
Yuri Suzuki

Crowd Cloud
Keeping the human voice at its core, Crowd Cloud distils the vowels of the Japanese language, creating a unique composition that emanates from a choir of dozens of standing horns that converse with each other like people waiting for friends and relatives. Crowd cloud is designed to provide a welcoming experience in what is often a soulless public space, momentarily turning visitors into audience members as they pass by en route to the next part of their journey.


Coro pêndulo
Pendulum Choir é uma peça coral original para 9 vozes A Cappella e 18 macacos hidráulicos. O coro é constituindo por um corpo vivo e sonoro. Esse corpo se expressa por meio de vários estados físicos. Sua plasticidade varia de acordo com sua sonoridade. Varia entre sons abstratos, sons repetitivos e sons líricos ou narrativos. Os corpos dos cantores e suas vozes brincam com e contra a gravidade. Eles se tocam e se evitam, criando polifonias vocais sutis. Ou, apoiados por sons eletrônicos, rompem sua coesão e explodem em um voo lírico ou se dobram em um ritual obsessivo e sombrio. O órgão viaja da vida à morte em uma alegoria robótica onde a complexidade tecnológica e o lirismo dos corpos em movimento se combinam em uma obra com acentos prometéicos.
Pendulum Choir is an original choral piece for 9 A Cappella voices and 18 hydraulic jacks. The choir is constituted by a living and sonorous body. This body expresses itself through various physical states. Its plasticity varies according to its sound. It varies between abstract sounds, repetitive sounds and lyrical or narrative sounds. The singers’ bodies and their voices play with and against gravity. They touch and avoid each other, creating subtle vocal polyphonies. Or, supported by electronic sounds, they break their cohesion and explode in a lyrical flight or bend in an obsessive and dark ritual. The organ travels from life to death in a robotic allegory where technological complexity and the lyricism of moving bodies combine in a work with Promethean accents.


Diffusion Choir
彫刻は、目に見えない鳥の群れの動きを視覚化することにより、コラボレーションの有機的な美しさを祝います。 400の折り畳み要素が、太陽が降り注ぐアトリウムに吊り下げられたボリュームを形成します。各要素は、群れアルゴリズムを備えたカスタムソフトウェアによって制御され、個別に開閉できます。彫刻の動きは、流れの緻密化シミュレーションによって駆動され、絶えず進化しています。 1時間ごとに、鳥の小さなグループが1つのエンティティに統合され、流動的なコラボレーションで空中を舞い上がります。 15分ごとに、鳥が集まり、彫刻の上で特別な振り付けのジェスチャーを実行します。


Diffusion Choir
De sculptuur viert de organische schoonheid van samenwerking door de bewegingen van een onzichtbare zwerm vogels te visualiseren. Vierhonderd vouwelementen vormen een hangend volume in het zonovergoten atrium. Elk element kan onafhankelijk worden geopend en gesloten, bestuurd door aangepaste software met een flock-algoritme. De bewegingen van de sculptuur evolueren voortdurend, aangedreven door de stroomdensimulatie. In de loop van elk uur smelten kleinere groepen vogels samen tot een enkele entiteit, zwevend door de lucht in vloeiende samenwerking. Op elk kwartier verzamelen de vogels zich en voeren speciale gechoreografeerde gebaren uit over het beeldhouwwerk.

localStyle (Marlena Novak & Jay Alan Yim) in collaboration with Malcolm MacIver

‘scale’ is an interspecies art project: an audience-interactive installation that involves nocturnal electric fish from the Amazon River Basin. Twelve different species of these fish comprise a choir whose sonified electrical fields provide the source tones for an immersive audiovisual environment. The fish are housed in individual tanks configured in a custom-built sculptural arc of aluminum frames placed around a central podium. The electrical field from each fish is translated into sound, and is thus heard — unprocessed or with digital effects added, with immediate control over volume via a touchscreen panel — through a 12-channel surround sound system, and with LED arrays under each tank for visual feedback. All software is custom-designed. Audience members interact as deejays with the system. Amongst the goals of the project is our desire to foster wider public awareness of these remarkable creatures, their importance to the field of neurological research, and the fragility of their native ecosystem.The project leaders comprise visual/conceptual artist Marlena Novak, composer/sound designer Jay Alan Yim, and neural engineer Malcolm MacIver. MacIver’s research focuses on sensory processing and locomotion in electric fish and translating this research into bio-inspired technologies for sensing and underwater propulsion through advanced fish robots. Novak and Yim, collaborating as ‘localStyle’, make intermedia works that explore perceptual themes, addressing both physical and psychological thresholds in the context of behavior, society/politics, and aesthetics.


Pendulum Choir

Pendulum Choir is an original choral piece for 9 A Cappella voices and 18 hydraulic jacks. The choir stands on tilting platforms, constituting a living, sonorous body. That body expresses itself through various physical states. Its plasticity varies at the mercy of its sonority. It varies between abstract sounds, repetitive sounds, and lyrical or narrative sounds. The bodies of the singers and their voices play with and against gravity. They brush and avoid each other creating subtle vocal polyphonies. Or, supported by electronic sounds, they break their cohesion and burst into lyrical flight or fold up into an obsessional and dark ritual. The organ travels from life to death in a robotic allegory where the technological complexity and the lyricism of the moving bodies combine into a work with Promethean accents.



In REQUIEM choreographer Nanine Linning imagines the tension between life and death, the profane and the sacred, the carnal and the spiritual. Themes, which are inextricably linked together and are at the same time absolute opposites. Inspired by Fauré’s “Requiem”, Dante’s “La Divina Commedia” and the absurd and surreal images of the artist duo “Les Deux Garçons”, Linning is searching for her own paradise on earth.REQUIEM is a multidisciplinary production with 25 dancers, live orchestra, two soloist singers, a choir, a sound artist and video. It is a triptych where the public will first walk on stage through dance installations; the dancers create a frozen, silent world.In the second part Fauré’s “Requiem” is being performed while singers and dancers follow Linnings choreography in a world of immense video images on stage. In the last part a Sound Artist will break apart Fauré’s “Requiem”. The frozen world of part one will melt and the energy of life will be released in a dynamic choreography for the choir and dancers.