
Alex Ekman


Ekman talents extend to the lighting and stage design and his eye for structuring an environment is unerring. There is no set as such, excepting the plaster cow which dangles overhead, but the stage surface has its share of movement as little island-blocks rise up and pits sink down. The extreme tilting of the stage at one point causes unfortunate Bauch to roll, cow-like, almost into the pit. COW has its iconic Ekman moment in the scene that opens on a stage full of swirling dancers in white skirts set in a magical silvery mist. Mikael Karlsson, whose music partners the piece provides a subtle and evocative soundscape. He offers a hint of percussive rhythm picked up by the dancers who launch into an ecstatic dance: a stage full of whirling dervishes, until they collapse exhausted.


Ekmans Talente erstrecken sich auf die Beleuchtung und das Bühnenbild, und sein Auge für die Strukturierung einer Umgebung ist unfehlbar. Es gibt kein Set als solches, außer der Gipskuh, die über ihnen baumelt, aber die Bühnenoberfläche hat ihren Anteil an Bewegung, wenn kleine Inselblöcke aufsteigen und Gruben sinken. Das extreme Kippen der Bühne an einer Stelle führt dazu, dass der unglückliche Bauch kuhartig fast in die Grube rollt. COW hat seinen legendären Ekman-Moment in der Szene, die auf einer Bühne voller wirbelnder Tänzer in weißen Röcken in einem magischen silbernen Nebel beginnt. Mikael Karlsson, dessen Musikpartner das Stück ist, bietet eine subtile und eindrucksvolle Klanglandschaft. Er bietet einen Hauch von perkussivem Rhythmus, der von den Tänzern aufgenommen wurde, die einen ekstatischen Tanz beginnen: eine Bühne voller wirbelnder Derwische, bis sie erschöpft zusammenbrechen.




Объект «База» реализован во время работы художника по приглашению Министерства культуры Франции в ателье Кольдера в городе Саше. Девятиметровая горизонтальная труба, заполненная водой, образует тоннель для движения черной подводной лодки, которая, двигаясь по принципу троллейбуса, улавливается в крайних точках специальным устройством. Приподнимаясь над водой, на пропеллерах лодка поворачивается в обратную сторону и подобно хамелеону изменяет свою окраску, превращаясь в разноцветную и красивую. После погружения в воду лодка опять чернеет и стремительно продолжает движение



Object “Base” was realized during the artist’s work at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture of France in the atelier Colder in the city of Sachet. A nine-meter horizontal pipe, filled with water, forms a tunnel for the movement of a black submarine, which, moving according to the principle of a trolleybus, is caught at the extreme points by a special device. Rising above the water, on the propellers, the boat turns in the opposite direction and, like a chameleon, changes its color, turning into a multi-colored and beautiful one. After immersion in the water, the boat turns black again and continues to move rapidly


Het Wezen van de Stad
For a couple of years now I’ve been developing a series of works that engage, each in different ways, with what I propose to call filmic architecture. In these works, I explore the relationships between scale models, sets, architecture, and the moving image. Starting point is was the question: would it be possible to do a remake of a film, let’s say Ridley Scott Alien, with a set that would allow one to do so in one single shot? How to translate the combination of spaces, montage and shifts in size and angle as we see them in the film into the actual spatiality of a set that would allow one to shoot the film in a single continuity without the cut and paste of montage? This brought me to the idea of the Morphed Set as both a potential plan for a work and an intellectual exercise or figure of thought. Sometimes my works are extremely large “walkthrough INSTALLATIONS” – at other times, they are infinite small scale models and prototypes.

CyberMotion Simulator


The CMS consists of an industrial robot arm with six independent axes, extended with an L-shaped cabin axis. The seventh axis allows for varying the orientation of the cabin with respect to the robot arm by changing the location of the cabin’s attachment point from behind the seat to under the seat, or any intermediate position. Recently, the CMS has been further extended with a linear axis of ten meters. The resulting eight degrees-of-freedom (DOF) provide an exceptionally large workspace. Several extreme motions and positions can be achieved, such as large lateral/longitudinal motions, sustained centrifugal motions, infinite head-centered rotation, and up-side-down motions.


File Festival 

Immersive Audiovisual Environment Artificial Fog, Stroboscopes, Pulse Lights and Surround Sound, 2008

ZEE proposes a state of tabula rasa and unfolds without a narrative or reproducible imagery.The audience wanders freely in a space filled with extremely dense fog that fully obscures all of its boundaries. Stroboscopic- and pulse lights illuminate the fog, in a softened and evenly dispersed manner, creating kaleidoscopic three-dimensional structures in constant animation. An ambient and minimal sound-scape connects to the imagery, without directly synchronizing to it.The core visual impression of ZEE is of a psychedelic architecture of pure light, an abstract luminescent landscape enveloping the visitor. Time appears to stand still.

Albert Merino

The Present Condition

The landscapes of ‘The Present Condition’ derive from a journey of more than 15,000 km by land by the artist between the two geographical extremes of South America. The video is suffused with a surreal atmosphere, where real and imaginary spaces intersect. Concepts such as human intimacy, desire, work, the savage capitalism that builds cathedrals in the desert, the perverse bureaucracy and the construction of the border wall are just some of the elements that are mixed in a striking and suggestive mosaic of images.

file sp 2019 videoart



Auch in seiner aktuellen Performance „Glassed“ gibt sich Yann Marussich wieder nahezu bewegungslos und setzt seinen Körper Extremen aus. Ein riesiger, grünleuchtender Kubus beherrscht die Bühne. Begleitet durch die Live-Musik von Franz Treichel, dem Kopf der bekannten, Schweizer Post-Industrial-Band „The Young Gods“, erhebt sich dieser und gibt langsam den Blick auf den Künstler selbst frei. Marussich kommt, in einen feinen Maßanzug gekleidet, aber das Gesicht bis zur Gänze unter einer riesigen Halskrause verborgen, darunter zum Vorschein. Die Halskrause, die man eigentlich Hunden nach Operationen anlegt, ist bis obenhin mit 25 Kilo Glas angefüllt. Während der Performance versucht sich Marussich immer wieder unter großen körperlichen Anstrengungen dem Glas zu entledigen.

Nicolás Alcalá

A 20’ (minutes) animated real-time VR (Virtual Reality) short film about Anaaya, a brilliant scientist working to find a new planet for humanity while the world that we know dies slowly due to extreme climate change; and Melita, an AI designed to help her on her herculean task. This is the first part of a much bigger tale, that will take us into Melita’s journey to find Aurora, the next cradle for humanity.

Grupa Sędzia Główny

Hommage à Zofia Kulik

The group Sedzia Glowny (Chief Judge)—Karolina Wiktor and Aleksandra Kubiak—has radicalized the Polish performance-art scene. Since 2001, this unusual duo has been pushing the limits of human exhaustion to the further point of serious health conditions. By treading difficult paths, and striking the most disturbing and confusing chords, they have explored the sensual and psychological phenomena with their audiences, which include perversion, cruelty and masochism. They have tested the boundaries of gender roles under extreme conditions, experimented with games and role-playing between genders, as well as with the pleasures and responsibilities that come with power. The exhibition documents, reconstructs and closes the first stage of their activities, interrupted by Karolina Wiktor’s serious illness—the stage after which, as the artists themselves admit, the group will never be the same again.

Kurt Hentschlager


Expérience immersive forte alliant approche méditative et implication physique, Zee s’inscrit dans le travail sur la représentation humaine et ses ressorts psychologiques poursuivi par Kurt Hentschläger. Une expérience qui se suit comme un véritable fil d’Ariane.Savez-vous vraiment ce que signifie faire l’expérience physique d’une œuvre numérique immersive ? Ceux qui ont eu la chance d’expérimenter le Feed de Kurt Hentschläger, plongée radicale au cœur d’une matière instable de brouillard artificiel dense, de lumières stroboscopiques et de fréquences sonores électroniques pulsatives répondront sans doute par l’affirmative. Pour les autres, l’épreuve de rattrapage ultime aura pour nom Zee, pièce rare et prolongement de Feed, présentée au Centquatre parisien dans le cadre de l’exposition Trouble Makers, fil rouge de Némo, le festival arts numériques d’Arcadi Île-de-France. Ancienne moitié du duo de défricheurs numériques extrêmes Granular Synthesis, Kurt Hentschläger cultive le goût des environnements déstabilisants et trouve dans Zee le dispositif déambulatoire idoine pour nous prêter au jeu. « Zee fait partie de la même série de travaux que Feed, mais en format installation », explique l’artiste autrichien basé à Chicago. « Zee fonctionne en mode huis clos, dans un espace totalement fermé. Dès que l’on entre, le brouillard est déjà là. Il remplit l’espace dans lequel vous êtes invitez à vous déplacer. Par rapport à Feed, où le public reste assis à un endroit précis, il y a donc davantage de flexibilité dans l’expérimentation du dispositif. Cette idée de déambulation dans l’espace induit un climat différent. C’est peut-être encore plus intimidant pour certains mais pour moi cela donne à Zee une connotation plus méditative. »Procéder à l’expérience nécessite véritablement de se prendre en main.