by the unprecedented global flow of data. Ricocheting between genres—news reportage, documentary film, video games, and internet dance videos—Factory of the Sun uses the motifs of light and acceleration to explore what possibilities are still available for collective resistance when surveillance has become a mundane part of an increasingly virtual world. Factory of the Sun tells the surreal story of workers whose forced moves in a motion capture studio are turned into artificial sunshine.


Марк Хансен и Бен Рубин
마르크 한센과 벤 루빈
Listening Post

Listening Post is an art installation by Mark Hansen and Ben Rubin that culls text fragments in real time from thousands of unrestricted Internet chat rooms, bulletin boards and other public forums. The texts are read (or sung) by a voice synthesizer, and simultaneously displayed across a suspended grid of more than two hundred small electronic screens.Listening Post cycles through a series of six movements, each a different arrangement of visual, aural, and musical elements, each with it’s own data processing logic.Dissociating the communication from its conventional on-screen presence, Listening Post is a visual and sonic response to the content, magnitude, and immediacy of virtual communication.

Projet EVA

The Object of the Internet
L’Objet de l’Internet est une installation jouant le rôle d’un mausolée destiné à la Fin du web, Grâce à des procédés optiques et cinétiques placés dans une boîte fermée où le visiteur insère sa tête, le visage humain est décomposé en une multitudes de fragments. Les visiteurs deviennent les sujets d’une fiction dystopique post-humaine où, sur les réseaux sociaux, ne demeureraient sous la forme d’une résonance que les traces de quelques égo-portraits encore artificiellement animés. Ces derniers, condamnés au statut de solipsismes stériles, s’agiteraient dans le vide sidéral de la fin d’Internet.

Freya Olafson

MÆ Motion Afterefffect
MÆ – Motion Aftereffect explores motion-capture, ready-made 3D models and monologues found online, ranging from experiences with virtual reality in live gameplay to out-of-body experiences and astral projection tutorials. The work addresses the impact of emerging consumer technologies associated with AR – Augmented Reality, VR – Virtual Reality, MR – Mixed Reality, XR – Extended Reality and 360° video. Monologues sourced from the internet provide the infrastructure for the work; an in-ear monitor feeds Olafson the monologues onstage, challenging her to listen and speak simultaneously. This dual action of listening and speaking enables her to embody a state of presence that references data streaming, live processing, and gaming. As a performer she becomes a conduit, medium, or interface, broadcasting edited monologues from the internet to the audience. The action of performing the work becomes like playing a video or VR game.

Liu Wa

2020 Got Me Like
As COVID-19 speeds around the world and continues to shut down more cities, people begin to consume Internet culture in order to escape the apocalyptic anxiety in 2020, allowing Internet memes to go viral across the globe. Built upon social media, this work merges everyday sentiments with classical movie scenes to deconstruct the common imagination of “apocalypse” in entertainment industry. The video also incorporates the artist’s footage during protests, turning memes into public commentary and political satire. In this eventful year, meme does more than hijacking and decontextualizing meanings, it has become a form of silent revolt against the absurd.

KANNO So / yang02

For this installation, So Kanno + yang02 composed all kinds of differently sized objects, including a telephone, a traffic cone, a plaster figure, a car, and a plant. Cameras, microphones, monitors and microcomputers are embedded in everyday objects arranged in the exhibition space, and connected to the Internet. Visitors can experience the work by logging in to / riding each object via a web browser. Those objects exist as substitutes of – yet together with – real human beings (the visitors) in the same real environment that is subject to physical laws, rather than operating in a virtual space. Against the backdrop of the age of IoT, where all kinds of things are connected through networks, and artificial intelligence is about to mature, this work observes the new relationships that emerge when inorganic, non-autonomous objects transform into persons that act and perceive the world according to their own intentions.

Gaspard et Sandra Bébié-Valérian

Viridarium / Bioréacteur de spiruline
Gaspard and Sandra Bebie-Valérian will present Viridis. Viridis is a global project that relies on different modules, the main being an online video game, immersive, plus an installation made of spirulina bioreactors and a set of videos and sounds. While Viridis is mainly available on the internet, the two artists, at this occasion, will present it out of the screen, they will deploy and spread it in several modules.
Viridis is a unique game experience combining adventure, survival, and an actual operating spirulina community management. Through the video game, the community can directly affect and interact with a real operating spirulina farm, managed by the artists.

Marc Lee

10.000 Moving Cities
file festival

Visitors can select any city or place, using a digital interface. About the chosen place, the Internet is searched in real time for latest text, image, video and sound informations. Four projectors and eight audio speakers project the results into the space. Visitors are able to walk through the model and experience the information in 3D. Attracted and inspired by images, sound, text and videos, visitors explore the places and perceive fragments of the immense amount of data. Additionally audio and visuals constantly change, they are never the same, always in movement as the place as itself. Just as all cities over the world are different, so different and alive appear the projections and sounds.

Ying Yu


Humans, as social beings, use language to communicate. The human voice, as a biometric authentication mechanism, is constantly used throughout daily life applications, such as speech recognition, speaker verification, and so on. Currently, language-based communications mainly fall into two categories: voice over air, and voice over internet protocol. Can we add a new dimension for voice communication such as a wearable material? If so, how could we shape matter in order to physicalize vocal information?

airMorphologiesis an interactive installation that uses soft materials, such as silicon, fabric, and air, to realize these physicalizations. The human voice controls the actuation of a soft wearable structure, changing the appearance of the human body.


Network Time

“Network Time consists of several wifi routers set up in an exhibition space to be freely accessed by any mobile internet device. Attached to each router is a slender fiber optic cable, aligned to absorb and magnify the incessant flicker of its traffic LED. The visualized data exchange creates a space viewers can interact with not only physically, but also informationally.” Gregor Quack


Silent Barrage

Silent Barrage has a “biological brain” that telematically connects with its “body” in a way that is familiar to humans: the brain processes sense data that it receives, and then brain and body formulate expressions through movement and mark making. But this familiarity is hidden within a sophisticated conceptual and scientific framework that is gradually decoded by the viewer. The brain consists of a neural network of embryonic rat neurons, growing in a Petri dish in a lab in Atlanta, Georgia, which exhibits the uncontrolled activity of nerve tissue that is typical of cultured nerve cells. This neural network is connected to neural interfacing electrodes that write to and read from the neurons. The thirty-six robotic pole-shaped objects of the body, meanwhile, live in whatever exhibition space is their temporary home. They have sensors that detect the presence of viewers who come in. It is from this environment that data is transmitted over the Internet, to be read by the electrodes and thus to stimulate, train or calm parts of the brain, depending on which area of the neuronal net has been addressed.

Felipe Pantone

Pantone’s work deals with dynamism, transformation, digital revolution, and themes related to the present times. Felipe Pantone evokes a spirit in his work that feels like a collision between an analog past and a digitized future, where human beings and machines will inevitably glitch alongside one another in a prism of neon gradients, geometric shapes, optical patterns, and jagged grids. Based in Spain, Pantone is a byproduct of the technological age when kids unlocked life’s mysteries through the Internet. As a result of this prolonged screen time, he explores how the displacement of the light spectrum impacts color and repetition.


Today’s Levitation
Tokyo-based photographer Natsumi Hayashi is known as the “levitation girl.” She became an internet sensation over the past year with her “Today’s Levitation” series, a self-portrait project consisting exclusively of images that capture her in mid-air, usually against an everyday urban backdrop.


Louis Blanc se plie mais ne rompt pas, se cachant derrière ses poings, transformant bras et jambes en inextricable forêt. On cite quelques références illustres, il affirme ne les avoir découvertes qu’après coup. «Complètement autodidacte», le photographe a affiné son regard en montrant des images sur les forums spécialisés, sur Internet.


der mensch als industriepalast
Dr. Fritz Kahn war ein Berliner Arzt und Wissenschaftsautor, der Bau und Funktionsweise des Menschen mit spektakulär modernen Mensch-Maschine-Analogien veranschaulichte. Sein Hauptwerk, die fünfbändige Reihe „Das Leben des Menschen“ (1922–1931), galt in den zwanziger Jahren als ­deutsche Leistung von Weltrang. In den dreißiger Jahren wurde es verbrannt und verboten, erschien jedoch im selben Verlag als Plagiat mit antisemitischem Zusatzkapitel.Fritz Kahn, Jude und Humanist, wurde ausgewiesen und ließ sich in Palästina nieder, später zog er nach Frankreich. Mit Hilfe seines Freundes Albert Einstein entkam er seinen Verfolgern in die USA, wo er seine Karriere als Bestsellerautor erfolgreich fortsetzte. Nach Europa zurückgekehrt, starb Kahn 1968 nach einem außergewöhnlichen Leben und Werk fast 80-jährig in der Schweiz.In Deutschland geriet Fritz Kahn weitgehend in Vergessenheit, doch inzwischen zeigen tausende Links im Internet ein neu erwachtes Interesse an ihm, vor allem unter jungen Historikern und Gestaltern. Bis heute inspirieren die Bilder, die Kahn in der frühen Moderne für seine Bücher anfertigen ließ, Kreative in aller Welt zu eigenen zeitgemäßen Interpretationen.Fritz Kahn wieder sichtbar und sein einzigartiges Werk als lebendigen Teil der deutschen Kulturgeschichte begreifbar zu machen, ist das Ziel dieser Website und des monografischen Bildbandes „Fritz Kahn – Man Machine“.

Manon Kündig

Manon Kündig’s master 2012 graduate menswear collection called ” Bowerbird” is full of digital prints and acid colours. Photoshop is probably one of the most important tools of her collection and she confesses being completely addicted to online research. Like the bird, she was inspired by to create her collection, bird stealing rubbish to create its nest; Manon stole Google images to create her prints. We asked Manon about her work and the relationship between the Internet and her collections.

Mathieu Merlet Briand

Google red marble

Digital native et issu d’une famille d’agriculteur, Mathieu s’intéresse à l’influence des technologies sur la perception de notre réalité contemporaine. Il s’interroge sur la matérialité d’internet et ses représentations. Il cherche à traduire l’expérience du web surfer, l’imagination de l’internaute face à ce flux infini d’informations.
Dans ses projets se dégagent de façon récurrente des questions environnementales. Inspiré par la lecture de l’essai philosophique d’Ariel Kyrou « Google God » de 2010, il interroge cette image presque divine associés aux géants du web.
Il utilise comme médium les big datas. Via ses algorithmes qu’il développe, par des processus de recyclage et des analogies à la nature, il façonne des flux de données afin d’en créer des matérialisations tangibles. Abstractions, reliques, cristallisations ou fragment du World Wide Web, son travail protéiforme se matérialise principalement en sculptures et installations multimédia.
Influencé autant par l’histoire de l’abstraction, les artistes du Land Art, que par les Nouveaux Réalistes, ses créations sont associées au Culture Digital, au mouvement Post-Digital ou Post-Internet Art.


Maral Pourkazemi

The Iranian Internet
Design is my conviction and my religion,”says Iranian designer Maral Pourkazemi. For her master thesis project “The Iranian Internet”

Jon Rafman

New Age Demanded
Artist Jon Rafman uses software to digitally render sculptures and then applies Internet-sourced images to them. The works of many recognizable artists are re-appropriated in this on-going series of work, entitled “New Age Demanded”.

Kim Asendorf

Mountain Tour 2
Kim Asendorf is a conceptual artist working with digital media incorporating Internet culture and technology. His work ranges from online projects and performances to visual art and installations. He is widely know for the invention of Pixel Sorting, an image altering algorithm he made Open Source, the creation of file formats as work of art or The First Animated GIF Send Into Deep Space.


New Age Demanded
“Inspired by classical Greek busts, Jon Rafman uses computer software to digitally render three-dimensional forms. The forms act as the structural surface on which two-dimensional Internet-sourced images are applied. The series is presented as large-scale archival pigment digital prints. Each print is created with its own specific texture and sculptural mutation. Rafman uses historically recognizable works from canonized artists like Mark Rothko, Georgia O’Keeffe, Piet Mondrian, and Wassily Kandinsky as the subjects of his appropriations.”