Dark Matter
INVERSE combines 169 moving black spherical objects into a seemingly living entity. Monochromatic, sometimes threatening in its appearance, the ensemble presents in silhouette against the bright background.
INVERSE combines 169 moving black spherical objects into a seemingly living entity. Monochromatic, sometimes threatening in its appearance, the ensemble presents in silhouette against the bright background.
Dark Matter, a large black object that looks like a circle, a square or a hexagon depending on where you’re standing, probes (like Olde Wolber’s video) a very contemporary disturbance about the irreconcilability of subjective point-of-view and objective truth.
Un grand objet noir qui ressemble à un cercle, un carré ou un hexagone selon l’endroit où vous vous trouvez, sonde (comme la vidéo d’Olde Wolber) une perturbation très contemporaine sur l’inconcilabilité du point de vue subjectif et de la vérité objective.
‘Dark Distortions’ – was inspired by Euclid, a forthcoming ESA mission to study the mysterious nature of dark matter and dark energy, which is due to launch in mid-2022. Dark matter is thought to account for 85% of the matter in the universe. Visible stuff within galaxies – such as stars and planets and dust – has insufficient gravitational pull to prevent galaxies from disintegrating as they rotate. But galaxies don’t fly apart in this way, so astrophysicists proposed that they must contain “dark” matter that has sufficient mass to keep galaxies intact – but which has never been seen directly.
«Dark Distortions» – был вдохновлен Евклидом, предстоящей миссией ЕКА по изучению загадочной природы темной материи и темной энергии, запуск которой запланирован на середину 2022 года. Считается, что темная материя составляет 85% материи во Вселенной. Видимое вещество внутри галактик – например, звезды, планеты и пыль – обладает недостаточным гравитационным притяжением, чтобы предотвратить распад галактик при их вращении. Но галактики не разлетаются таким образом, поэтому астрофизики предположили, что они должны содержать «темную» материю, обладающую достаточной массой, чтобы сохранить галактики в целости, но которую никогда не видели напрямую.
Dark Matter
‘Troika’s metaphysically strange hanging sculpture Dark Matter (2014), a large black object that looks like a circle, a square or a hexagon depending on where you’re standing, probes (like Olde Wolber’s video) a very contemporary disturbance about the irreconcilability of subjective point-of-view and objective truth.’
Алисон Шоц
Fluid State
Alyson Shotz is an American artist based in Brooklyn, New York. She graduated with a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design in 1987 and an MFA from the University of Washington in 1991. Alyson Shotz investigates issues of perception and space with sculptures made from a range of synthetic materials such as mirror, glass beads, plastic lenses, thread and steel wire.Karen Rosenberg wrote: “Ms. Shotz evokes natural phenomena with accumulations of beads, pins and other common materials…Often they respond to the challenge of visualizing concepts from theoretical physics (string theory, dark matter).”
Dark Matter
“Dark Matter” is a series of combined, sculptural objects modeled in Maya and 3D printed to form humorous juxtapositions.; The objects chosen for the first series are the objects/things that are forbidden or un-welcome in Iran by the government. The objects that in many other countries people use or own freely but under Iranian government laws (for several reasons) are forbidden or discouraged to use.
dark matter
A number of striking sculptures from the first solo exhibition of Korean artist Jang Yong Sun entitled Particles of Dark Matter. Sun welds thousands of steel rings to form these amoeba-like structures that despite having the appearance of being precariously fragile must be extremely heavy.
Dark Matters
Kidd Pivot Frankfurt RM
Le spectacle « Dark Matters » de Crystal Pite qui aura lieu au Toboggan les 15 16 et 17 mars intègre elle-même la marionnétique ou l’art de manier la marionnette. Plus précisément, pour son spectacle la technique reprise par la compagnie Kidd Pivot est le Bunraku.
On vous parle chinois ? Japonais en fait plus précisément ! Cet art bien singulier a fait son apparition au XVIIeme siècle dans la région d’Osaka. Avec le nô, le kabuki et le kyôgen, c’est une des quatre formes du théâtre classique nippon. Il est issu de l’assemblage de deux traditions : le Johruri, qui est l’art de raconter des histoires traditionnelles sur un fond musical, et la marionnette, présente depuis le XIème siècle au Japon.
Pour se pratiquer, le Bunraku utilise des marionnettes de taille presque humaine. Plusieurs hommes sont nécessaires pour manipuler une marionnette de ce type. Pour lui donner vie, ils actionnent ce qu’on appelle des contrôles ou baguettes sur ses différentes parties du corps. C’est un travail qui nécessite beaucoup de concentration et d’exercice car si l’accord entre les montreurs n’est pas bien orchestré, le jeu de la marionnette ne sera pas fluide.
Dark Matter
المادة المظلمة هي “نقطة ثلاثية” يتم استثمارها بشكل مادي ؛ لحظة يمكن أن تتعايش فيها أشكال تبدو متناقضة. من خلال هذا التمثال ، تستمر الترويكا في استكشاف ديناميكيات الإدراك والواقع ، والفضاء والشيء ، وتطرح السؤال عن سبب معرفتنا لما نعرفه ، وما إذا كانت هذه المعرفة مؤكدة.
تشير المادة المظلمة إلى أن التجارب الذاتية يمكن أن تكون صحيحة ، ولكن كل هذه التجارب محدودة بطبيعتها بسبب فشلها في تفسير الحقيقة الكاملة. إنه مثلما يمكن للخرائط المختلفة أن تقدم روايات عن نفس المنطقة ، كذلك يمكن لأشكال مختلفة من المعرفة أن تعطي صورة أكثر شمولية عن العالم المادي ، مع طرح السؤال حول ما الذي يملي كيف نحدد المعرفة في المقام الأول.
يعرض الحجم للمشاهد حقيقة متغيرة: أولاً ، يرى المرء دائرة مسطحة كاملة ، ثم سداسيًا متبوعًا بمربع كامل. غير قادر على فهم الطبيعة الكاملة للكائن ، لا يمكن للمرء أبدًا رؤية جميع “الحالات” الثلاث في وقت واحد ، بينما يواجه تحديًا لقبول ما يبدو مستحيلًا.
Distortions in Spacetime
In a giant star’s final moments, atoms compress to a point where density becomes infinite, time stretches to a stop and the gravitational field is so strong that not even light can escape: a black hole. But the force that creates this dark shadow also spews out a supernova explosion of matter that can eventually coalesce to form planets, plants and people. In Distortions in Spacetime, visitors will see themselves reflected in this matter and will begin to understand the cosmic connection between black holes, dying stars and our very existence.
Line Segments Space
An architectural web of threads subtends a null space. It hangs abstract and undefined, a set of thin positive elements segmenting the dark negative space between. Dynamic imaginary forms are articulated into the physical volume by the material of this thread, and the semi-material of the light. The visual gravity of the filaments occupying the space between. A 2D canvas is reduced from a surface piece into a line segment, but then constructed into another dimension, a volume. Light creates contrast and order on the lines to articulate digital matter. Digital forms inhabit the interconnected boundaries of space, becoming incarnate as visual mass.