
Rino Stefano Tagliafierro

In questa interpretazione di Rino Stefano Tagliafierro la bellezza è riportata alla forza espressiva di un gesto che egli scaturisce dall’immobilità del quadro, animando un sentimento sottraendolo alla fissità museale. Come se in quelle immagini che la storia dell’arte ci ha consegnato fosse congelato un movimento che l’oggi può rivitalizzare grazie al fuoco dell’inventiva digitale.



He painted the abysses of the human soul: the British artist Francis Bacon. Basic mechanisms of relationships such as desire, domination and exclusion he presented with merciless honesty and painful beauty.
With her piece, Nanine Linning fathoms the emotional cosmos of Bacon`s paintings and detects in their uncompromising depiction an analogy with her own art. With excessive physicality, the choreography explores fundamental patterns of behavior, which blur the line between human and feral bearing by their archaic and merciless nature. From an almost disturbing proximity the spectator witnesses the struggle of the individual for affiliation.At the same time fascinating and disturbing, the piece celebrates its comeback on stage fourteen years after its first release. BACON, which received the »Swan« for the best Dutch choreography, returns with revised choreography and new video- and light design.


تاكاهيرو ماتسو
타카히로 마츠오
Такахиро Мацуо
Swimming in a glowing, underwater sea of jellyfish would be a really beautiful experience. But, with limited access to the deep sea, this interactive installation by artist Takahiro Matsuo could be considered a backup to that kind of actual encounter. The dark blue room, a reminder of the oceanic abyss, is a seamlessly flowing design in which viewers can appreciate the beauty of these fascinating creatures without having to actually run the risk of a jellyfish sting.