
Stefan Tiefengraber

your unerasable text
“your unerasable text” is an interactive installation, dealing with the topics of data storage and elimination of data. The installation can be placed in an exhibition, but ideally it’s exhibited in a public space window, where it can be used by people passing by 24h a day. The participant is asked to send a textmessage to the number written on a sign next to the installation. “send your unerasable textmessage to +43 664 1788374”. The receiver mobile transfers it to a computer, which is layouting the message automatically. Then it is printed on to a DIN A6 paper, which is falling directly on to a papershredder. There the message remains readable for a few moments and gets destroyed then. The shredded paper forms a visible heap on the floor, which reminds of a generative graphic.


Том Беддард

After his PhD, the world of the “dot-com” internet boom was more appealing than academia, so Tom became a web developer specializing in e-commerce content management systems. For the past ten years Tom has worked at a variety of agencies in Scotland and now currently works at Glasgow based 55 Degrees, which specializes in interactive museum exhibits and video production. Tom considers himself to be a ‘creative coder,’ a techie who also has an appreciation for the aesthetics. His site, subblue.com, is where he writes programs and plugins exploring mathematical and generative graphics. Where possible, these experiments are interactive and have the source-code available for download. The exposure of his site and the Photoshop and After Effects plugins he has released have resulted in the creation of book covers, music videos, and stage visuals.


Struct- Generative Realtime Audio-Visual Environment
The target of “Struct” was to create installation which could make immersive environment inside the space of public event dedicated to the opening of the office of an architectural company UNK Projects. It was planned to make this installation fully autonomic during the several hours as well as there was an idea to hold the public interested and immersed into the space of environment during the all period of time.

The main conception of the installation is to create the second alternative scale inside the internal space of the office. It was realized screen projection for this with the size of 18×4 meters and taken almost whole the length of the interior. The Animated surface was projected as the extension of the super-graphic situated on the facade of office`s building. The external graphic was created by Vladimir Garanin. The first one layer is the super-graphic onto the facade and another one layer is the real-time generative graphic inside the interior. The visual image and algorithmic sound of the whole structure are connected each other and are forming the whole organism.

QUBIT AI: Kelly Luck

Kelly Luck
Strangeland 1 (excerpt)

FILE 2024 | Aesthetic Synthetics
International Electronic Language Festival
Kelly Luck – Strangeland 1 (excerpt) – United States

From a surrealist point of view, the main attraction of generative AI, for the artist, is its lack of memory. At any given moment, she only has the current frame and instructions on how to proceed, similar to free association in dreams. This work is part of a series of long-term environments designed to immerse the viewer in a constantly evolving and never-ending landscape, inviting relaxation and engagement.


As part of the first generation to grow up around computers, Kelly Luck quickly became fascinated with the creative possibilities of this new technology. Her journey has ranged from pixel art and graphic ‘hacks’ to the 90s demoscene, 2D and later 3D graphics, and now the modern tools of digital art. With the emergence of generative AI, it endlessly explores how technology continues to blur the line between imagination and reality.

Jeremy Shaw

Degenerative Imaging (Early Dementia)

This Transition Will Never End, 2008 – ongoing,
Single channel video, silent, currently 19’23”
Jeremy Shaw works in a variety of media to explore altered states and the cultural and scientific practices that aspire to map transcendental experience. Often combining and amplifying strategies from the realms of conceptual art, ethnographic film, music video, mystical and scientific research, Shaw proposes a post-documentary space in which disparate ideals, belief-systems and narration are put into crisis.

Kyle & Liz Von Hasseln

Phantom Geometry
“We are developing a system of moving streaming information through space, in the form of light, to generate material form. This system is a full-scale, generative fabrication process that is innately non-linear, is interruptible and corruptible at any time, and does not rely on periodic flattening to 2D. Light is the medium for data in our system. There resident data can be drawn through physical space, at full scale, to generate a photographic artifact, or to instantiate material form through the selective polymerization of proximal photo-responsive resin. This thesis, then, begins to investigate a design paradigm centered on the material reification of light. That paradigm questions the supremacy of the digital model, and the static flattening and stacking logics inherent to typical fabrication workflows. It is part of a conversation about representation, about the role of the designer, and about the way we make.”

Daniel Canogar

Loom showcases abstract animations developed with data from real-time Google Trends. Popular queries appear momentarily as overlaid text before dissolving into a smoky abstraction. These terms are approached with an accidental lyricism —each word appears and disappears in a trail of saturation. Colors within the animation are determined by the prevalence of a specific topic; the more viral the search is online, the warmer the tones become. Stripped from headlines, graphic imagery, and statistics, each phrase inspires a contemplative experience, a chance for the viewer to ruminate on what is streaming through the collective consciousness at any given time. Loom weaves a social fabric, mixing the transcendental with the banal, to present the spirit of our time in generative motion.

jon mccormack

Fifty Sisters, Series of fifty evolved digital plant images
Fifty Sisters is comprised of fifty 1m x 1m images of computer synthesised plant-forms, algorithmically “grown” from computer code using artificial evolution and generative grammars. Each plant-like form is derived from the primitive graphic elements of oil company logos.

Ameen Ul Insan

The Flat Arc
​Intent: Experimenting artistic freedom on data, a road to explore possibilities of telling abstract yet emotional stories not with literature but visuals corresponding to datasets. Method: Generative visual parameters based on World Urbanization Prospects data are governed by real time image/video synthesis, with the help of graphic manipulative software platforms and creative coding.



Holger Lippmann describes a part of his work as digital painting. What distinguishes digital painting from traditional painting on canvas or paper? We need to distinguish between two categories of digital painting. The first includes works created on the computer with ready-made graphic tools like virtual paint brushes or pens, in something like the way that non-digital pictures are created on paper or canvas. David Hockney’s painting of a sunflower on an i-pad is an example of this. The second category includes works using computer generation, in which programs coded by the artist continually produce new aesthetic concepts as images or animations. Every execution of the software creates new works within the pre-defined boundaries of the system. This process can be called generative painting.

Cyrill Studer

Baby Behold
band Carvel

Hi, my name is Cyrill and I’m a visual designer from Basel, Switzerland. I could also say ‹graphic designer›, but I guess that wouldn’t cover it. Don’t get me wrong, I love graphic design. But I see it as a foundation on which all my projects are built. I want to transform the quality of good graphic design into the medias of our time. Be it generative design, live visuals, projection mapping, film or interactive installations of any kind. Or good ol’ print media after all.