
Lisa Rovner

‘Sisters with Transistors’, a documentary about the pioneers of electronic music

This November, a new documentary dedicated to the pioneers of electronic music will see the light under the name ‘Sisters with Transistors’. The feature centers around the work of figures such as Suzanne Ciani, Delia Derbyshire, Laurie Spiegel, and Clara Rockmore.
The feature aims to reveal a unique struggle for emancipation and restore the central role of women in the history of music and society in general.
‘We, women, were especially attracted to electronic music when the possibility of a woman composing was itself controversial. Electronics allow us to make music that others can listen to without having to be taken seriously by the male-dominated establishment’, says the director of the piece.

Mella Jaarsma

The Trophy (Animals have no religion)
This work is inspired by Raden Ayu Kartini (21 April 1879 – 17 September 1904), a pioneer in the area of the emancipation of women and education in Indonesia. Through letters she shared her thoughts about the problems of her society which seems still topical nowadays. She expressed the view that the world would be more peaceful if there was no religion to provide reasons for disagreements, discord and offence.

Brigitte Niedermair

女权艺术家 摄影作品
THE SCOPE Be more flexible!

Originaire du Sud du Tyrol, Brigitte Niedermair déploie dès son adolescence son énergie créatrice : peinture et dessin en sont les premiers signes– elle se lance à vingt ans dans la photographie. développe sa pratique des portraits féminins. […] A travers commandes et travaux personnels se pose la question de la condition féminine. Interrogeant traditions, religions et modernité, en les articulant à des sujets tels que l’avortement et l’insémination artificielle, elle propose une vision duelle, entre sacré et profane, ascétisme et érotisme  et émancipation.