
QUBIT AI: Anna Vasof & VRinMotion Team

The Cage of Time

FILE 2024 | Installations
International Electronic Language Festival
Interactive installation that presents a kinetic instrument object and virtual reality glasses, functioning as a device that animates the illusion of the passage of time in virtual space. In the fabric of existence, time weaves a cage around our ephemeral moments, limiting our perceptions of the past, present and future. By embracing this paradox, we may discover that the cage of time becomes the crucible where the alchemy of experience transforms our understanding of existence.


Anna Vasof is a multi-award-winning artist who focuses on filmmaking, short videos, and time-based sculptures. VRinMotion is an artistic research project based at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences in Austria that investigates how features of stop-motion animation and motion capture can be combined with virtual reality to enrich current artistic discourse.


VRinMotion Team: Franziska Bruckner, Christoph Schmid, Clemens Gürtler, Matthias Husinsky, Christian Munk, Julian Salhofer, Stefan Nebel, Vrääth Öhner.
Concept by: Anna Vasof.


SMS Slingshot
file festival

The SMSlingshot est un lance-pierre numérique qui envoie des SMS colorés sur les murs, telles des billes de paint-ball. La recette est simple, ou presque : un vidéo projecteur, un lance-pierre en bois muni d’un pointeur laser et une radio à Ultra Haute Fréquence. L’utilisateur utilise le clavier du lance-pierre pour écrire son message, vise un mur et le bombarde. Son SMS s’inscrit dans une tâche de peinture colorée.
Der SMSlingshot ist eine digitale Schleuder, die wie Paintballs bunte Textnachrichten an Wände schickt. Das Rezept ist einfach oder fast: ein Videoprojektor, eine Holzschleuder mit Laserpointer und ein Ultrahochfrequenz-Radio. Der Nutzer schreibt mit der Schleuder-Tastatur seine Nachricht, zielt auf eine Wand und bombardiert diese. Ihre Textnachricht ist Teil einer bunten Lackierung.

SMSlingshot è una fionda digitale che invia messaggi di testo colorati ai muri come palline di vernice. La ricetta è semplice, o quasi: un videoproiettore, una fionda di legno con puntatore laser e una radio Ultra High Frequency. L’utente utilizza la tastiera a fionda per scrivere il proprio messaggio, mira a un muro e lo bombarda. Il suo messaggio di testo fa parte di un lavoro di pittura colorato.

Sam Twidale & Marija Avramovic

(AI) infinite simulations
‘Sunshowers’ is the third in our series of real-time animation artworks. It is inspired by the opening chapter of Akira Kurosawa’s film Dreams which follows a young boy as he explores a forest and stumbles across a fox wedding (Kitsune no Yomeiri). Our piece explores ideas of animism and techno-animism by assigning life in the form of artificial intelligence to all of the objects, both natural and man-made, within the virtual world. The piece unfolds in real time with the characters themselves deciding which paths they will follow.


CBM 8032 AV
El proyecto CBM 8032 AV es una exploración de la belleza de los gráficos y el sonido simples, utilizando computadoras de principios de la década de 1980. Este trabajo trata sobre la ambivalencia entre una estética contemporánea y el uso de tecnología obsoleta y limitada de hace 40 años. Todo lo que se presenta dentro del proyecto podría haberse hecho ya en la década de 1980, pero se necesitaba el trasfondo cultural de hoy para generar las ideas artísticas que lo impulsan.


MVRDV的The Imprint是更大的天堂城市综合大楼的一部分,该大楼共有6栋建筑物,该大楼将提供全套​​娱乐场所和酒店景,距离韩国最大的机场不到一公里。鉴拟议的两座建筑物的计划–一家夜总会和室内主题公园–客户需要没有窗户的设计,而该建筑物仍与综合大楼中的其他建筑物结合在一起。


“Movrin’s main inspiration has always been his childhood, where tradition, God and meat were the subject of everyday life. As an only son of a butcher in a small Slovenian town, surrounded by woods and bears, his growing up marked him with a roughness that he transcends in his designs with a special kind of romanticism. In this hard provincial life meat became his medium of expression, as a child he would carve steaks in a way that would appeal to his bewildered eye. There were, however, also fresh issues of Vogue magazines in the house, brought from trips to Trieste, that stirred up his imagination.” Black Sheep

mode:Niko Riam

Robert Henke and Anna Tskhovrebov

CBM 8032 AV
The CBM 8032 AV project is an exploration of the beauty of simple graphics and sound, using computers from the early 1980’s. This work is about the ambivalence between a contemporary aesthetic and the usage of obsolete and limited technology from 40 years ago. Everything presented within the project could have been done already in the 1980, but it needed the cultural backdrop of today to come up with the artistic ideas driving it.

Sam Twidale & Marija Avramovic

After Party

(AI) infinite simulations

‘After Party’ is an animation about two young girls, Ada and Milica. They find themselves in a strange space where an adult party is happening. With every new simulation their personalities evolve in unpredictable ways: between Childhood and Adolescence, Refined and Savage. Our digital work consists of creating artificial environments in the form of real-time animation using our own custom software, where artificial intelligence characters interact with each other as well as with the virtual world that surrounds them. These pieces are usually inspired by stories or myths found in different cultures.



Paradise City
MVRDV’s The Imprint is part of the larger Paradise City complex of 6 buildings in total, which will provide a full suite of entertainment and hotel attractions less than a kilometre away from South Korea’s largest airport. Given the proposed programme of the 2 buildings – a nightclub and indoor theme park – the client required a design with no windows, yet one that still integrated with the other buildings in the complex.


Designed by dutch studio MVRDV and danish firm ADEPT, the 3,200 square meter ‘house of culture in movement’ was completed for the municipality of frederiksberg as a focal point for both the immediate community, and also the wider area of copenhagen. The architects claim that the project is a new typology, blending theater, sport, and learning programs within a space that promotes an active lifestyle, regardless of age, ability or interest.

Suzy Lelièvre

Después de haber hecho sus estudios de Bellas Artes de Nîmes, seguido de Lyon, este joven artista se ha convertido rápidamente en un experto en pecados, metamorfosis, de todo tipo de elementos domésticos.
Es un diseño que se niega a la funcionalidad, jugando con los materiales y la producción de siluetas mutantes. Cuando Suzy Lelievre dibuja una valla de seguridad de una tienda, está es en papel. Una barandilla de protección puede perfectamente estar en yeso.
Suzy no toma ventaja de las cosas: cada objeto cotidiano se convierte en sus dedos en una forma incongruente. Produce figuras que están en la frontera entre el arte y el diseño.


Wearable Sculpture
He designs with meticulous attention to detail and longing for newness. Leather and wool are still his favourite materials. To get the effect of surprise he juxtaposes these two traditional materials with others, perhaps not typically associated with the textile industry. An important part of his design process is treating natural and synthetic fabrics with various methods, using heat, chemicals or other techniques, thus combining innovation and tradition.


Balancing Barn

The Balancing Barn is situated on a beautiful site by a small lake in the quintessentially English countryside. The building takes the form of a barn, updated with shiny metal cladding. The Balancing Barn aims to make people re-evaluate the countryside as well as make contemporary architecture accessible. In addition to this, it is both a restfull and exciting holiday home, boldly designed to provoke a gut response to architecture and nature over a short stay.


Big & Green: Toward Sustainable Architecture in the 21st Century


Aston Martin Resort Disguised as a Giant Mountain of Lush Green


gwanggyo power centre

o projeto de conceito consiste em uma série de edifícios em forma de colina cobertos de mato com grande diversidade programática, visando alta densidade urbana e incentivo a novos desenvolvimentos em torno do ‘centro de energia’, um dos dois centros previstos da futura nova cidade. o centro de energia de gwanggyo consistirá em moradias, escritórios, uma mistura de instalações culturais, de lazer e educacionais, bem como estacionamento. a estrutura em forma de colina é construída com uma série de anéis que facilitam a vida ao ar livre. cada piso será constituído por terraços com sistema de circulação piso a piso, onde a água será armazenada e utilizada para irrigar as plantas. os telhados dessas colinas e os terraços são plantados com sebes de buxo, criando um parque forte, reconhecível e coeso.

Maxim Zhestkov


Modules is a VR art experience, where architecture, sculpture, film, and music blend together to immerse viewers into Zhestkov’s world. A total work of art, it is a world that questions the established definitions of our reality. In digital space, we can abandon the logic of reality and are freed from its boundaries. New worlds with total freedom are possible, worlds only limited by our creativity and the potential of art.

QUBIT AI: Marc Lee & Shervin Saremi

Speculative Evolution, Prototype 1

FILE 2024 | Installations
International Electronic Language Festival
Speculative experiment on a future ecosystem under strict control. The narrative takes place in a simulation, 30 years in the future, where artificial intelligence and synthetic biology collaborate to optimize an environment for cultivated species. An AI-powered simulator helps visitors generate new species to balance the ecosystem. Inspiration comes from the book Under the White Sky by Elizabeth Kolbert and artists’ stories about life on a damaged planet.


Marc Lee is a Swiss artist focused on real-time rendered audiovisual installations, AR, VR and mobile applications, critically exploring creative, cultural, social, ecological, political and speculative themes. His work has been exhibited in important museums and new media art spaces. Shervin Saremi is an Iranian musician and audio engineer specializing in sonic computing, procedural sound design and production. Currently researching immersive audio at UdK Berlin.

Heinrich Bulthoff

Cable Robot Simulator
Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Kybernetik

Eight steel cables, each with 1.4 tons of tensions, hold aloft a caged platform with a seat for one person. Using a wireless VR headset, that person can simulate experiences like flight while being zoomed in dozens of different ways. Eight retracting cables connected to a winch pull on the cage. It’s like a giant, flying VR jungle gym.

Unlimited Corridor

Keigo Matsumoto, Yohei Yanase, Takuji Narumi & Yuki Ban
“Unlimited Corridor ” é um sistema de VR que permite a experiência de percorrer um vasto mundo virtual num espaço físico estreito, manipulando a percepção espacial. Esta obra utiliza uma técnica chamada andar visual-háptico redirecionado que utiliza a incerteza da percepção espacial humana e a interação entre visão e senso háptico.


“Unlimited Corridor” is a VR system that allows the experience of traversing the space of a vast narrow physical virtual world, manipulating spatial perception. This work uses a technique called redirected visual-haptic spatial walking that utilizes the uncertainty of human perception and the interaction between vision and haptic sense.

Michaela Pnacekova

A Symphony of Noise
Created by Michaela Pnacekova, Jamie Balliu
Herbert’s everyday sound sources are the inspiration for A Symphony of Noise VR. This interactive virtual reality experience is a journey through four sonic landscapes. The first centers on breathing, which immediately makes you focus on listening to the world differently. This is followed by an arctic environment full of scraping and crunching sounds, and finally a shop interior. Using the controllers or by blowing or singing, you can add sounds to the audio palette, which is visualized as waves and colors in three-dimensional space. In the fourth and final landscape, all the sounds are combined in an ultimate symphony.

Katherine Melancon

Vers un parlement du vivant II
Les plantes et les objets qui constituent l’oeuvre animée ont tous été glanés dans l’aménagement en face de la Maison de la culture, cet été, où l’installation est présentée. Que sont-ils devenus maintenant que l’automne s’est installé? Le sol qui accueille les plantes et les fleurs en train de dépérir fourni ses données de pH à l’installation qui module le rythme de l’animation selon son alcalinité ou son acidité. La nature agit sur sa propre sa représentation, elle a le dernier mot sur l’oeuvre initiée par un humain.