


Petra Cortright est une artiste Internet qui réalise des vidéos, des animations gif et des images fixes. Sa page d’accueil ressemble à une page html datée avec un tas de smileys et une liste de son travail: travail authentique, expérimental et nostalgique avec beaucoup de paillettes, d’étincelles, de collages et de personnages faisant des images. Tout au long du site Web, il y a des animations de souris amusantes, par exemple des étincelles qui suivent votre pointeur lorsque vous vous déplacez sur l’écran. Une autre chose intéressante est un cadre qui est attaché à votre pointeur afin que vous puissiez placer le cadre sur un portrait. Cortright a étudié à la Parsons School of Design de New York et au California College of the Arts de San Francisco. Aujourd’hui, elle vit et travaille en Californie. Elle a exposé à l’international dans des galeries telles que Gloria Maria Gallery (Milan) et Spencer Brownston (New York) entre autres. Récemment, Cortright a exposé avec sa série SO WET à la Preteen Gallery de Mexico.

Sydney Sie

Сидни Си
Gradient Colors and Female Forms

Sydney Sie es una diseñadora gráfica y fotógrafa originaria de Taiwan. Aunque también ilustra y anima, lo que más me llamó la atención de su portafolio fueron sus fotografías, pues están llenas de gradientes de colores pasteles que les dan un toque ultra femenino (sin estar lleno de glitter y corazoncitos), y que a la vez están cargadas de misterio y surrealismo. Crea atmósferas e ilusiones ópticas mediante espejos y figuras geométricas que cortan y hacen contraste con las figuras suaves y femeninas.

Mandy Greer

Мэнди Грир
Dare alla Luce

“The immensity of the installations push my own body’s endurance, as I grind up piles upon piles of thriftstore flotsam and jetsam, a remaking into the image of revamped mythological story, amped up on glitter and beads. I wade through fairy tales, archetypes, mythology, allegory and folk tales looking for moments that coincide with my own experience of everyday life, where animals perform us. These narratives are, after all, the ordinary human dramas that perpetually reoccur, until they become mythos.”


ألين جونز
앨런 존스
Аллен Джонс
אלן ג’ונס
kate moss in bronze glitter


Урс Фишер
nomadic art tent
The nomadic sculpture that Urs Fischer created for Station to Station is something of a steamy interior dreamscape, a glittery, shimmering vision that hypnotizes with lights and textures that both welcome and disorient. In the center of the piece is a plush Hasten’s bed on which viewers lie surrounded on all sides by mirrors and cloud-like smoke. A disco ball rotates above. Is this a place for disco naps? Or is it a glamorous fantasy of decadence and visual riches? Spend some time, look at yourself in the many reflective surfaces, and feel the bedding against your skin and decide for yourself. Dreamy as it is, this space is grounded in the real world and governed by the laws of physics. This place seems like a fantasy, but it is entirely real. As one critic noted of an earlier Fischer work:In a world increasingly defined by virtual realities and digital imaging, is the creative mastery of hand manufacture merely a quaint artistic throwback — nostalgia for a lost cultural past? Is this sculpture a memorial? Given today’s ubiquitous special effects wizardry, shouldn’t art clasp technology to its bosom? There’s nothing virtual about the softness of the bed, nothing digital about the gleam of those lights or the mist surrounding you. Take off your shoes. Climb inside. This is real life.


kaleidoscopic crystal floor
dutch artist suzan drummen’s large-scale floor installations are mesmerizing and complex circular patterns made out of mirrors and brightly colored glass. the fractal-like arrangements feature ornate and elaborate circles growing exponentially out of each other and vibrant rings of spiraling colors winding into the surface of the floor. they are composed of crystals, chromed metal, precious stones, mirrors and optical glass. a sensory experience, and visually stimulating, the glittering installations play with the architecture of the space — climbing up walls and sweeping across the surfaces — examining the idea of illusion and optical effects.